Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1322 two bandits

He didn't want to stay at home.

The backyard has opened a dojo. There is always a voice of chanting sutras. It is distant and open, which can hook up people's inner pity.

He doesn't need this kind of thing.

He promised to help Gu Qingzhou, so he walked out quickly.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun followed him.

Cheng Yu's eyes were red and wet with tears. There was no common dislike. When she looked at Si Xingfu, she felt a little pity.

"Why?" Si Xingfu got goose bumps and stared at Cheng Yu's soft appearance.

But Cheng Yu did not stop, instead, he was full of tears: "where are you going? Take me with you. "

"I'm going to kill people and cross the border." Si Xingfu road.

He is not in a good mood. He doesn't want to deal with Cheng Yu. He has to go.

Cheng Yu pulls him: "take me, I want to share the spoils with you."

Zhuo Xiaoyun: "...

this dialogue is so familiar that Zhuo Xiaoyun always thinks that he has returned to his childhood.

But these two goods, pulling, seem to want to do a lot of big.

"All right." He didn't know which tendon he was. He didn't shake Cheng Yu's hand and comforted her. "Don't cry, girls are chirping."

Cheng Yu: "...

Zhuo Xiaoyun:"...

so, Si Xingfu took two attendants to ye dujun's mansion.

He placed the two men in the gatehouse and asked the adjutant to inform Ye Shan to come out to entertain him. He went to the study of Ye dujun himself.

In the study of Ye dujun, Si Xingfu put forward an idea.

This idea was immediately opposed by governor ye: "isn't this nonsense? If you do things like this, what else can you do? "

"I'll arrange it. It's not hard for you to keep it," said the secretary

Ye dujun frowned: "you bastard, I'm the governor of Shanxi. What's the style of playing around with you?"

It's a rush.

Si Xingfu has never heard of governor Ye's claim.

He thought for a moment and said: "otherwise, let one of your teachers follow. Naturally, I have a way to cover up the governor's office. "

Governor Ye wants to scold him again.

This man is so bad that governor Ye wants to move out of the big laws and regulations and teach him to behave himself.

However, he also thought that the commander-in-chief in Nanjing, who had been calling for decades, had no effect. How could he teach a bastard into a good man who obeyed the law in three words and two sentences?

He pondered for a long time.

"I don't agree. You'll do it in private, will you?" It's very rational for governor ye to speak again.

The Secretary nodded.

"How sure are you?" he asked

"Three points."

Governor Ye is angry again.

When he was sure of it, he would dare to defy the law. It was lawless.

"Si Xingfu!" He snapped the name of Si Xingfu. "Don't blame me for beating you out! Why don't you learn from her? "

The Secretary didn't answer.

"You are not as good as her?" he asked

Si Xingfu felt that no one in the world dared to claim to be better than Gu Qingzhou, including him and ye dujun.

He is not inferior, but does not want to.

Gu Qingzhou has said that if the murderer is not found, she will not bury Siya. She will find out before the funeral.

However, Si Xingfu did not like the sound of the dojo at home. The voice is similar to the talisman. It always pesters Si Xingfu and makes him uncomfortable.

How many ghosts have he seen in the battlefield?

"The plan of the light boat is firm and accurate, but slow." "I ask for speed, so there is no stability and accuracy, only to ensure ruthlessness and speed."

Governor Ye gave him an angry look.

He was very clear in his mind that Si Xingfu, a kind of idiot, came to tell him this speech today, not to ask him, but to inform him.

No matter whether he agrees or not, this plan of Si Xingfu has been completed, and the next step is to implement it.

Governor Ye calmed himself down.

He thought for about five minutes and said, "you make an accident and let my chief of staff be present. If the accident goes well, I will push the boat along with the current. "

Si Xingfu smiles.

His deep eyes, smile is very strong: "thank you, man."

Ye Dujun spat at him: "no big, no small."

Although scolding, ye dujun is in a good mood. Si Xingqi is best at flattering him. He can get ideas every time and coax ye dujun into submission.

Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou are good at heart attack.

With the approval of the governor ye, Si Xingfu left the governor's office and called Zhuo Xiaoyun and Cheng Yu on his way.

"Home?" Cheng Yu doesn't understand and asks the Secretary, "have you finished everything?"

"No." "If you don't go home, let's go to a place," said Si

Cheng Yu wants to ask.

She was afraid that Si xingxu would drive her and Zhuo Xiaoyun away, and forced herself to hold back her mouth debt. She was speechless. With full of questions, she arrived at the destination with Si Xingfu.

Cheng Yu's face changed when the car stopped.

"What are you doing here?" Cheng Yu looks at the gate not far away, the high plaque stabs her eyes, and her slightly sad cheek floats the hatred of the bone.

Zhuo Xiaoyun did not understand. He rolled down the window and looked out.

He saw the word "Jin Fu".

"The Jin family?" Zhuo Xiaoyun made a turn in his heart and silently shrank his head back.

"Get down to business." As sixingqi said, he planned to get off the bus. "Just in time, you are familiar here. I think at the beginning..."

Cheng Yu immediately interrupted him: "I'm not familiar. Get off yourself. We won't go."

Regardless of her interruptions, Si Xingfu turned to Zhuo Xiaoyun in the back seat and said, "when the boat broke down, Miss Cheng hypnotized me and pretended that I was her fiance. We settled down in Taiyuan and lived in the Jin family.

However, the miss of the Jin family also likes me. She kills Miss Cheng in pain and saves her by boat. So she said she didn't know it here, but she did. "

Cheng Yu's face was purple, and he gnashed his teeth: "I thank you for explaining so clearly, otherwise others would not know!"

Zhuo Xiaoyun: "...

Si Xingfu and Cheng Yu are not good for a while, and they are going to fight with each other.

Zhuo Xiaoyun almost knows about Cheng Yu's past, including her friendship with the two members of Si Xingqi.

He looked at Cheng Yu, who was angry with embarrassment, and knew that she was nervous about him, so it was not appropriate to be sweet.

He took her hand: "don't be afraid, I'll accompany you in. Besides, I know that if the division doesn't talk about it. "

Cheng yuhen can't slap himself.

Men hate it. Cheng Yu misses Gu Qingzhou very much in this moment.

Gu Qingzhou has never been so angry with her.

"I'm not afraid. I just don't like this place." Cheng Yudao.

Seeing this, Zhuo Xiaoyun asked, "can you still hypnotism?"

Cheng Yu's expression tightened, as if there were some secrets that had been broken. She pushed the door open, went down first, and left Zhuo Xiaoyun's problem in the car, pretending not to hear.

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