Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1323 dark tide

Si Xingfu suddenly stepped on the door and scared Mrs. Jin and Jin Qianyang.

Especially Jin Qianyang.

"What does he come to do?" Mrs. king was full of doubts and then looked at her son.

Jin Qianyang was stabbed in the back by the sight.

"Mom, I haven't done anything lately." Jin Qianyang explains in a hurry.

Every time something happens, Mrs. King doubts her children first.

I don't know if she loves her children too much, worries about gain and loss, or doesn't trust her son too much.

"Don't go out, I'll see him." Kim is too cold and quiet.

She asked the servant to ask the manager to go to the reception hall.

After changing clothes, Mrs. king came out to see Si Xingfu.

Zhuo Xiaoyun heard of her, but he saw her for the first time. But seeing this lady decorated with gold and silver, wealth and power are not vulgar at all.

Her dress collocation, appropriate luxury, not too much, not simple.

She gave birth to a slightly western people's face, with deep facial features and deep eye sockets, which made her look particularly attractive.

"This woman is not simple." Zhuo Xiaoyun commented in his heart.

Mrs. Jin's eyes also lingered on Zhuo Xiaoyun for a short time, and then looked to Si Xingfu and Cheng Yu.

She said with a smile: "rare guest, I didn't expect that there was a big Buddha in the small temple of Jin family. Division division division seat, Miss Cheng, you originally lived in the gold family, have much to be treated badly

In this sentence, words and sentences are full of accusations. It seems that Cheng Yu and Si Xingfu are ungrateful.

Mrs. king only said the beginning and the end. Sheng Sheng covered her children's care of the boat and Cheng Yu's death several times, as if they had failed her.

Cheng Yu was in a bad mood. After hearing this, he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

But his face did not change, and his expression was calm: "Mrs. king is too modest. At the beginning, it was really thanks to the Jin family entertainment that the house of Taiyuan was occupied. It's very impolite not to thank you. "

Mrs. king was taken aback by him.

If she contradicts or is annoyed, she can understand it, and then she gives up the guests.

I can't imagine that Si Xingfu, like her, pretends to lose her memory and wipes off her past gratitude and hatred.

"I've brought some good wine from Yuecheng. I'd like to invite you to have a taste. How would you like to have a meal tomorrow afternoon? " "I also want to thank you for the boat," said Si Xingfu

Mrs. King's heart leaped.

Is this related to Gu Qingzhou?

What the hell are they doing?

Mrs. King quickly thought about the intention of this move.

She was silent for a long time, and Si Xingfu pointed to Cheng Yu: "Mrs. Jin, I am sincere. This is not, I and Miss Cheng and her fiance come together to invite, just want to resolve the past Festival

Mrs. King's anger almost exploded.

Several lives of the Jin family, he simply "Festival" two words, want to write off?

How could it be so cheap?

Kim's child, is life so worthless?

Mrs. King's hand, clenched it hard.

In broad daylight, Mrs. Hirano is in town again. Mrs. Jin doesn't believe that Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou dare to take her.

"Why doesn't Mrs. Si come?" Asked Mrs King.

"A servant died at home," said the secretary. She has a lot of feelings with the servant, and is in charge of the funeral at home. "

"Oh..." Mrs. king didn't know about it. She asked, "what servant?"

"A little girl." "Small things," said the secretary

Mrs. king didn't care.

Si Xingfu said again: "Mrs. Jin, do you mind if I invite other friends for this banquet? All acquaintances. "

"Who is it?"

"The aunts of the Kang family are sure to arrive, as well as the four masters of the Wang family." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Mrs. king knew that they were going to play tricks again.

Her eyes turned a little and her heart began to chill.

"It's not bad to get together with your east wind." Said Mrs King.

She agreed.

Then she was very interested in Zhuo Xiaoyun and asked, "this is...

" his surname is Zhuo, and he is Miss Cheng's fiance. " Si Xingfu road.

In Mrs. King's deep and astute eyes, she immediately smiled: "Oh, Miss Cheng is more diligent in changing her fiance than in changing her clothes. Last time I saw Mr. Gao Qiao, I thought that the division teacher seat was her fiance, and I didn't want to......

she deliberately provoked discord.

Zhuo Xiaoyun knew that Mrs. Jin didn't like Cheng Yu.

Zhuo Xiaoyun, who used to appreciate her luxury, now looks at this woman, only feeling vulgar and even a little disgusting.

"A Yu comes from a noble family, just like the most precious treasure, which naturally attracts people around her." Zhuo Xiaoyun's face was expressionless. "Only people like us who have status and status can be qualified to accompany Ayu."

Mrs. king was half dead with anger.

Her provocation didn't work. Instead, Zhuo Xiaoyun ridiculed the Jin family for failing to get close to Cheng Yu.

How could it be!

Cheng Yu finally showed a light smile.

Coming out of the Jin family, Cheng Yu asked Si Xingkai, "what do you want?"

"Catch the murderer." He is concise and comprehensive.

"By eating?" Cheng Yu only felt that he was ridiculous. "Si Xingfu, can you be serious? It's a big deal. "

Si Xingfu didn't care to explain to her.

As soon as he stepped on the gas, the car left the Kim's house and went straight back to their own.

He put Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun down and said to Zhuo Xiaoyun, "take her back. She's got three hundred ducks on her own. I've got a headache at the moment. "

Cheng Yu: "...

the car of Si Xingfu is going away.

Cheng Yu turns around and enters the inner courtyard. He goes to sue Gu Qingzhou and says that Si Xingfu doesn't know what to say.

"He has no rules and regulations, and he has no idea. He just bumps around. He treats people everywhere. Is he going to ask the aristocratic family of Taiyuan mansion to help him find out the murderer together? " Cheng Yu never stops breathing.

Gu Qingzhou poured her a cup of tea.

"Take your time, don't worry." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu sighed.

All of a sudden she didn't want to say it.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Cheng Yu suddenly asked Gu Qingzhou, "Qingzhou, if we can't find the murderer, how can we explain to Siya?"

Gu Qingzhou's fingers, suddenly a tight, hard to hold the tea.

Cheng Yu continued, "I'm scared. Once you close your eyes, you will think of Siya. If I can't give her justice, I probably can't sleep well for the rest of my life. "

"Me too." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu said: "it's not the same as the company. Gu Qingzhou, you'd better check it yourself. I'm afraid that he's afraid of scaring others. "

Gu Qingzhou raises his eyes and looks at Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu did not understand.

Gu Qingzhou said: "if I can do something, Si Xingfu will do it. You can rest assured that he will do better and faster. "

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes: "why do you always protect him? What's the use of him but to be mad and to be sloppy? "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

Zhuo Xiaoyun pulled Cheng Yu away again. He felt that Cheng Yu's friends were all great, because he had to forgive Cheng Yu eight hundred times every moment to continue to communicate with her.

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