Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1324 tracking

Jin Qianyang sat alone in the room and thought a lot.

He thought about his recent whereabouts over and over again.

He decided that he had left no flaws.

I can't imagine, but the phone rings.

"What?" The moment he received the call, his mind was buzzing, like a cold wave in his heart, which closed his body and mind instantly.

He's a little out of breath.

"Impossible." He gnawed his teeth.

The person at the other end of the phone said, "would you like to see it yourself?"

"Are you not sure?" Jin Qianyang said angrily, "do I need to see it myself? Get rid of it. "

The man muttered something more.

Jin Qianyang seems to have been convinced by him, scolded "rubbish" and hung up the phone severely.

He picked up his coat and went to the garage.

The driver asked politely, "do you want to go out?"

Jinqianyang's face was not good, and he waved: "you don't need to drive. Give me the key."

The driver said yes.

Jin Qianyang rushed all the way to a dirty little place in the city.

He stopped the car at a distance and walked across the street. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he chose a small alley.

Such a small alley, in the early summer season, sends out a variety of breath of life, which makes the well-being of JINDA little unbearable.

As he pinched his nose, he quickly walked deeper through the eaves with clothes and even diapers.

At this time, he felt that someone was following him and turned back suddenly.

No one, just a little dog, just looking at him, trying to get close to him.

Jin Qianyang's face was full of disgust. He kicked the dog and kicked it to the wall. He snorted and didn't get up for a long time.

"Dirty." He said in a low voice.

When he went back, something touched his skin on the side of his neck.

After a slight sting, cold liquid was injected into his blood vessels.

Jin Qianyang yells bad in his heart. He wants to struggle, but his eyelids weigh a thousand pounds in a moment.

In his sight, there were only the messy houses, the dripping clothes under the eaves, and a tall man bending down to pick up the little dirty dog he had kicked away.

Before he fell into a coma, he tried to see the man's face clearly, but the other side never turned around.

After a long time, Jin Qianyang woke up.

He felt the heat, it was as hot as a fire, sweat had already soaked him.

Jinqianyang's line of sight was blurred by the rolling sweat.

He wanted to move, but found it hard to move. His limbs were tied to the post.

Si Xingfu ran all day and invited all the people who could be invited.

He set up a private room in Yanhui building.

Yajian is facing the stage downstairs. By chance, there will be several singing girls playing sad songs and decorating the style of the restaurant.

Si Xingfu booked the elegant room and contracted the stage.

"I'll take that." He said to the boss, "don't entertain other guests tomorrow."

The boss was a bit embarrassed: "here... There are several elegant rooms that have been ordered in advance. Moreover......

besides, if the person who has booked the elegant room is rich or expensive, the boss dare not agree.

Si Xingfu was wearing a dark gray hat. At the moment, he raised the brim a little. His eyes showed up. He looked at the boss with a smile like a smile: "it's said that ye ordered it. If the other party doesn't understand, you call me and I'll call in person to ask. "

The boss dare not provoke him.

Si Xingfu didn't wear a military uniform or carry a gun today, but he has a strange temperament. It's like he's used to killing or taking things. It's frightening.

In this way, he successfully booked the restaurant he wanted.

After returning home, the dojiao ceremony in the backyard is over. The dog is keeping vigil for Siya. There is only a faint sandalwood smell in the air.

"How is it?" "Is it warmer?" he asked Gu

"I'm much better." Gu Qingzhou road.

She also asked Si xingxu how he was doing.

"Tomorrow morning, there may be results." "I don't know yet," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou rubbed his temples.

"Is it very tired?" he asked

"Not very tired, but a little sad." "I can't sleep," Gu said

She hasn't slept well these days.

Instead of dreaming, she was in a state of inexplicable tension, which made her lie down for a moment and wake herself up. Before she woke up, she was not haunted by nightmares.

She is as uneasy as Cheng Yu.

The heart is restless, the soul is hard to keep, the sleep is very shallow. Gu Qingzhou is a skilled doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. She is very clear about her problems, but she can't solve them.

Because no medicine can make her heart steady.

Si Xingfu sees it and reaches for her.

Circle his wife in his arms, and Si Xingfu gently kisses her hair: "the dust will be settled tomorrow, believe me."

"I believe it." Gu Qingzhou said, "since I married you, I trust you and give you all my back.". Thank you, too. "

Si Xingfu flicked on her forehead: "I've learned meat and hemp. Who taught you?"

Gu Qingzhou: "...

GU Qingzhou, who is deeply affected, feels his forehead and the teacher's self humility. Meat and hemp in him, but is easy to pick up, where still need to take care of the light boat specially to learn?

"Sleep for a while." Si Xingfu road.

Then he put his hand over the eyes of Gu Qingzhou and blocked the light for her.

They didn't go back to the room, but they were on the sofa in the living room, huddled in their husband's arms.

She fell asleep.

This time, instead of waking up half way, she fell asleep to more than five in the morning.

The phone woke her up.

When she suddenly woke up, her heart rate increased, which showed that she had a deep and stable sleep before.

Si Xingfu woke up earlier than her.

He gently touched her hair: "you sleep a little longer, I'll pick it up."

It's the voice of the adjutant on the phone.

"Division seat, it's done. Jin Qianyang has recruited all of them." The deputy said, "he strangled Siya with his own hands."

Gu Qingzhou heard this sentence clearly from the phone in the quiet and cool morning.

She shivered.

"Call me." She said to the secretary.

Si Xingfu said to the deputy, "explain to your wife again."

Before the adjutant could say yes, the phone came to Gu Qingzhou.

The sound of Gu Qingzhou is like the sound of cold night water: "you start from the beginning."

The deputy said that he told Gu Qingzhou about their overnight trial of Jin Qianyang.

Gu Qingzhou holds the phone tightly.

Her eyes were as cold as ice: "I see. Don't make mistakes. "

Adjutant: "don't worry, madam."

From the early morning to the early morning, it's hard for me to take care of the light boat.

She was almost counting seconds, next to next.

Around ten o'clock, Gu went to Siya's Lingtang and gave her a piece of incense.

"Four ya, today I can ask for a justice for you. Tomorrow I will bury you. You'll be safe in the land. Go to the birth earlier." Gu Qingzhou murmured. Then she turned and went out.

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