Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1325 coming out on your own

Mrs. King arrived at Yan's apartment at half past eleven on time.

The gate is quiet.

She had expectations in her mind, but she was not surprised. She just looked quietly.

I'm sure the manager will play a trick.

If he treats normally, it's strange. Since it's a joke, Mrs. king wants to see what kind of moth he can make.

Today, she wore a bright yellow cheongsam, a white cashmere shawl, two gold bracelets on her wrist and gold studs on her ears.

She is still rich and powerful in general, and she is still so extravagant but not vulgar.

Yan Huilou's boss met her and said, "Mrs. king, why don't you call in advance? It's not a coincidence today... "

" I know that I'm a guest of the division seat. " Mrs. King interrupted him lightly.

It's probably that all the qualities or costumes are related to the beautiful appearance.

When a woman's body and face are all exquisite, she has a unique temperament in criticizing red and green, just like Mrs. king.

The boss thought back and said with a smile: "the distinguished guest mentioned by the division seat is you. Please, please. "

Just then, another car stopped at the door.

A man and a woman came down from the car.

The man looks thirty years old. He is wearing a straight suit and tall. He is Wang Youchuan.

He was accompanied by his wife, Qin Sha.

The husband and wife, who are about fifty years old, are like thirty or so. They are well maintained and almost become good stories.

"Mrs. king, long time no see." Qin Sha smiled and said hello to Mrs. Jin.

Mrs. Jin's cold attitude was a little restrained, and she came forward to greet Qin Sha.

"... it looks very good recently. Do you have any good maintenance products?" Asked Mrs King.

"Just some bird's nests." Qin Sha said, "the bird's nest can't be broken. Once it's broken, I'll get wrinkles."

The two women talked about maintenance endlessly.

Qin Sha, in particular, talks so much that others can't get in.

The boss wants to invite them to Yajian, sit down and chat slowly. Then he thinks that there are no other guests today. What are they doing to disturb them?

After about five minutes of talking, someone came in again.

At the sight of the man, the boss's legs softened.

"General staff." The boss rushed out, sweating.

This is the general staff of the military government, the second leader of the Shanxi military government, and the close friend of governor Ye.

A few days ago, he booked Yajian.

Yesterday, the boss called to tell him that he was going to return to Yajian. No one answered.

The boss went to his house and his family said he was out of town.

The general staff's wife was very good at talking, smiled and comforted the boss: "it's OK. I'll tell him when he comes back. Since there are other arrangements in the tavern, you should arrange first. We are not in a hurry. "

I don't think so. The general staff probably didn't go home today. After coming back from outside the city, he came directly.

He was with his guests.

"Chief of staff, this..." the boss's teeth trembled and his face turned white, but he felt that this matter could not be improved, "the division division division seat said, and the governor agreed."

Next to the chief of staff are several generals.

They had just come back from the patrol. They were all displeased when they heard this.

"What do you mean?" A brigadier asked, "this is Taiyuan mansion. Who is going to cover the sky? Is that not the case with the overseers? "

The boss's face was paler.

Wang Youchuan and Mrs. Jin saw these people at the same time.

Qin Sha asked Wang Youchuan in a low voice, "what's the matter? Wang Youchuan hissed: "I don't know, don't ask."

But Mrs. king heard it clearly. She smiled a little coldly and knew the plan of Si Xingfu.

So, Mrs. Jin and Qin Sha said excuse me and went to the door.

She said hello to the general staff and said to the boss, "has the general staff decided Yajian long ago?"

The boss was already sweating: "yes, yes."

"Come in, then. I don't think there are any guests today." Mrs. king said, "I was invited by the division master yesterday, but for me, I am a distinguished guest.

I just don't want to disturb the distinguished guests. I don't mind, and I'm sure the division will not mind. Now that you have booked Yajian, do you want the general staff and the officers to go to the tavern hungry? "

The boss looked at this and then that.

"If the teacher asks, you ask him to come to me." "Everyone heard," said Mrs. king. "Let him blame me. It's none of your business."

The general staff's expression eased a little.

He hesitated: "since it's the feast of the division seat, it's not easy for us to sweep away his elegance."

Mrs. king just wanted to find some unhappiness for the manager, so she said, "no disappointment."

The general staff was followed by several generals.

It's not true that he was driven out of the restaurant with such an identity.

Mrs. king was sure that he would agree, so she kept it.

Sure enough, the chief of staff said with a smile, "then I will take advantage of the situation of the division seat to have a clean meal."

The boss hurriedly led them into the door and arranged them next to the elegant seat reserved by the manager.

At the same time, the boss asked the chef to prepare some more ingredients.

After settling in, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou finally arrived.

With them came Kangzhi, the great aunt of the kangs.

The boss was afraid that the chief culprit would be confused. He told the general staff about the matter before the chief executive entered the elegant room. By the way, he put the responsibility on Mrs. Jin.

Si Xingfu's eyes sank.

The boss was so frightened.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile: "there are many people. The meal money of the general staff's table will be recorded in our account and the best food and wine will be served to them. "

The boss sighed in secret.

The secretary was speechless.

After going upstairs, Mrs. king saw the two of them first. She had already seen the unhappiness of Si Xingfu, and her lips were slightly cocked.

"I've heard that the general staff is here too. I'll go and say hello." He said.

He took Gu Qingzhou to Yajian next door.

The general staff seemed unhappy, and the general manager's appearance was not to be dealt with.

The two men falsely dealt with a few words, and the other generals nearby were frightened to see that they were afraid of quarreling.

Everyone had their own thoughts, so that no one could see it. When the chief executive was about to leave, he gave the general staff a wink, and the general staff picked his eyebrows slightly, indicating that the chief executive was at ease.

After greeting, he went back to his elegant room.

When the guests arrived, everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was warm.

"We haven't been together for a long time," said Kangzhi, smiling to Mrs. king. "You are still so young. It's enviable."

When Mrs. king heard this, she was very upset.

Kangzhi scolds her for being old. She can still hear it.

Just about to contradict, the boy began to serve.

The table was full of dishes, and they were hot. Gu Qingzhou gave you a toast first, completely interrupting Mrs. King's words.

After three rounds of wine, Mrs. king asked sixingfu, "Sir, you are very busy today, not just for the treat?"

"Of course not. I'd like to invite you to the theatre." Si Xingfu road.

Then he whistled cleanly.

Downstairs, there was a woman holding a lute, sitting behind the screen.

In front of the screen, there are two big stoves.

In the stove, the carbon is burning hot.

The weather at the end of April doesn't need such a fire. Everyone is puzzled.

I saw a man stumble onto the stage.

It is Jin Qianyang. Mrs. King's heart was so shocked that she suddenly turned to ask the Secretary, "what does this mean?"

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