Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1326 self recruitment

What's the meaning of this?

Si Xingqi didn't open his mouth, but Gu Qingzhou slowly picked up the cup filled with white porcelain and sipped the wine.

She opened her mouth and said with a faint smell of wine in her voice: "Mrs. king, didn't you see that your son was on the stage by himself?"

Mrs. King's pupils contracted suddenly.

The thought in her mind was all clear when she stumbled: Si xingxu wanted to deal with Jin Qianyang in such a big battle.

Mrs. king sent someone to inquire yesterday. A servant died near Gu Qingzhou. She also set up a hall for the servant.

However, the servant should have nothing to do with Jin Qianyang.

Mrs. king sent to inquire that the servant was young and not good-looking, and had never been with him.

After listening to those words, Mrs. king was a little relieved.

Jin Qianyang is big. She has her own yard, wife and children. Mrs. Jin doesn't put her son in front of her all day long.

Last night, Jin Qianyang didn't come back. The little grandma of the Jin family was used to it and wouldn't send someone to tell Mrs. Jin.

Mrs. Jin did not know that he was not home at night, and she was nervous about the small movements of Si Xingfu. Her mind was all about dealing with Si Xingfu and taking care of the light boat. She did not expect Jin Qianyang at all.

I don't think so. Now I see him here.

Mrs. King's worst feeling came true.

Her blood was almost retrograde, which made her shiver involuntarily.

Mrs. king thought again, "that chief of staff..."

would the chief of staff in the governor's office make such a big mistake?

He must have colluded with the manager.

And Mrs. king, who was clever enough to help the manager, let the general staff in.

She pinched her fingers so loudly that her nails almost pierced the palm.

"Mrs. king, what are you doing?" Qin Sha is curious and looks at the man below.

Jin Qianyang had no scars, but he was sweaty from his clothes to his hair.

"So hot?" Kangzhi also looked over. "Why do you make a fire? I see the young master sweating all the time. "

Mrs. king stood up.

She wants to go down and pull her son away, no matter what the trick is.

Unexpectedly, the adjutant standing at the door blocked her way.

"Be bold, get out of my way!" Mrs. King drank hard and raised her hand to hit the adjutant.

The adjutant had already noticed that she was blocking her wrist.

"Mrs. king, please take care of yourself." The adjutant said coldly.

Self weight?

Mrs. King sneered.

At this time, she heard a slight Pipa sound on the stage downstairs, and her son shouted: "mother!"

Mrs. King's heart, heart and lungs almost all trembled to crack.

Her knees barely support her.

"Niang, son has a few words, want to tell you." Jin Qianyang said loudly.

His voice was shaking all the time.

Like his body, his voice was damp and sweaty.

Mrs. king could not go out, so she had to turn back and walk to the window.

Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu and others all left the table, stood at the window and looked down. They also gave Mrs. Jin a place.

Mrs. King appeared at the window and saw her son, sweating like he had been washed, shaking all over, even crying: "mother, son repents."

At this moment, Mrs. king, who can't get off, has to shout out: "Qianyang, stop for me and go home quickly! Let's go. "

But Jin Qianyang looked aside.

There is no one nearby, or in the eyes of Mrs. king and others, no one can be seen.

Jin Qianyang shook his head in pain, with tears on his face: "Niang, I want to repent. Listen to my repentance."

Mrs. king shouted so loudly that he could not hear any more.

He began to repeat his crime like a mental illness: "I sent someone to follow Li Xian and then drove him to death."

Li was the son of several mayors of Taiyuan. He was the same age as Jin Qianyang. He was better than Jin Qianyang when he studied together.

Then the child died in a car accident.

The accident was done by Jin Qianyang. At that time, governor Ye was outside. The police department checked the matter for a period of time and didn't find out.

Jin Qianyang said, "I sent someone to burn Cui's factory and 50 workers."


"I killed Jiang Fan's family."


"I strangled Siya. She saw Kang Nuan and me. I wanted to kidnap Kang Nuan and she broke it. I'm afraid she'll go out and secretly send someone to follow her.

She didn't know anything, but I was afraid that she would lie and strangle her and throw her in the river. " Jin Qianyang has lost his footing here.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

They never thought that young master Jin had done so many evil things.

Li Xian's story has been heard by people in Taiyuan; Cui's factory caught fire, killing 50 people and burning more than 100 people, which is also big news; Jiang Fan's family was killed, including a five-year-old daughter and a one-and-a-half-year-old son.

These are all big cases, but there is no clue. It looks like an accident in the end.

Only Siya, the people here don't know who she is.

Gu Qingzhou's body trembled a little.

"No, it's not. It's a show off. It's a frame up!" Mrs. King's voice was sharp and sharp.

She rushed out again, trying to hold Jin Qianyang.

She knew it wasn't true.

Because the Cui family's business was done by Jin Qianhong. At that time, Mrs. Jin helped her daughter.

As for Jiang Fan's family, Mrs. Jin doesn't know who the murderer is, but it's not Jin Qianyang.

The only real crime of Jin Qianyang is that of Li Xian. Mrs. Jin knows it.

As for Siya...

was it planted by Si Xingfu to Jin Qianyang?

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Mrs. king is mad.

The adjutant saw the look that Si Xingfu handed over. This time, he didn't stop Mrs. Jin any more. She was allowed to rush down.

She rushed to the stage.

It was hot on the stage, and the fire leaped like purgatory.

At the foot of Jin Qianyang, he was soaked in sweat.

Mrs. King hugged her son.

Jin Qianyang half knelt down and cried: "mother, son repent, I'm wrong, I confess!"

"No, no!" Mrs. king said loudly, her voice was all gone, sharp and sharp. "It's not you. Did the manager beat you?"

She reached for her son's face and back.

No wounds.

Jin Qianyang did not have half a wound. He stood on the stage completely.

He didn't have any trauma, but his spirit seemed to break down.

He kept shaking and saying, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't have killed."

Mrs. king did not know where her strength came from. She helped up her son who was much taller than her: "let's go home."

As soon as they got off the stage, they were stopped by the officers present in the junta.

The chief of staff said: "Mrs. king, your son's words are related to the murder case. They need to be submitted to the police department for review.". You can't go anywhere until you find out! "

"This is a false accusation." Cried Mrs. king.

"Who framed him?" sighed the chief of staff

Then he asked Jin Qianyang, "Jin Da Shao, who framed you?" "No, no!" Jin Qianyang said in a loud voice, "it's me, it's my fault!"

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