Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1327 should be established again

Ye dujun sat down in person and watched Jin Qianyang's interrogation.

Jin Qianyang has lost his mind.

He has no injuries, but he is in a state of madness, unlike a normal person.

He admitted four cases.

Two of them are particularly bad, and they are still under pressure in the police station.

When Cui's factory caught fire, he couldn't find the murderer, so he settled the case according to the "accident" and found the person in charge. Cui's family was forced to change the seller to be the compensation. Later, they moved out of Shanxi and went to England.

In the case of Jiang Fan's family being killed, the "murderer" left a message and trace, then fled, and has not been arrested yet.

As for the first accident, it was treated as an accident.

Si Xingfu's servant Siya seems to have fallen into the water.

Do not think, all was recognized by Jin Qianyang.

Although he was not in a normal situation, he was clear about the details of the case. It seemed that he had experienced it all.

Governor Ye gaped and listened.

The police station and other officers of the military government also listened to the cold sweat.

"No, inspector, this is a false accusation. Look at Qianyang. Does he look like a normal person? " Mrs. King's previous ease was gone.

She had never been so afraid.

In the past, the death of her daughter and her youngest son only made her miserable, but it didn't hurt her at all.

But now, she's scared.

"He's not like a normal person, but what he said is not bad." Inspector ye said, "Mrs. king, I have written the command of the search.

You have contributed to Taiyuan government. I don't want to do too much. Let you know first. If you don't cooperate, then I will send someone to turn the Jin's house around, and all the others will be detained for trial. "

A large family, based for so long, will be spotless?

Hidden in the dark, there is always a trace.

In particular, the business of the Jin family can't stand investigation.

Once the army enters the Jin family, it is the end of the Jin family.

Her son was forced to the brink of despair. It was Mrs. King's problem whether to abandon her family to save him.

"Inspector..." she tried to plead.

But governor Ye waved his hand: "you don't have to say much. The law is an iron order, which cannot be changed by you or me. "

Then he went out.

The people in the police station are continuing to verify Jin Qianyang's confession.

In the distance, Jin Qianyang wants to kidnap Kang Nuan and strangle Siya, all of which can be traced.

The police found the man who wrote for Jin Qianyang, and the gloves that Jin Qianyang wore when he strangled Siya.

Both human and material evidence are available. The truth of Siya's death has been found, and the murderer has also been caught.

As for the other three cases, they will be handed over to the police department for trial.

"Sister Qingzhou, I want to recognize Siya's parents as righteous parents and dogzi as younger brother." Kang Nuan finds Gu Qingzhou and wipes tears on her path.

She didn't hurt Siya.

But Siya was killed by Jin Qianyang because she ran into her.

Kangnuan has gone through the formalities of going abroad to study. He will leave in May.

Jin Qianyang liked her very early and wanted to get her.

However, his family has a wife, concubine, son and daughter. He wants to have a healthy and warm heart, which is dirty from the beginning.

Knowing that Kang Nuan was about to leave, he didn't have time to go slowly anymore, so he took the risk.

"It's not your fault." Gu Qingzhou said to Kang Nuan, "the tragedy of Siya was caused by Jin Qianyang, it has nothing to do with you.

It's good that you have a conscience, but I don't want you to bear this burden for the rest of your life. Warm, don't put other people's fault on yourself.

What we can do for Siya is to find the murderer and let him kill him; bury Siya and let her live in peace; take care of her parents and brothers and help her as much as possible.

If Siya is still there, she won't want more. She's never greedy. If you have the heart to visit her family and give money to supplement their lives during the Spring Festival, it will be enough. "

Kang warm tears rolled down.

Gu Qingzhou's words relieved her.

The uneasiness of conscience will make people sharp and even want to escape.

Kang Nuan wiped his tears carelessly: "I listen to you."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The police department is still examining the murder of Siya by Jin Qianyang. There is no possibility of turning over the confession. Gu Qingzhou buried Siya.

The car took her coffin back to her home in the country.

She was buried by Gu Qingzhou and others.

The soil in early summer is soft and moist, with a slight smell of earth.

The new grave was dug out. Gu Qingzhou stood by and stepped on the soil full of feet.

Si Xingfu follows her.

When the coffin was put down, Gu Qingzhou heard the incessant cry. She didn't cry.

She was in a daze.

The new tomb is covered with earth, the paper horse is burned, and the sacrifice is placed. Gu Qingzhou and others return to the city.

She and Cheng Yu gave Siya's parents a lot of money, and Kang Nuan gave more.

On the way back, Cheng Yu's eyes were still red.

"I can't think." Cheng Yu said to Gu Qingzhou, "even if Jin Qianyang is shot, I'm still not satisfied. He's dead and can't be exchanged for Siya. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "I don't know. It's just because you can't figure it out that it's a tragedy. "

Cheng Yu leans on the shoulder of Gu Qingzhou.

After going home, Gu took a bath in the light boat and washed away most of the heaviness in recent days.

When she wipes her hair, her expression converges.

"What's the matter?" The Secretary asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said, "what method did you use to scare him like that?"

"I have 108 means of extorting confessions. You can do whatever you want." "What kind do you want to ask of internal injury, trauma and mental injury?"

Take care of the boat.

She remembered that when she first arrived in Yuecheng, Si Xingfu forced the killer...

her eyes drooped slightly and said: "overnight, his spirit broke down. You are so powerful."

Si Xingfu raised her chin and asked with a smile, "do you like me or scold me?"

"I want to praise you from the bottom of my heart. But there is another person in my heart. She wants both good results and perfect solutions. She wants to be a watch and set up a memorial archway. That's why my words sound so gloomy and indisputable. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The secretary was laughing.

He kissed her on the lips: "you tell her it's done, that's enough. As for how to succeed, you don't know. Let her not be a demon. "

Gu Qingzhou also smiled.

As soon as she smiled, the ups and downs of her mood suddenly became vivid, so she thought of Siya again, and her tears rolled down.

Si Xingfu took her towel and wiped her tears.

As for Jin Qianyang's crime, the lightest one is shooting. As for the one that has not been sentenced, it is to verify all the charges.

Mrs. king has been on the run for most of the month.

Finally, she found that if Jin Qianyang was not allowed to bear all the sins, then the Cui family's fire case would be investigated, and Jin family would take a lot of people in.

Si Xingfu is not a crime arranged without any reason. What he has done is to make the Jin family unable to get it.

At the end of May, the case was finally closed, and Jin Qianyang was sentenced to be shot.

This result is expected by Gu Qingzhou.

On the day of execution, she went to see it in person. Cheng Yu has gone, too.

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