Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1340 sitting in person

They arrived at the foot of the mountain in the middle of the night.

Then I went up the mountain and woke up all the monks in the temple. There was no shadow of Huo Fengjing, but I learned that the abbot in the temple was gone.

"The abbot was still in his room last night," said the little monk. "I brought him foot washing water. Now there is no one."

There was no one in the Abbot's room, but there was a bowl of noodle soup.

It's similar to Yan Huilou's, but it's different in taste.

After stirring twice with a spoon, he found the wax pill again.

He opened it at will and read it out directly this time: "at 3:30 a.m., the book office in the second room of Xiaopan street. Come by boat alone. "

He looked at the note left and right, and laughed, "if you want to go back to the city, you really want to make us unable to move?"

Gu Qingzhou takes the note.

This time, Huo only needs to see Gu Qingzhou alone.

"Is there anything different about this bookstore?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "where is Xiaopan street? We don't seem to have been around. "

"It's near the railway station, south of the city. There are many mountains over there. What's their name? There are several temples on the mountain, and there is a small town street at the foot of the mountain, which is called Xiaopan street. " Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue looked at him and joked out of time: "you are clear everywhere. You have estimated the whole Taiyuan mansion, haven't you? Do ye dujun know that you look at his territory every day

Si Xingfu: "...

it's a good description of a dog that looks at its flesh and bones and drools.

"Mr. Huo, are you still in the mood to joke?" The secretary turned a white eye.

Huo Yue said, "I think it's very unlikely to see ah Jing tonight."

If Huo Fengjing is really in CAI Changting's hands, Huo Yue feels that her appearance will not be wonderful.

It's all old foxes. The other side's routine is clear. Huo Yue has no illusions about tonight.

Moreover, such harassment will surely occur in the future. As close friends and brothers, they have to run around even though they know there is no hope.

Many times, there is always a trap that will fall into CAI Changting.

Tonight, it's hard.

"You're not in a hurry?" The Secretary asked.

Huo Yue shook his head. "No."

To this day, Huo Yue is very afraid to see Huo Rongjing.

He can't bear it.

In this period of time, Huo Fengjing must have suffered a lot. Huo Yue once promised to let her get rid of the royalist party forever. He lost his words, and his guilt would make him suffer.

Huo Fengjing is hidden, which also proves Huo Yue's previous speculation. She probably has a brain problem and doesn't remember what happened before.

When she appears, she must have a knife in her hand. The point of the knife is likely to be aimed at Si Xingfu.

Because what Cai Changting wanted to kill most was Si Xingfu.

If Huo Fengjing is Mrs. pingye's person, Mrs. pingye is reluctant to kill Gu Qingzhou. The only possibility is to kill Gu Qingzhou's dependence on Si Xingfu.

Such a result is almost predictable.

Is Huo Fengjing capable of fighting against Si Xingfu?

Once she does, who should Huo Yue help?

Therefore, huoyue did not expect her to appear. He was a little paralyzed, preferring that she never appeared again, rather that the tragedy he had foreseen would not happen.

"Are you afraid, Mr. Huo?" Gu asked suddenly.

The night wind in May is cold and the temperature on the mountain is low, which makes people feel gooseflesh.

Huo Yue looked at the light boat in the dim light.

As he thought, so did Gu Qingzhou.

She even told Si Xingfu not to kill Huo Fengjing. That is to say, she lost the opportunity of the company.

What is her mood like?

"Go home." Huo Yue didn't answer Gu Qingzhou, but said to Si Xingfu, "it's impossible to see it tonight. If we are always led by each other's nose, we will have difficulties later. "

"No, no, I want to see it." "It's very interesting. I have to see the clue," he said with a smile

Huo Yue takes a look at him.

Si Xingqi got on the car first.

When we got to the neighborhood of Xiaopan street, Si Xingfu asked all the other attendants to stay outside. No one could enter.

He and Huo Yue, Gu Qingzhou's car, drove into Xiaopan street.

He smiled again.

"Why, is the Fengshui good in this place?" Huo Yue asked Si Xingfu, "are you very happy to see it?"

"No, it's just fun tonight." Si Xingfu road.

When the car entered Xiaopan street, Si Xingfu stopped at the door of the bookstore.

It was already 3:30 in the morning, and the whole Xiaopan street was silent. The pilgrims came down late by chance, and they would find an inn in the street.

There are lanterns hanging at the door of the inn all night long.

Orange red dim lights, the trees on both sides of the ghostly.

Gu got out of the car and looked at the bookstore.

"I'll knock on the door." Gu Qingzhou said, "you two are waiting for me in the car."

"You?" "He said," I've really moved my hand. You can't use it at all. "

Then he kicked open the door of the bookstore.

There was a loud noise, which startled the dog next door. The dog barked in the silent night sky. It was fierce and noisy, and then woke the other dogs.

The barking of dogs from far and near, just like the silent street of ghost town, immediately came alive.

There are also shouts and curses from dogs.

Huo Yue is stunned to see the big hooligan break in. If the flame on your body is visible, the arrogant fire of the division seat at the moment is already two Zhang high.

"Nobody?" He pulled in a lot, and called Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue, "keep up."

Gu Qingzhou is walking in front, behind the hall of huoyue.

Just as Huo Yue entered the door, he thought of the sound of loading bullets in the dark.

In a flash, the figure of Si Xingfu avoids something.

Huo Yue protects Gu's light boat behind him.

When the lights were on in the room, Gu Qingzhou found that the whole bookstore was full of people, all carrying guns, and the muzzle of the guns was almost aimed at Gu Qingzhou.

The remaining 20% were aimed at her husband, Si Xingfu, and Mrs. Jin, who was held in her head by Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu avoids the black muzzle of the gun in front of him: "Mrs. Jin, do you have the taste of salting? As soon as I came in, I smelled it. "

Mrs. Jin grew up rich in clothes and food. She has been fastidious for decades, which makes her always have a faint fragrance.

Everyone has their own hobbies. Mrs. king is not sensitive to the traditional fragrance, but her skin and clothes are all contaminated.

He lived in Jin's house for a few days and regarded Mrs. Jin as an important enemy, so he paid special attention to her.

As soon as he came in, he took Mrs. king, who was in charge himself.

At this time, a shadow flashed from behind the window.

Gu Qingzhou hurriedly wants to go after her, but several guns touch her, almost stabbing her in the eye.

She urgently turned around and looked at Huo Yue.

She wanted to ask if ah Jing had just run by.

Huo Yue's gentle and determined expression converged, his eyes were particularly serious, and his lips were pursed into a line.

He didn't see it.

But the flash of the figure, as well as the action, really like his sister.

His heart was filled with rage. He wished he could not get out of the way to catch up, but he knew he could not, and he could not get out of the way at the moment. He could not calm down, did not respond to Gu Qingzhou's inquiry, alone silent under the mood of the brain.

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