Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1341 who is responsible

Gu Qingzhou has never been aimed at by so many guns in his life.

Those dark muzzles, hard and cold, poked at her side, ready to beat her into a sieve.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Mrs. Yan Jin, and then at Yan Si Xingfu. His eyes are slightly bent.

She laughs: "we may all die here this morning."

It's more than three o'clock in the morning. A brand new day has begun.

Her new day, but from a pile of gun cracks, to see the sky is not visible.

"Don't be pessimistic." "When I was a child, I counted my life. The fortuneteller said that I would definitely die in a shroud and pay for the country bravely. I would not die so miserably."

"Of course you must die!" Mrs. king said angrily

Gu looked into her eyes and calmly asked her, "Mrs. king, why do you hate me so much?"

Mrs. king was stunned by her shameless attitude.


She had four children, three of whom had been damaged, all in the hands of Gu Qingzhou.

"You killed three of my children, and you asked so bluntly?" Mrs. king was furious and her eyes were bloodshot for a moment. She wished she could shoot Gu Qingzhou herself.

She was held in her head by Si Xingfu, and then clamped down by him. She couldn't move. Otherwise, she would have to do it by herself.

"Three children?" Gu Qingzhou, like pondering, slowly tasted this sentence.

Her eyes became deep. "If I remember correctly, the eldest young master of the Jin family was shot for killing people, which is known to the whole Taiyuan government; the third young master climbed onto the altar and was killed by rolling thunder; the fourth young lady left a suicide note and hanged herself." Gu Qingzhou's tone is sinister, just like the tongue of a tiger or a leopard. Every word is covered with barbs.

She said word by word, the words full of barbs, each time like licking on Mrs. King's soul, licking the next layer of flesh and blood.

At the end of the day, Mrs. King's flesh and blood were almost gouged out, leaving behind a white bone.

Mrs. King's breath was all disordered. She snapped, "shoot, shoot!"

At the moment, the back wall of the bookstore was dug a hole, at the same time, all the doors and windows were removed, and countless guns were aimed at the house from the outside.

The people who carry guns in the Jin family are all guardians. No matter how well trained they are, they can't compare with the attendants of Si Xingfu.

As soon as these people appeared, the guard of the Jin family was frightened subconsciously. They held guns and looked at each other. No one dared to shoot Gu Qingzhou.

Gu continued: "I heard that there was a case of arson, which killed and injured hundreds of people. That's what Miss Jin did. Mrs. king, why did she set fire? "

Mrs. King clenched her lips.

She can't lose her temper. She wants to organize more vicious language.

But Gu didn't stop and give her a chance: "I think it may be some young master of the other side who doesn't accept Miss Jin's pursuit, right?"

When she said that, she looked at Mrs. king. She was asking. She guessed right or wrong.

Mrs. King's throat was covered with a faint smell of sweetness.

"The third young master was struck by thunder, but he went to the altar step by step. Besides, Mrs. king and your family were watching. Count it on me? Are you out of your mind? "

"The eldest young master strangled my servant. It was a clean life. It was more noble than him. He was shot to death. Besides, what about the car accident he made before? "

When it comes to the end, Gu goes ahead.

Originally aimed at her with the muzzle of a gun, she retreated in inexplicable fear and even made way.

Gu went to Mrs. King's side and lowered his head a little: "Mrs. king, your child's life is life, and the life of others is not life?"

Mrs. king wants to stand up.

Si Xingfu held her down.

"If you say damn it, you are the one responsible for your child's death." Gu Qingzhou road.

Say, she light turn round.

Looking at the room full of people, Gu Qingzhou said: "put the gun away. All of you are working with money. Once the gun goes off, your master's family dies here. You have no money or even life.

Whose life is not precious? All of our men are soldiers. After their death, they have infinite glory. Their families can get the pacification money.

What can you do if you die in this gunfight? Was he unknown before his life and despised as a rogue thug by others after his birth, so that his parents and children could not hold their heads up for life? "

When her voice fell, there was a sound in the room.

I don't know who, turn off the safety of my gun, and then throw it heavily to the ground.

This action, accompanied by Gu Qingzhou's just settled down, knocks on each hospital guard.

What are they doing?

It's full of people outside. You'll die if you shoot.

Mrs. king is going to die. No one has a chance to live. Can she make a cushion for these big people?

Besides, their opponents are not afraid of death at all. It's glorious to be afraid of death. What do they have?

Immediately, all the guards of the Jin family put their guns in their hands, closed their insurance and raised their hands in silence.

Huo Yue is silent all the time.

At the moment, he waved to the waiters.

So Mrs. King opened her eyes, watched the people she brought, handed in the gun and surrendered.

Gu Qingzhou is just a few words, words and sentences hit the nail on the head, which defuses the coming shooting.

The corner of Mrs. King's lips had oozed blood. It was her cleft lips.

Gu approached and looked at Mrs. Jin. "Where is Huo Shujing? If you don't say it, we may have to aggrieve you for a few days. "

Mrs. king just stared at her angrily. There was a burning fire in her eyes, which almost pierced the light boat.

"You have a good relationship with your wife, and secretly collude with CAI Changting to let him lend you people." Gu Qingzhou said, "then give Cai Changting a message for me and let him do what he wants."

It was four o'clock in the morning.

As if he was very tired, Si Xingfu greeted the assistant at the door and said, "take Mrs. Jin home. This is the end of tonight's farce.

Mrs. king, this is not looking at your face, but at Cai Changting. If you have a way to contact him, please tell him to be kind to Huo, and we will take her back. "

After saying that, he took back his gun and made a quick move. He struck Mrs. king in the back of her neck and stunned her.

The adjutant sent the men away.

On the way back, he yawned two more times. He could hardly see the road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "shall I drive?"

"Good." Si Xingfu road.

This evening, Gu took a nap as soon as possible. Now she has the best energy.

Huo Yue suddenly asked, "what's the matter? What is Mrs. King going to do in such a big fight? "

She knew that Si Xingfu would take people with her. She could not kill Gu Qingzhou at all.

In this way, she spent a lot of time, even spent a lot of chips, borrowed Huo Longjing from Cai Changting. What's the plan?

"It's not right." Huo Yue said, "you two are like a fool tonight. Follow Mrs. Jin. Do you know anything? " Si Xingfu suddenly smiles, the smile is very mysterious.

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