Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1342 explosives

Mrs. King woke up on the way.

She didn't make a sound. She continued to pretend to be dead until the door opened.

She is in a good mood.

Looking after the victory like complacency of the canoe and the manager, Mrs. King's lips are slightly cocked.

She knew that the good news was coming.

She got out of the car. Instead of thanking the assistant of Si Xingfu, she looked at her coldly and turned to go home.

It only takes half an hour to drive from Xiaopan street to Jin's house, but it takes half an hour to go to guqingzhou's house, almost crossing the whole Taiyuan mansion.

This time gap is one of Mrs. King's secret weapons.

She went directly to the south gate.

There is a car waiting for her at the side door.

"Mother." Her second son opened the door for her and asked her to sit on it.

"Is everyone gone?" Asked Mrs King.

Last night in the early hours of the morning, when Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou chased Huo to get together with Jing, the Jin family was already in silence.

The Jin family has money and countless cars, and they empty the whole family in one night.

They plan to go to Tianjin, live in the Japanese concession and seek asylum.

Since the royalist party lost its vitality, Taiyuan mansion is no longer suitable for gold household.

Mrs. king has already made two preparations, and now the operation is very smooth.

But before she left, she would not let go of the boat and the manager. She would prepare a big gift for them.

"Go to Longtai temple." Mrs. king said to her only son, "I want to see the result and leave. Go up the hill from the path, don't let people see it. "


Longtai temple is located in a high mountain, overlooking the whole Taiyuan mansion. Once there is any change, you can see it clearly.

When their mother and son boarded the Longtai temple and stood at the top to look down, the whole Taiyuan mansion was silent.

Mrs. king looked at her watch. It's half past five in the morning. She should be home.

And this time, at dawn, when people are sleepiest and quietest.

Even the guard on duty, who has been on duty all night, should be exhausted at the moment.

"It's about to start." There was a faint excitement in Mrs. King's tone.

But Kim is upset.

He whispered to Mrs. king, "Mom, let's go quickly. What should we do if governor Ye sends someone to catch up with us and we can't leave? "

Mrs. King shook her head. "I want to see the result. No result, how can I explain to your brothers and sisters? "

When Kim was young, he was silent.

Mrs. King took a telescope. This is what Cai Changting gave her. She said it was for military use and asked the Jin family to make a batch of them. Before it's formed, the Jin family will move.

With this object, it seems that the distance has been shortened for several miles, and all of a sudden it is clear in front of you.

Mrs. King found the place to look after the house of the light boat and waited in silence.

At 5:40 in the morning, it was the time they agreed to, and it was also the time when the morning sun rose in Taiyuan mansion. Everything was waking up.

But for Mrs. king, it's all over.

She looked at her watch in silence.

Forty minutes to go, one minute to go.

So, Mrs. King picked up the telescope again, looking at the distance, silently counting the numbers in her mouth.

1、 Two, three...

fifty one, fifty two...

this minute is about to be counted by her, but she suddenly closed her mouth tightly, as if waiting for and enjoying the final victory.

Her heart hung high, her lips pressed tightly, and her heart meditated on fifty-nine and sixty.

Her spirit rose in a flash.

She fixed her eyes on the distance.

However, what she expected didn't happen. After this one minute, the whole Taiyuan mansion is still very quiet, but the sky is not far away, showing a light morning glow.

The sun is about to rise.

The tone in Mrs. King's heart could not go up and down, making her unable to breathe.

She did not move, her eyes would not blink, behind the telescope, looking at the whole Taiyuan mansion.

Finally, after a long time, she lowered her head and looked at her watch again: it was five fifty.

Ten minutes passed.

"What's the matter?" She asked her son, who was standing next to her.

Jin Er Shao is as confused as her: "I don't know, mother. Is there something wrong? "

"No way. I sent twelve people. How can everyone make mistakes?" Mrs. king was furious. "What's the matter?"

Her hand, somehow a little shaking.

"Mom, can I go back and have a look?" "You are waiting for me here," said Kim

"No way!" Mrs. King snapped, "if you go back, in case of explosion, will you die in it? What do you expect from your mother for the rest of her life? "

Jin Er doesn't have to live.

Mrs. King picked up the telescope again.

Kim gave her mother a furtive glance. Seeing her looking at the front again, Jin Er is relieved.

It's nice there's no explosion.

Jin Er Shao did not care about Qingzhou and Si Xingfu. He just didn't want to hurt the innocent.

Mrs. pingye has been living in Taiyuan. Her house is next to yedujun's.

The woman thought about the future, so like a mouse, she spent three years quietly digging countless tunnels near her house.

Among them, there is a tunnel leading to the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

However, in order not to arouse the suspicion of governor ye, the tunnels are very deep.

When Mrs. Hirano left, she had lost all hope for Gu Qingzhou, so she gave Mrs. Jin the key to the entrance of the tunnel.

"You can't fight her, but you can blow her up." Said Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. King's eyes brightened.

She held on to the key.

The Jin family is in the arms business. They have explosives, which are all specially approved by the governor's office.

They entered through the back door of Mrs. Hirano's yard, followed the tunnel, and went to Gu Qingzhou's house. They buried enough explosives to blow up her house.

Of course, when the explosion happened, people in four miles had to be buried together. That's why Jin Er Shao couldn't bear it.

The Jin family never cared about human life.

In Mrs. King's view, ordinary people live so hard. For that food, even the dogs of the king's family are inferior. Death is also a relief.

Gold two little but can't do so.

He wanted to take care of the boat, but he didn't want to involve others.

Mrs. King buried the dynamite, rented the yard in the nearby Inn, buried the lead wire, and connected the lead wire of the dynamite.

When the time is set, those people will light up the leads and drive away quickly.

If Mrs. king wants to succeed, she won't believe that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are unaware.

In particular, if you want to bury the lead, you need to move the upper layer of soil, which is easy to be sniffed by the manager and the patron.

So, Mrs. king and Cai Changting borrowed Huo Rongjing.

She tossed the whole night of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

They ran all night, and when they got home, they were exhausted, even if they could not lift their eyelids, even if they could feel any clues, they could not detect them.

Moreover, Mrs. King deliberately "failed" to take care of the boat once and let her go home triumphantly.

In such a smooth situation, she and Si Xingfu went to sleep, and then the dynamite sent them to the West.

Everything is well planned. But why didn't the dynamite explode?

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