Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1343 is pregnant again

Why didn't it explode?

"Mother, shall we go?" Gold two little beg a way, "failed, affirmation is failed."

At this moment, the sky is already bright, and the sun rises from the valley, giving off golden light.

Standing at a high place, you can only see flowers everywhere, colorful. The ancient trees are lush, and the Taiyuan mansion in the distance is being bathed by the peaceful and warm sun, and is gradually waking up.

It's already six twenty.

Forty minutes later, if it's going to explode, it's already done.

Jin Er Shao felt sorry, but also secretly relieved.

He really didn't want to involve innocent people, but he was stubborn about his mother.

He hated to take care of the boat, but he wanted to save others.

He grew up to be the most ordinary and incompetent man in the family without his mother's interest, brothers' ambition and ruthlessness.

Even hatred, he felt that it was enough for him to torment himself all the time. There was no need for him to harm people who didn't matter.

Who lives easily?

"No, no, no!" Mrs. King squeezed words out of her teeth.

She arranged everything.

She used Huo to gather the quiet and agitated Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingqi and huoyue to travel wearily all night, which exhausted their spirit and body.

At five o'clock in the morning, they will return home, afraid that they will sleep to death if they are tired and close their eyes.

And the people holding the lead are almost all looping one by one. They are in 12 different places. As long as a person becomes a fish that has missed the net, the bomb will be ignited.

With explosives, no one else can return to the sky.

"Impossible!" "I want to go back and have a look!" said Mrs. king again

Gold two little cowardly life, but now I don't know where to work hard, all of a sudden his mother knocked out.

He panicked and hugged his mother: "mother, don't scold..."

when lifting his eyes, he remembered that his mother had passed out and could not scold. He immediately picked her up and went down the mountain, drove his own car, stepped on the accelerator quickly, and went to Tianjin far away.

At the same time, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu fell asleep, leaving Huo Yue in a cold sweat facing the explosives in the basement of the backyard.

"Governor ye, he is so shrewd that he looks like a pair of clairvoyance eyes. Mrs. Hirano is digging a hole near his house. He has known for a long time.

However, governor ye also wanted to see what Mrs. Hirano did, but he didn't say anything. Until someone came in and out of the cave and got under my house, there was enough dynamite to blow five miles around.

Governor Ye didn't want to suffer. He didn't want to get under the ground and let me move out last night. I'm fed up with it. See for yourself. " This is the words of Si Xingfu.

Huo Yue thinks that tonight is like a farce. Si Xingfu explains to him.

This is not farce, this is bedding.

When the other party asked them to go back to Yan's building, Si Xingfu was still confused and didn't know what to do.

When I go back to Longtai temple from Yan, I will understand.

It's OK to let them wait at home to be killed.

It's just that Mrs. king is not sure about the manager.

In addition to explosives, they also need to lay down leads to let the manager stay at home, which may arouse his suspicion.

In order to pave the lead smoothly, Mrs. king had to borrow Huo Rongjing to lead Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu away. At the same time, they were exhausted and had no time to think about the abnormality.

Since 11 o'clock last night, Mrs. King's people have been laying leads.

Unfortunately, they didn't enter the cave because they were afraid of scaring others. Otherwise, they would have known that the explosives had been emptied.

After watching it, Huo Yue felt tired and worried about it all night. He went back to sleep.

The next afternoon, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu got up.

Huo Yue has also risen.

"I went to the Jin's house in the morning. The Jin's house is empty. I ran all night last night." Huo Yue said, "is that what governor Ye agreed to?"

"Governor Ye seems cold, but in fact he is very moral." Si Xingfu said, "although the Jin family often makes mistakes, he has benefited a lot from the Jin family.

Even if the Jin family made such a mess this time, he predicted in advance that it had not caused a big mistake, and the crime would not die. Knowing that they left all night without being a demon, governor Ye was willing to let them live. "

Huo Yue nodded his head.

"Those gunpowder..."

"to governor Ye. There's something wrong with Wan Yi's transportation. One of my planes is scrapped. That's to take advantage of small things and suffer big losses. " Si Xingfu said with a smile.

He patted Huo Yue on the shoulder.

Huo Yue followed him and went out together.

After they left, Cheng Yu came in.

Xiao Yun disappeared. It's been a long time. Cheng Yu has been very depressed recently. She seems to practice calmness.

It's been a long time, and finally it works.

So, Gu Qingzhou sees Cheng yuyununa coming in, glances at the room, and says to Gu: "you are the only one?"

"Si Xingfu and Huo ye have gone out."

"What are you doing out there?" Cheng Yu asked casually.

Gu Qingzhou replied seriously: "I think it's to find governor ye to talk about something and find ah Jing's whereabouts. Ah Jing appeared last night. There is always a trace to follow. They should go to see governor ye for help. "

Cheng Yu regained his mind a little.

She also knows that Huo is such a person.

"Did you see her yesterday?" Cheng Yu asked.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

"What do you want?" When Gu Qingzhou saw that she was sitting in front of her, he asked her what she was about to say.

"Oh." Cheng yuduan looked a little more serious and said, "something's up. I'm here to tell you that I'm pregnant again. "

Gu almost fell off his chair.

Five months after her last miscarriage, it was not good for her health.

Most of all, zhuomozhi's dissociative disease has not been well since it was damaged by Cheng Yu.

The alliance between Zhuo family and Cheng family is officially on the right track. Will it be postponed again?

Gu Qingzhou frowns at Cheng Yu, only to feel that the unlucky child is really worrying.

"... what are your plans?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

This time, Cheng Yu did not perfunctory, did not escape, nor came to Gu Qingzhou for help.

She said to Gu, "I'm going to marry zhuomozhi. Externally speaking, we have been preparing for alliance since last year. Only a few people knew about the end of the alliance between Cheng family and Zhuo family.

I sent a telegram to my brother and told him about it. He also said that the preparations for the alliance were ripe and could be settled. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at her in surprise.

She had never seen such a detailed process.

It's a little different from her.

Cheng Yu noticed her eyes and smiled: "I'm imitating you."

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

Cheng Yu said: "when I knew that I was pregnant, I was scared for a moment and thought, what would she do if she took care of the boat?

Then calm down, I began to think about your usual habits of doing things, first to protect their own interests and their families, and then compromise as appropriate.

The Cheng family is out of the way. The alliance can continue. I'm in good health, and last time I was very sorry, I want this child very much. As for zhuomozhi, he is very supportive of me and Xiaoyun. He is willing to get married. Cheng's and Zhuo's are choosing a date, which will be settled soon. "

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