Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1344 cause of death

Gu Qingzhou has been sitting in the room waiting for Si Xingfu to come back.

Si Xingfu went to yedujun and came back very late.

"How do you find the trace?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"There's a little bit," said the secretary. Don't worry, Huo won't find her if she shows up. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She also told Si Xingfu about Cheng Yu.

Si Xingfu was a little surprised: "she has only a few months of small labor, and now she is pregnant again. Is her body OK?"

"According to common sense, it is necessary to have a rest for more than half a year. However, this time it was an accident. I feel her pulse. She has a good baby Gu Qingzhou road.

The Secretary nodded.

Then he said, "then get married. It's been a year, hasn't it? There should be an understanding. By the way, what about the high bridge Xun? "

After Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun were reunited, Gao Qiao and Xun knew. He couldn't let go, so he didn't see. He listened to his father and went back to Japan.

"... it's good to go back. He has a soft personality and is not suitable to be a soldier. Follow Mrs. Hirano. If you don't have any delicacy, you will be at her mercy. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The Secretary nodded.

He knew that Gu Qingzhou's affection for Gao Qiao and Xun was still that of Yan Yiyuan.

The news that Cheng Yu was going to marry Zhuo Mozi was also told to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue asked people to prepare gifts.

Si Xingfu prepared a large amount of money, and Gu Qingzhou asked people to fight for the head.

The head beat back, including several combs, Gu picked up the boat and looked at it again.

"I like comb very much," she said. It looks old-fashioned, but it's convenient and nice to use. I'm going to add some jewelry to myself in a few days. "

She paused and said, "I remember when I was just married, Fangfei gave me a set of face, including a pearl comb. I like it very much."

I'm sorry to hear that.

Gu Qingzhou, playing with the comb, didn't change the subject at all, and continued: "more than two years. At this moment, Fangfei's bones are cold, but I always remember her appearance.

In the past two years, I know very well that it is the princess registered by Mrs. Hirano. No matter what the truth is, with this "name", I will be harassed by those who have ulterior motives and want to restore.

I, even my children in the future, should always be on guard against them. All I can do is uproot them.

When it comes to simplicity, it's tedious to sit up. You need to be careful and cautious. You also need a lot of money and contacts. I was so focused that I knew that I would not go back to Pingcheng for the time being, so I put everything that happened in Pingcheng on hold.

When you are not at home, I also dream that the day when Sima and Fangfei died, it rained heavily. It's a good spring with such a heavy rain. It was weird that year.

Now, it's finally coming to an end. Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting are not reconciled any more. They are also grasshoppers after autumn. Those people, kidnapped and betrayed, dare not approach my so-called "Princess" any more.

I think I should ask about Fangfei and Sima. You've found out a lot, never told me, I want to know why. "

She talked for a long time, and the manager didn't try to interrupt her.

When she finished and looked up at him, he was still silent.

Under the gaze of Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu slowly draws out his cigar and cuts it off.

Take a few deep breaths. The house is confused by the freshness of the cigar. When his eyebrows are covered with a layer of eyes, he tries to open his mouth, but he is silent again.

Gu Qingzhou looked in his eyes and asked, "at first, you thought the murderer was me. In two years, you must have found it out. Now you can't stop talking. Don't you believe the murderer you found? "

Si Xingfu looks at her.

At this moment, he seemed to wish to take care of the boat and stop talking.

Gu Qingzhou didn't seem to understand. He asked, "is the murderer you found Fangfei or simu?"

In this moment, Si Xingfu, who has always stood up to the sky, was slightly shaken.

He spits out a cigarette ring, as if spitting out a bloody feeling: "Fangfei."

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

She stiffened for a few seconds, then closed the jewelry box, and collected the present for Cheng Yu.

No wonder he didn't say a word these years.

"Revenge" can sometimes become a kind of faith, so that the living can find their way and work hard.

So, the murderer in the hearts of their relatives, there is a devil like phantom.

When the phantom gradually peels off the veil, without any barrier, it appears clearly in front of the eyes, but it is the appearance of the slain, and can defeat the living at once.

Si Fangfei is a close relative of Si Xingfu. In the former governor's office, she is the only relative he would admit except his grandmother.

He lived rough and wild, but he was very careful with his little sister, not like a brother, but more like a kind father.

Later, he had a canoe.

waited for his love to appear. When he looked back at Fangfei's feelings, he saw the same shadow.

It's not a relief to him, but a strange disgust.

However, on the other hand, he still loves her and feels that she is a close relative and a very important person in the world.

This kind of complex feelings, has not had time to straighten out, has not untied its knot, Fangfei died.

She died miserably.

At first, all the evidence turned to his new wife.

However, he slowly found that there were traces of Fangfei in this matter.

Si Xingfu recalled that when she was not relieved but inspected, Gu's hair was still red and swollen.

Later, he took the comb left by Gu Qingzhou to check again, which was still nontoxic.

At this time, Si Xingfu felt that the thing that took care of the boat had been dropped twice.

Why do you do this is nothing more than to provoke Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu to turn their heads.

On the day of Si Xingfu's wedding, Fangfei's various performances were like the farewell of a desperate man to his lover.

If she died, and if the evidence all points to Gu Qingzhou, then according to the idea of normal people, the relationship between Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou will definitely break up, and the marriage will definitely end.

This is a game.

It's up to him to die. He doesn't dare to get married again.

Without him, he would rather be alone than let other women near him.

But he is not an ordinary person. He is a pervert.

The blood and soul of the abnormal body are black. Only the square inch of the boat is on the tip of his heart. There is fresh red blood.

He will not give up his wife even if he violates the great ethics of the world.

Such a situation is meaningless to the manager.

"... I'm still checking." His voice was a little hoarse. "If it's true, it's me who killed Fangfei.

I can't accept it. I need to check again. I want to know who is behind it. Fangfei's suicide is not true. " Gu Qingzhou walked out of the bedroom and said, "Si Xingfu, there is another person besides Fangfei..."

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