In addition to Fangfei, there was simu who died that time.

Gu Qingzhou comes to Si Xingfu and hugs his waist.

Si Xingfu touched her hair.

"Don't forget simmer. No matter what time, don't forget to still have Si mu. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu says.

He picked her up, sat on the sofa, and let her sit on his lap.

Gu Qingzhou held his head tightly in this position and apologized in a low voice: "I shouldn't have asked. Sorry, sir. You are so kind to me that I am always capricious in front of you and will not think about it for you. "

Si Xingfu smiles.

It seems that the cabbage raised by myself can finally be arched.

"Don't be sensational, Mrs. secretary." He buried his head in her black hair. "I wish I could give you my life as soon as you stir me up, otherwise I can't bear it."

Gu gave him a beating.

They have put the matter on hold for the time being.

The marriage of Cheng Yu and Zhuo Mozi was also decided on the first day of June after the discussion between Zhuo and Cheng.

The location is in Peiping.

Zhuo invited all his relatives and friends.

There is one hotel in Peiping, which is connected by three hotels, two of which are side by side, and the other is opposite, all of which are luxury hotels.

Zhuo has contracted the three.

Although Cheng Yu is a second marriage, she has prepared her wedding dress according to the rules of her new marriage.

"I'm getting married." Cheng Yu sits by the bed, watching Zhuo Mozi pack her suitcase.

Five days after the wedding, she needs to go to Peiping first. Her mother and brother, sister-in-law and brother will arrive the day after tomorrow. Relatives of Cheng's family also need her to receive her.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu will accompany her, and ye Shan will also go to be her bridesmaid.

Zhuo Mozi put her simple changing clothes and daily use together in a large suitcase.

"Well." He said.

He couldn't say what feelings were in his heart.

He instinctively wanted to run, but in his heart he didn't want to run.

His feelings for Cheng Yu are also complicated. Go into marriage with one person, and then two people become a family. It's terrible to think about it.

Will his children, like his brothers, fight like black eyed chickens?

There are too many uncertain things, let Zhuo Mo keep silent.

"If only Xiao Yun had been happy, he would have been happy." Cheng Yu is sitting by for dessert.

She is not pregnant yet, her stomach is still flat, and she has no vomiting. She is hungry more easily than usual, and she is greedy.

She misses Zhuo Xiaoyun very much.

Zhuo Xiaoyun is a mature, steady and even ruthless soul. He can be responsible for Cheng Yu and his children. In front of him, more like a sunny child, he can't bear his responsibilities.

Moreover, Zhuo Xiaoyun loves Cheng Yu. He will be very excited when he hears that he can get married. Of course, he will never show it.

It's a pity that he will miss such an important moment in his life.

"Ayu." Zhuo Mo Zhi suddenly opens his mouth and expects AI, "are you... Are you ready?"

Cheng Yu is stunned.

Then she said lightly, "you don't want to run, do you?"

"I..." Zhuo Mo Zhi licked his tongue hard. "I need Xiao Yun."

Cheng Yu's heart seems to be hurt.

She needs it, too.

She even needs Xiaoyun, a husband with stable personality, instead of being separated from others.

She tried, too.

As a result, efforts were wasted, and Xiao Yun was not able to get out.

"I need it, too." I only felt a word, and a deep cut was made in my heart. Cheng Yu's voice trembled a little, "compared with you, I am more powerless. What do you want? Do you want me to coax you and comfort you? "

Dromo stopped.

In this moment, he feels that Cheng Yu's mouth is still so vicious. She hates it.

However, I hate it, but I don't go deep inside. I can only stay on the surface. It's as if his heart, which has two personalities, has been impregnated by Cheng Yu.

"Don't stop. You should be stronger." At the moment when Cheng Yu finished, he couldn't bear it. "We are all stronger."

Zhuo Mozi looked at her.

He seems to see Cheng Yu's hands shaking.

He is seldom enlightened. Fu Zhixin thought: "she likes Xiao Yun so much, and Xiao Yun also likes her so much. For a woman, the form of a wedding is more important. Is it rare that she doesn't expect Xiao Yun to kiss her at the wedding? "

In this way, he suddenly felt that Cheng Yu, with a sharp mouth, was a little pitiful.

He has known Cheng Yu for a long time, and Cheng Yu first hooked up with him.

When he thought about it, he found that Miss Cheng had changed during this period.

Miss Cheng, who had been bombed since she was a little girl, never considered for others. When she encountered a problem, she would bear the burden.

Now, her soft back seems to be straight at once.

Whether Zhuo Xiaoyun is here or not, she can support her marriage. As the miss of Cheng's family, as the mother, and even as the wife of the future, she is just as she is.

"You have changed a lot since you were with Xiaoyun." All of a sudden, said zhuomozhi, "you are better."

Cheng Yu smiled bitterly: "not only Xiao Yun, but also Gu Qingzhou."

When the conversation is here, it can't go on.

Zhuo Mozi packed Cheng Yu's luggage, and Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu came together.

Seeing Cheng Yu's face is not good, ye Wu comforts her: "sister Cheng, don't worry. I was nervous when I got married, but I couldn't make a mistake at that time. "

Cheng Yu looked at her and said with a smile, "silly child, is this your sister's second marriage? I have nothing to be nervous about. "

Ye Wu is a little embarrassed.

Gu Qingzhou said beside him, "Cheng Yu, you're very pleasant to talk to."

Cheng Yu: "...

this is the mantis catching cicadas later.

Cheng Yu Dou, however, does not care about the boat. For the time being, he lets Ye Wu go and takes her arm.

Si Xingfu and Huo Yue also went together.

Huo Yue also has many acquaintances in Peiping. He had planned to visit them one by one for a long time, and now he is by the way.

"It's my first time as a bridesmaid." Ye Shan walked among the crowd and asked Gu Qingzhou, "how much is the bridesmaid's red packet?"

"Hundreds of dollars is for the ocean." Take care of the light boat.

Ye Shan said: "so many? If I had known that I would not have been Miss ye, I would have been a matchmaker. "

Ye Wu listened to it, and drew at the corner of her mouth: "second sister, you are also a little promising!"

All the people laughed.

The atmosphere at the time of departure was very good. Cheng Yu thought it was a good omen and everything would go well.

The only defect in beauty is Xiaoyun.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhuo Mo Zhi again, and her expression was indescribable.

Zhuo Mo is obedient to follow her, with a habitual smile on his face. He has a good temper at first sight, which is totally different from Zhuo Xiaoyun's words and deeds.

In his eyes, Huo Yue whispered, "if Zhuo Xiaoyun doesn't show up, I'm afraid there's another moth in this wedding."

"Master Huo, when you are old, don't be a crow." Huo Yue was angry with the words "a young man". He got on the plane first and took a picture of Si Xingfu behind him.

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