Sometimes the crow's beak is only because it can be seen through.

Huoyue's word is a prophecy.

They had a good time in Peiping. Zhuo's family was rich and generous and took good care of everyone.

There were more than two thousand guests, but there was no confusion.

On the wedding day, the hall on the first floor is the main banquet hall, and the elegant rooms on the second floor and the third floor are all opened, full of tables and chairs. Guests can stand up to watch the ceremony, or sit and listen.

Gu Qingzhou and others are all arranged on the fifth floor.

The fourth floor is occupied by Cheng family, Zhuo family and newly married couple.

In the past five days, Cheng Yu has performed well and cooperated very well.

Unexpectedly, an hour before the wedding, when Mrs. Cheng went to see her daughter, she found that Cheng Yu was not in the room and lost her trace.

Mrs. Cheng knows her daughter best.

As soon as Cheng Yu's eyelids were lifted, Mrs. Cheng knew that she was going to be a moth.

When Mrs. Cheng sent someone to tell him, he was chatting with the manager.

The relationship between the two of them is unusual. As soon as Cheng sees Si Xingfu, he has endless topics to talk about.

Therefore, Gu Qingzhou also knows that Cheng Yu is missing.

"You'll find her if you dig three feet." Cheng Fu said, "how can you account for such a big mistake?"

Then she said, "this dead girl has never been reassured."

Cheng Meng quickly stands up to look for it.

Gu Qingzhou asks Ye Shan.

Ye Shan and ye Wu are talking in the upstairs room. She is in a bad mood because she sees Hua Yunfang in the downstairs guests.

Gu Qingzhou came in and asked Cheng Yu. Ye Shan said, "she said she would take a nap to avoid losing energy. She asked me to call her in half an hour."

So far, no one knows where Cheng Yu has gone.

The pro guards of Cheng's family and Si Xingfu are looking everywhere. No one sees Miss Cheng go out.

Gu Qingzhou said: "since she didn't go out, would she be on the roof?"

In a word, let the people who care about the chaos keep silent.

"I'll see," said zhuomozhi, who had changed into the bridegroom's costume

He inquired about the small stairs leading to the top of the building. He climbed up and saw Cheng Yu standing there smoking.

Between her delicate fingers, there are orange sparks, which can illuminate her eyes.

Zhuo Mo Zhi saw the sad color of her eyes.

He made a sign to the following adjutant to go down and appease the people.

Mrs. Cheng's breath is a little.

The dispatched people were called back one after another, while Si Xingfu continued to chat with Cheng Meng.

On the first day of June in Peiping, the wind in the night is warm, and the air has a light fragrance.

Not far away cicadas, bursts of intense, more deafening than the music downstairs.

"Ah Yu, you have to go down." "No matter how hard you feel, you can't escape at this point," dromo said

Cheng Yu slowly spits out a smoke ring.

She looked at the smoke ring spreading out in front of her eyes and whispered: "I know, I didn't want to escape. If I had to go, I would have gone. "

"Then you..." Zhuo Mo asked carefully, "then you go down?"

"Wait a minute, half an hour." Cheng Yudao.

She said to Zhuo Mo, "I think of Xiaoyun - Xiaoyun told me that Zhuo's family is very cruel, and Zhuo has no feelings for his son.

He is like training a hound to let his sons bite at each other so that the winner can inherit his mantle. Xiao Yun said that his mother was a concubine, so he was struggling in Zhuo's family.

He wants his own small family, with children and daughters, and takes his mother out to be filial. When I'm free, I go home to see my grandmother. "

Zhuo Mozi knows.

This is also his ideal.

After all, he and Xiaoyun are one person, but they are separated.

"I hope he can be the bridegroom." Cheng Yu said, "without him, marriage is meaningless."

At this point, she burst into tears.

She began to sob, then lay on the railing and cried.

"I was wrong." She cried. "I shouldn't be greedy. I'm really wrong."

Zhuo Mozi's hand, gently fell on her back.

In a trance, she heard Xiaoyun's unique low voice and said to her, "just know it's wrong."

Cheng Yu suddenly looks up.

She saw Zhuo Mozi standing beside her in tears.

He would look at her, "you're pissed off."

Cheng Yu suddenly bent over and hugged him tightly.

She can confirm it's him.

His expression, his voice, can't be fake. Her filial piety cloud, finally came back.

She cried again.

The fluke of lost and recovered, the tears of joy and fear, can't stop.

Zhuo Xiaoyun coaxed her in a low voice: "don't cry, you will cry and swell your eyes later, and you can't see anyone."

Cheng Yu still clings to him.

Her arms did not dare to let go. She always felt it was a dream.

After such a long time of fear, when he learned that he had not disappeared, all of them broke out.

Zhuo Xiaoyun coaxed her for twenty minutes before she stopped crying.

Fortunately, the bride has the custom of "crying for marriage", no matter in Yunnan or Beiping, it is no exception.

When Cheng Yu appeared, she had her hair set again and made up, beautiful and square, but her eyes were a little red and swollen.

All the guests doubted him.

When the new man came to toast, Gu Qingzhou and others were slightly surprised.

"What's the matter?" At the end of the toast, Gu Qingzhou quietly asked Si Xingfu, "is that Xiaoyun?"

"Yes." Si Xingfu is determined.

"Why did he suddenly appear?"

"It's not necessarily a sudden appearance." "He is the one who can control everything. When he wants to show up, he will show up."

Gu Qingzhou: "...

so to speak, Zhuo Xiaoyun taught people a lesson. It's really cruel.

However, only in this way can Cheng Yu be impressed, so that he will not be constantly tossed about in the future days, so that he and Mo Zhi can enjoy their lives in peace.

After all, Zhuo Xiaoyun's idea is right.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that the most important thing for the two is to complement each other. Zhuo Xiaoyun's perseverance can make up for Cheng Yu's lazy and procrastinating character.

"He is really a cruel man." "If I had done the same to you, you would have shot me."

"It's different." Gu Qingzhou said, "I can control my life, make rational decisions, and judge good and evil.

But Cheng Yu can't. She was so used to it that she didn't know what compromise was or what it was. It's not a good life for both husband and wife if they just indulge.

It takes someone to stand up to make a good life. This time, I'm not in love with Cheng Yu. She's doing it herself. "

After hearing this, Si Xingfu muttered, "what a cruel woman."

Gu Qingzhou stepped on him under the table.

Who knows a foot actually stepped on empty.

In an emergency, he shrunk his foot back. He was so angry that he moved aside. Then he stepped on it. She saw that Huo Yue, who was drinking, almost choked. "Now I'm the only fish in the city gate pool, isn't it?" Huo Yue said helplessly, "so if you two are on fire, I will burn alone."

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