Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1347 onlookers

A joke, but let Gu Qingzhou lost in thought.

Among their friends, Huo Yue is the only one left now.

Ye Shan doesn't count.

At the back of the wedding banquet, everyone was a little drunk. Si Xingfu and Huo Yue went out, smoking under the trees near the street, and Gu Qingzhou stood beside them.

"Mr. Huo, are you really not going to get married?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Huo Yue thought, "Si Xingkai should know my mind."

"I don't know. I'm not the Ascaris in your stomach," said the secretary

Huo Yue takes a look at him.

"I'm afraid that I'll be involved with my wife and children. I understand," he said with a smile. In fact, you have earned enough money for so many years. If you can buy the whole Yuecheng, why don't you stop? "

Huo Yue smiled faintly.

It's harder to stop.

There are many people who have offended before. Once he stops being a leader, he is just an ordinary person, without the support of the intimidating Green Gang, more people will assassinate him.

From then on, there will be no peace.

Huo Yue said: "how can there be so many gold basins, enough for all of us to wash hands? Ah, we are different from each other from the beginning. "

He looked at the boat and said, "aren't you familiar?"

There are many people surnamed Zhang, but Gu Qingzhou is very clear. He refers to Zhang Longtou, Zhang Geng, Zhang Xinmei's father.


"You and Mrs. Zhang are friendship sisters. Has she told you how many times she has been assassinated? Zhang Longtou has died for several wives. Which one is a good ending? " Huo Yue said.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

She knows everything about Zhangjia.

And Mrs. Zhang is famous for her vigilance and caution, so she looks very lucky, but in fact, she has suffered a lot.

"Well, why do you want to kill someone else's girl?" Huo Yue said, "I have a weak affinity. It's not like governor Ye has to have a son to inherit Xianghuo.

Like me, I can't help it all my life. Once upon a time, he was forced to beg for a living by his uncle's embezzlement of his family property.

Later, I was forced to climb up because I couldn't help it. Otherwise, it was up to others to decide my life and death. Up to now, the blood debt is so heavy that it can't be washed clean. "

Gu Qingzhou suddenly felt that the topic was so heavy.

They were just joking about Huo Yue.

Unexpectedly, huoyue 's sincerity made Gu feel unbearable.

But he didn't care: "what do you do to clean it? In this world, there is always a woman who loves you.

It's really good for me to find someone, be a companion and talk in a long night. When you get to where you are now, don't act like an old man. "

Huo Yue shakes his head and laughs: "if I need to, someone will accompany me in the long night..."

Si Xingli says: "my wife is still here. She is good at ideas."

Huo Yue's laugh and cry are all different: "who has no quality? Don't you talk about long night company first? "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

why does she worry about two hooligans? It's almost full.

She spat, "I'm going first. Don't laugh at either of you. Neither of you is qualified. "

Huo Yue feels aggrieved.

In front of the ladies, he has always been a gentleman in the right way, all of whom have been harmed by the secretary.

"Harm people!" He scolded the Secretary for his behavior.

After hearing this, Si Xingfu felt that the context was changed, which meant flirting.

He wanted to say something more when he saw Yeshan running out the back door.

Someone came up to him.

The spirit of Si Xingfu was shocked.

Governor ye also came to the wedding banquet and brought his sixth aunt.

Aunt Liu is not in good health. Governor ye needs to take extra care of her. With his daughter-in-law forgetting her daughter-in-law, it's estimated that ye Shan was kidnapped, and he didn't know.

Si Xingfu pushes down Huo Yue: "follow up and have a look."

"How vulgar are you? Well, you run to see people talk about love? " Huo Yue didn't understand him.

"What if it's kidnapping?" Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue thinks about it. He always feels that this is the excuse of Si Xingfu's bad virtue.

However, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you will be afraid of one thing.

In case of an accident...

"let's go." Huo Yue Road.

They both went out quietly.

Huo Yue and Si Xingfu watched, and ye Shan ran to the lane beside them.

The figure followed in.

There is only one tailor's shop in the alley with the door open, with dim yellow lights.

Si Xingfu points to the side.

Huo Yue leaped to the roof, followed by Si Xingfu.

The two of them lie on the roof and see the man Ye Shan is facing. She kneels down with a splash.

Ye Shan's voice can't help Rising: "what do you do? What's it like to be seen? There are tens of thousands of people under you. "

Man is Hua Yunfang.

He said, "Ashan, come home with me. I've been back so long, just to build a house for you. I've built it and bought the furniture. Will you come home with me? "

"Go away." Ye Shandao.

Hua Yun is silent.

Ye Shan was so angry that she was about to explode: "get up! Do you kneel or not, are your bones soft? "

Hua Yun is still kneeling in front of her.

"Tut, this is the little white face. Did you see that before? It looks like a fox. It's a bit gloomy. "

Huo Yue saw it.

When I was sitting at the table before, the immoral ghost of Si Xingfu pointed out to him.

Although Huo Yue is unscrupulous, he is moderate in character and gentle in appraising others.

From his mild evaluation, he thought that Huayun Fang was indeed quite charming.

What's more, Hua Yunfang belongs to the kind of tall but not wide shoulder, which always makes people wonder whether he is dressed as a woman or a man.

He is not as charming as Cai Changting.

"Since it's an old acquaintance, shall we go?" "Miss Ye Er will not be in danger," said Huo Yue

"When it's so wonderful, do you want to go? Let's go first. I'll have a look. "

Huo Yue: "...

GU Qingzhou can accept the goods, and I think it's very capable.

Huo Yue pressed his shoulder heavily: "let's go, such a gossip, just like a woman."

"Nonsense, if you want to say that, women can smoke you." "Curiosity is the nature of human beings, unless they are old-fashioned. Master, are you ok? "

Huo Yue: "...

Huo Yue, who was humiliated for no reason, kicked the tile heavily and raised a broken tile beside Ye Shan.

Ye Shan and Hua Yunfang are all scared, and they look up vigilantly.

Huo Yue's temperament was warm and moist, and he said to Ye Shan, "miss two, it's OK, isn't it? Since you know each other, let's go first. "

Huo Yue kicked over the eight trigrams pot of Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu sharpens his knife in his heart and has to jump off the roof with Huo Yue.

Ye Shan was so embarrassed that she couldn't do more. Hua Yunfang also stood up.

"You go back." Ye Shan said coldly to him, "look at your weight. What's your qualification to marry ye dujun's daughter?" "But..." Huayun's eyes are full of pain. "But you are my woman."

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