Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1352 whose life is important

After a standoff of ten minutes, waiting like this may make them run away.

Huo Yue said, "I'll go in and have a look. Gunan oak, you cover me and run out of bullets as much as you can. "

Gu Nan Xiang looks at the eye secretary.

The Secretary nodded.

Huo Yue moved forward slowly. The bullet rubbed his shoulder with that of Gu Nan Xiang and hit them, almost hitting them.

Little by little, there were fewer and fewer bullets. Finally, when Huo Yue got close to the boulder, the people inside lost their bullets and stabbed him.

Gunan oak could see that this was a man, so he raised his hand to give him a shot and ended his life.

It's a long cave. It needs to go in and make a detour.

Gu Nan oak is careless. He gets a stray bullet on his shoulder, but Huo Yue cleanly solves two problems.

Finally, at the end of the cave, he saw Huo Shujing.

The cave is dark, and people 's eyes can adapt to such light, so huoyue sees the simple outline of his sister.

But after a minute of confrontation, neither of them moved.

For a moment, there was light behind.

Si Xingqi came in with a flashlight.

His flashlight hit the cave and illuminated the woman.

She looks very pale, her eyes are narrowed by the light, and then a little gloomy, like the moment when she was just rescued by Huo Yue.

Gu's mind was buzzing.

The string, which had been strained for more than two years, was suddenly broken. She looked at Huo Fujing, who was illuminated by Si Xingfu, and held her breath.

Her five senses gradually disappeared, her body was stiff, and she had no feeling or taste.

She became blank, even in the gap of her heart, there was a blank. The hot air blows, leaving no trace.

"Ah Jing." Next to Yan Yiyuan, the voice was so dismal, not much like human voice.

He stood there with his feet still and his breath held.

It seems that this is a beautiful dream. You should wake up a little bit.

Compared with them, Huo Yue is more rational. He is a lot of experienced, and he doesn't feel so guilty about Huo, so he quickly calms down his emotions.

"Ah Jing, is that you?" Huo Yue asked the man opposite.

Huo holds a gun in her hand, looks for a target in the crowd, and then points it at Si Xingfu. She thinks this is the chief.

When Huo Yue asked her what she said, she didn't answer and her eyes didn't move.

"Ah Jing, put down your gun. We won't hurt you." Huo Yue advised her in a low voice, "listen, go home with elder brother."

Huo's remaining light finally glanced at him.

She can't see.

All the light is on her side.

Si Xingfu pointed the flashlight at the cave top so that everyone could see each other clearly.

Huo finally saw Huo Yue and others.

Her eyes swept one by one without a moment's pause. The eyes that fall on Gu Qingzhou and Yan Yiyuan are strange and indifferent.

As they expected, she was hurt in the explosion.

She doesn't remember.

If she remembers, she will try to escape, rather than two years without any news.

"Listen, put the gun down." Huo Yue advised her.

"You put it down first," Huo said

Huo Yue immediately put his gun on the ground.

Soon, Si Xingfu, Yan Yiyuan, Gu Nan Xiang and two other special forces soldiers laid down their weapons.

Huo Yue takes the first half step: "ah Jing, do you remember me? I'm your elder brother, I've been looking for you for a long time... "

Huo Shujing's expression is a little confused.

She looked tentatively at Huo Yue.

"I..." she looked a little confused.

However, the confusion was only a fake. She saw that all the people changed their faces, put down their vigilance, and immediately shot.

She aimed her gun at Si Xingfu.

At the same time, there was another gunshot in the cave.

Si Xingfu's flashlight was immediately closed. The whole cave was in darkness, and then another shot was fired.

Three shots echoed throughout the cave.

Huo Yue takes advantage of the darkness at this time, and holds Huo together.

When the light comes on again, he looks at the people around him.

No one was hurt, but Gu Qingzhou, wearing his uniform, hid her hands in her sleeves. Now she held up her head high. The gun in her hand had just been fired, and she was still stable and even.

On the opposite side, Huo Fengjing is cut on the ground by Huo Yue. Her wrist is bleeding.

Besides her, there is another person beside them.

The man was unusually tall and strong, dressed in black paint and covered with black cloth. He hit his neck with a shot. At the moment, he was twitching.

"Riverside, Riverside!" Huo seems to be confused, and then shrieks. Her voice is all over the cave.

The aftersound reverberated and vibrated endlessly, hitting everyone's eardrum.

The local people, convulsed for a few seconds, then they did not move.

Huo Longjing fought for his life to fight Huo Yue. He kept calling "Jiang Lin". He wanted to go there and have a look.

Half a minute later, she seemed to lose her strength and burst out crying: "let go of me, you let go of me, that's my husband!"

Huo Yue's heart is suddenly sour.

As soon as he lost his mind, Huo won Jing's way. She did not deceive, she did not attack, but rushed to the fallen.

She picked him up, took off his black scarf and held his face.

She can't believe it. "Jiang Lin!" she cried

Too much pain, swept her, her body shaking, and then spit out a blood.

She fell all over.

Huo Yue hugged her in a hurry.

He picked up Huo, turned around and walked out to heal her.

Yan Yiyuan, who has been stupefied, seems to have a little vitality at the moment.

He saw clearly that Huo's goal was Si Xingfu, which might be her training.

At the moment of Huo's shooting, Gu Qingzhou did not hesitate to fight back. She should aim at Huo's forehead.

Jiang Lin burst out and blocked the bullet. He used to be in the dark, waiting for Huo to take her back, but now he had to block the gun.

Yan Yiyuan turned and looked at Gu Qingzhou: "you just... If there is no one, are you going to kill ah Jing?"

After one shot, Gu Qingzhou made up another shot and shot Huo's gun out.

She did not hesitate.

When her husband was threatened, she instinctively sheltered him, no matter who he was.

Yan Yiyuan's eyes were red with blood in an instant. He looked at the man on the ground who died in peace, as if he saw Ah Jing's body.

He shivered and asked Gu Qingzhou again, "do you want to kill ah Jing?"

Gu Qingzhou looks up.

Her face and lips were all pale, and even her eyes were gloomy, like a fierce ghost.

"Yes." She used her own strange voice to answer Yan Yiyuan.

She wanted to kill Huo.

Because in that moment, Huo wanted to kill her husband.

She stayed on purpose. Her goal is to be a manager. She even knows who will appear tonight.

Yan Yiyuan raised his hand.

Gu Qingzhou could see that he wanted to slap himself, instinctively shrunk his shoulders, but did not back away, just slightly closed his eyes.

The slap didn't fall on her face.

Gu Qingzhou thought that it was Si Xingfu who held Yan Yiyuan.

Open her eyes, she saw Yan Yiyuan's own hand, and stopped in the air.

He knew later, shed tears all over his face, but his hands could not fight down. So he slapped back, slapped himself in the face, knelt on the ground, and began to cry.

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