Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1353 taking care of the shipwreck

Gu Qingzhou's feeling tonight has been absent.

When I saw Huo Xunjing, she was so shocked that her mood was shattered.

When she saw Huo's intention clearly, she instinctively wanted to save the company.

She's like a machine, putting emotions and feelings aside and doing only the right thing - what she thinks is right.

Until the sound of Yan Yiyuan's slap, she opened the gate of her emotion, and the emotion flowed out to make her stagger.

Yan Yiyuan hated her so much that he wanted to hit her, but in the end he didn't fall down.

Ah Jing is his beloved woman, and the canoe is his sister.

He can't get off that hand.

Besides, who is he blaming?

It seems that no one is right. Even he himself doesn't know where he is wrong.

However, the truth is such sadness. He didn't go out to look for Huo Yue or see the gradually cold body. He didn't blame anyone.

His tears, which were more than two years late, first drowned him.

He knelt on the ground and cried, almost breaking his heart.

Gu Qingzhou's tears also blur Si Xingfu.

When Si Xingfu came, she hugged him and buried herself in his arms. Too much guilt made her lose her strength.

Her light, also saw the body.

If it wasn't for this person, it would be ah Jing, who had to follow the boat to protect her, but had an accident.

"Am I still a person?" She asked herself.

She doesn't count.

What is she?

She was trembling all over. Si Xingfu held her tightly, kissed her sideburns, and whispered, "canoe, Canoe?"

Gu Qingzhou is not stable. He is dazed and passed out.

She was in a coma for only a few minutes.

When she woke up, Si Xingfu and others took over the hiding place and were boiling water.

After a night's running, everyone was thirsty.

Gu Qingzhou sees the fire reflected on Si Xingfu, who is talking to Huo Yue about something.

She didn't look around.

She was afraid.

She wanted to have a look at Huo Fujing, but she felt that she was no longer qualified.

She owes Huo Fengjing all her life. She is still in pieces.

After the people had drunk water and had a good rest, it was over four o'clock in the morning, and the forest was foggy.

The white fog is getting thicker and thicker, almost covering the view.

Si Xingfu has been holding the boat and talking to her from time to time.

Gu Qingzhou, on the other hand, is half closed. He doesn't go to see Si Xingfu or other people, including Yan Yiyuan and Huo Lanjing.

Suddenly, there was a whistle in the forest.

Crisp and sharp.

"Be careful!" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "put me down, I can walk."

In this case, even if he helps her walk, it is safer than holding her like this.

The Secretary also noticed.

He left the boat and asked her, "are there any bullets in the gun?"

"Yes, I only fired two." Gu Qingzhou said coldly.

When the whistle passed, there was something burning in the air.

"Be careful!" Si Xingfu suddenly presses the head of the light boat to let her lie down.

Someone dropped a bomb not far away from them.

The impact of the explosion made everyone's ears buzzing.

The person of Si xingxu immediately followed the original direction and threw one out.

He adjusted his strategy so that his special corps could be divided into four parts. First, he protected Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing.

Then there was the sound of gunfire, and someone came to live and stabbed directly with a dagger.

A new round of competition has begun.

Until half an hour later, the enemies around seemed to have been wiped out almost, and all the people were a little relieved and gathered in the middle.

At this time, the Secretary suddenly shouted: "light boat?"

Huo Yue shouted, "ah Jing?"

Si Xingfu immediately took out his flashlight and swept it into his group to see everyone's face clearly.

Huo, who was too weak to stand, disappeared.

What disappeared with her was Gu Qingzhou.

At this moment, the scalp has been numb.

All his limbs were soaked by a cold current, which made him shiver constantly.

He was so dead that he pressed his teeth, but he didn't lose his temper: "what about people?"

People are gone.

Si Xingfu always felt that Cai Changting loved to take care of the light boat and regarded Si Xingfu as his enemy. Huo's goal was him.

However, Cai Changting's calculation of the guilt of Gu Qingzhou is also accurate.

Guilt left her in a trance.

Huo shuojing is to take advantage of her not to come back to God, she was bound away.

Cai Changting's goal is to take care of the boat. He never puts the cart before the horse.

He knew very well that there was no possibility between him and Gu Qingzhou.

If you can't get her heart, you have to take her.

In the heavy fog, Si Xingfu and Huo Yue all changed their faces.

"Chase me!" I'll drink it.

Yan Yiyuan, with complex emotions, was also confused in the face of this change.

"What about the canoe?" he asked subconsciously

Gu Qingzhou fell into deep darkness. When she was a little conscious, she felt something cold, and she pushed it down her arm.

She was a little spirited and immediately fell into a coma.

She vaguely remembered a man standing behind her.

All around were their own people, and she didn't notice.

When the man met her, she smelled the inexplicable breath. She should have been alert, but thought that it was ah Jing. It was Huo Fong Jing who was sorry for her.

She didn't look back.

Then she felt a stabbing pain in the back of her neck and knew nothing.

"Ah Jing, she kidnapped me." Gu Qingzhou said, "can I live to see Si Xingfu again?"

She remembered that before she left, she told Si Xingfu that she would go back to Yuecheng for summer and pick lotus plants.

Si Xingfu also scolded her for being shameless and hard dressed at the age of 16.


She kept struggling and could not let her consciousness sink, but her body betrayed her.

Soon, she did not even have a short-term consciousness, she completely fell into the boundless darkness.

At dawn, Si Xingfu stood at the top of the mountain, looking at the mountains in the distance, the thin morning mist in the mountain stream, the bright golden glow in the morning, his heart was silent.

Huo Yue stands behind him.

"Go back and send a plane. Look for it on this mountain." Huo Yue said, "don't worry. It was Cai Changting who took her away. Whether it was for restoration or for personal love, he would not hurt her. "

Si Xingqi did not answer him.

He stood still for a long time and said: "we said that we would go back to pick lotus plants..."

Huo Yue felt very cold.

Gu's luck has always been good, but this time? Is it finally the moment when she's exhausted her good fortune?

"Let's go." Huo Yue raised a thousand jin arm and patted the shoulder of Paisi Xingfu. "It's important to find someone."

The Secretary nodded. When he looked back, Huo Yue saw that his eyes were bloodshot and red, just like a cannibal who drank blood.

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