Gu Qingzhou's words make Cai Changting's lip line slightly tight.

He said for a long time: "canoe, you are mean. What is kidnapping? I'll take you to me, that's all. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "what's the day when I was picked up?"

"You don't know?"

"I really don't know this time. I've had many dreams and I've been restless." Gu chuckled.

Cai Changting's expression is a little relieved.

"Then... Do you dream of me?" He asked Gu Qingzhou with a smile.

Gu chuckled: "of course, I've dreamt of you countless times. You're just my dream lover."

Cai Changting was embarrassed by her irony even though she felt better.

He pressed his lips again.

When Gu Qingzhou mocked him, he opened all his firepower and attacked in his weakest direction.

Seeing that he was almost enraged, Gu Qingzhou wanted to strike while the iron was hot: "Changting, I want to ask you, do you really like me?"

All the words from the past are remembered by Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting.

But what about that?

What they said, mostly smoke bombs, has no real significance.

Now, the problem has been put in front of CAI Changting. He seems to have been poked at by others.

The people who poked at his shortcomings were endless. Standing beside him, they kept stabbing and watching. They wanted to kill him and even remember his embarrassment.

His eyes sank.

So, he put down Gu Qingzhou and began to take the rope on her hand and take her away.

Gu Qingzhou was soft all over and was led by Cai Changting to stumble: "it seems that there is an answer. You don't really like me. Alas, I can understand the deception. It's a bit indecent to cheat. "

"Shut up!" Some people drink hard.

Gu Qingzhou looks back.

She saw a half year old child.

The child is a little taller than Gu Qingzhou. He hasn't grown yet. He looks childish. He is the most ordinary appearance, but the eyes, gloomy, as if through the vicissitudes of life.

"Do you want face?" The boy scolded her.

Gu Qingzhou remembers.

In her dream, it was this boy who constantly provoked Huo to kill her. Even if we can't kill her, we will destroy her appearance.

"Why does he hate me so much?" Gu Qingzhou was a little confused.

She didn't see the man.

"Is it the sin of ahun? Is he angry with me for hating ahun, or just hating me? " Gu Qingzhou's eyes swept over the boy without any clue.

She glanced back at Huo.

In the sun, Gu Qingzhou finally sees Huo Shujing clearly. She had a high ponytail, a convenient black dress, a short blade in her hand, and a gun case on her waist.

She walked quietly, frowning as if suffering from some great pain.

Feeling Gu's eyes, she looked up at her.

At this moment, it should have been full of hatred, but her heart was inexplicably sour, as if there were filled with dissatisfied memories, which made her unable to hate.

So she moved her eyes and stopped making eye contact with Gu.

Seeing this, Gu Qingzhou's eyes suddenly turned red.

The boy kicked her: "walk well, what do you see?"

This one foot is merciless, almost want to kick Gu Qingzhou's crus out of a bruise.

Cai Changting pulled the rope and turned around. "Gaudi, don't be rude."

The boy's gloomy eyes immediately filled with emotion, meek as a lamb, came to Cai Changting: "master, why don't we kill her?"

"Don't make a fool of yourself." Cai Changting said lightly.

Gu Qingzhou tasted the boy's eyes and understood immediately.

It turned out that he was so hostile to himself, not because of herself, not because of ah fan, but because of CAI Changting.

Because Cai Changting likes to take care of light boats.

She knew it in her heart and stopped talking.

Her body was soft, probably because the drugs that had been put into her body at the time of kidnapping had not yet gone out. Gu Qingzhou was a doctor, and calculated the time limit of the comatose drugs, so she thought, "I have not been kidnapped for more than 36 hours."

That is to say, she just sleeps all day and all night.

If Si Xingfu wants to catch up with her, it's probably too late.

They have been walking on the mountain road. Gu's legs weigh a thousand pounds. Cai Changting dragged her twice, almost dragging her down, and walked to her side again.

He looked down at her, his expression as soft as possible: "I'll hold you, don't be a moth, OK?"

Gu Qingzhou also wants to save energy.

Otherwise, when she was exhausted to the extreme, her brain could not keep up with her and could not seize the opportunity.

"Yes, I promise." "I can't walk," Gu added

Cai Changting picked her up.

His breath, just above her head, smelled the fragrance in her hair.

He had no words and ordered the people to continue on their way.

And Gu Qingzhou, in the case of efficacy has not been over, ten thousand can not run away. There was only one chance. She had to look for it slowly, so she decided to close her eyes and take a nap.

She relaxed herself completely.

This relaxation made her sleep again.

By the time she woke up, it was dark. They may have climbed a very high mountain, so now the mountain roads are all at the top.

There is no hot summer at the top, and it's very cold at night.

Gu Qingzhou is covered with CAI Changting's coat. She finds that the team has stopped and everyone is resting in place.

"Here you are." Cai Changting reached out and sent a biscuit to Gu's lips.

Gu took it in his mouth and asked, "why don't you make a fire and eat something hot?"

Cai Changting is in a daze.

When Gu Qingzhou picked up the biscuit, his lips touched his fingers. Soft touch, let him have a different wave, not so indifferent.

He was at a loss for a moment, then he came back to her and sent another piece of chocolate to her lips: "why do you need to ask more?"

"I'm afraid to be found. That is to say, the plane of Si Xingfu is in mid air? " She said.

Cai Changting nodded.

Gu Qingzhou thought and thought, "where do you want to take me?"

Cai Changting said, "it will be here soon. Don't worry."

When Gu Qingzhou ate three biscuits and two chocolates, he picked up a pot of water for her.

Gu Qingzhou sniffed, first smelled a smell of medicine, she shook her head.

Cai Changting fixed her head and forced her to drink.

After drinking, the consciousness of taking care of the light boat gradually became lax.

"They should have a base in the mountains. I don't think they will go out for a while because they are so cautious. That is to lock me up. " Gu thought before he lost consciousness.

"I don't know what the hurry has become." She struggled uneasily.

A pair of clean and cool hands, falling on her forehead, seemed to placate her.

She was completely asleep.

When she woke up, she was indoors. The temperature in the room was still warm. It should be underground, surrounded by concrete walls, a vent, and a huge steel door. "This is the cage."

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