Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1356 Huang Que in the future

There is also a small door on the big iron door.

The door was locked from the outside. Cai Changting opened the door and brought in a bowl of steaming rice porridge.

"Have some." He said, "take your time. Don't burn it."

Gu Qingzhou's rope and handcuffs are gone. She can move freely, but she has been tied for two days and nights. Her arms are sore.

She moved her lower arm.

"Thank you." She said.

Cai Changting sat beside her.

Gu Qingzhou's cage has only two beds of bedding on the ground. There are no other decorations. Cai Changting sits on the ground.

Gu Qingzhou has porridge while he is thinking about something.

Cai Changting saw that her eyes didn't turn for a long time and asked, "want to escape from here? It's very hard. This is a military bunker just completed. It's very complicated. Even if you go out of the gate, you can't find the gate. "

Take care of the boat.

She smiled: "I'm not thinking about it. As long as I'm safe for the time being, I'm not in a hurry. The manager knows that I'm important, and he won't be too anxious. "

The kidnapping of her was nothing more than the announcement of her Princess identity by Mrs. Hirano.

Gu Qingzhou has to say that he is not, but he can't get rid of it without demonstration.

That's her value.

Si Xingfu will be in a hurry, but he will know that she is not in danger for the time being.

"I think again, when simu and Fangfei were killed, you and ah fan were in Shanghai. I still don't believe it. It has nothing to do with you. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting smiled.

Gu asked again, "does it have anything to do with you?"

Cai Changting nodded: "not with me, but with my wife."

Si Fangfei was born in junvalvi. She is different from other girls.

Children of ordinary families may be eager for material things, so they have a goal to strive for, but sifangfei has not.

Whatever she wants, she can get it. She has no greed. Live, want to see all sorts of ugliness, let her originally have a little sensitive heart more delicate.

The only significant thing in her life is probably her brother.

She is the pillar of her life.

Elder brother lingers in happy field, Si Fangfei is envious but can't bear to hate, she knows he didn't care. She also knew that in his heart, she was always the most important.

Until the emergence of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu gave love and family to Si Xingfu. In his heart, Gu Qingzhou's jealousy and vexatious, he must maintain, he even took the initiative to stay away from Fangfei.

Later, he will have his own children.

Wife, children, these filled his life, sister from family to relatives.

Sifangfei's faith collapsed.

"She shouldn't have committed suicide, right?" Gu Qingzhou said, "a few days ago, Si Xingfu told me that he found out that Fang Fei might have killed Si Mu before committing suicide.

But I think Fangfei is not desperate to a certain extent. If she wants to manage Xingfu, then she still has the belief of living.

When Sima is dead, his mother and sister will not give up, and want me to pay for my life. Then the marriage between Sima and me will be rejected by thousands of people.

Such a marriage cannot last long. Even if we get through all kinds of difficulties, when we see each other in the future, we will think of the sufferings we have suffered for each other, and we will also be angry.

If we just want to destroy our marriage, it's enough for Smoothie to die.

Moreover, Si Xingfu said that at the beginning of the death of Si Mu and Fang Fei, all the murderers he found were me, indicating that Fang Fei had made arrangements.

She is ready to frame me. The death of SIMU can achieve her goal. She doesn't need to commit suicide anymore, does she? So, I feel like there are other people's pens in it. "

Cai Changting smiled.

Gu Qingzhou added: "Fangfei's death, in fact, did not play a major role in that bureau, the only thing is to let the governor also collapse, aggravating the divorce of my marriage."

What sifangfei wants is to be quiet and occupy.

But the final result is that everything is destroyed and destroyed as fast as lightning.

"Not bad." Cai Changting said, "but it's not my job. It's my wife. At the same time, she asked ah Hui and I to go to you, and at the same time, they were destroying your relationship with Si Jia.

You guessed it well. Si Fangfei set up the Bureau. She wanted to kill Si Mu to intensify the conflict between you and Si's family and let his wife bite you to death.

But the governor and the leader will still be on your side. Maybe difficulties will make you more united and your marriage stronger.

Madam wants to let you go, so she has a yellow emperor. When Fang Fei finds someone to frame you, the lady's people follow her.

Si Xingfu probably didn't tell you that he caught a traitor beside him, who committed suicide before his trial.

He is the spy of his wife, and he killed sifangfei. After finishing this, he made a circle for sifangfei.

Looking at the shallow place means that you killed sifangfei and simu, and all the evidence points to you; looking at the deep place means that sifangfei used suicide as bait. The lady is clean and can't be found on her head. "

Gu Qingzhou hears this, the hand that carries rice porridge is a little meal.

She understood one thing.

That Pearl comb.

When sifangfei sent Gu to the boat, it was really good and there was no problem. The hand and foot she made was the spy.

She knew that the manager would check, and then she would take apart the things and buy a new one. So the man who worked for him gave the poisoned one to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou runs out and his scalp is red and swollen, which may lead to misunderstandings and misunderstandings about Gu Qingzhou deliberately setting up Si Fangfei.

Since deliberately framed, it shows that Gu Qingzhou has malice to Fangfei.

When Si Muyi dies, Si Fangfei can infer that someone else has killed him wrongly. Si Mu died for her. If we go on to investigate, the murderer is Gu Qingzhou again...

Si Xingfu thinks about the frame up before Gu Qingzhou, as if he had made preparations to hurt people at that time.

"... as a result, you are all wrong. Even if I really kill sifangfei and simu, sifangxu wants me. Are you a pervert if you don't count it in the Department? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting sighed.

Mrs. Hirano was also upset to mention it.

After designing such a large circle, Gu Qingzhou got to Taiyuan mansion, but the effect was very weak.

Si Xingfu is really a wonderful work.

Of course, it's even more wonderful.

Mrs. Hirano put her nurse and her master beside her. Those two men were prison guards, watchmen and traineers.

But Gu didn't know that she had feelings for them.

Si Xingfu killed them, and Gu Qingzhou was willing to marry him.

In a word, these two couples are really naive and abnormal.

"If Madame knows you, she shouldn't have used such a scheme." Cai Changting said, "now think about it, if we let sifangfei live, maybe it will be more useful, and it will be more useful to mix you with sifangfei."

"What about simmer?"

"Sima was killed by sifangfei. You can't blame his wife for that." Cai Changting smiled, "light boat, I know you are not willing.

Your mood I understand very much, sometimes our bone - cutting hatred, when finally solve the truth, but only the little girl jealous. Sima died miserably and wrongly. You can't help it if you don't want to. Everyone in charge of the family is a little abnormal. "

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