Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1365 decisions

Summer season, even into the night, everywhere is hot.

The rest of the earth is still baking.

Gu Qingzhou's sideburns have been wet with sweat, and her hair has been smoothed to the left.

She sat in an ice-cream shop with the Si Xingfu. She scooped ice cream with the a silver spoon and ate it

"Didn't you say no cutting?" He laughed and then dug a big spoon and swallowed it.

Gu Qingzhou said, "eat slowly, and your stomach will be upset for a while."

"Even if I eat Shi, my stomach doesn't hurt." It doesn't matter what the way is.

Gu Qingzhou: "...

she looked at the mango ice cream in her bowl and couldn't eat it.

And I want to kill Si Xingfu with a stick.

"What's the matter?" Si Xingfu felt as if he didn't realize, "if you don't want to eat, you don't want to eat. This kind of ice, who knows if it's hidden in the ice cellar or made of saltpetre. "

Long ago, the Han people had the habit of building ice cellars in midsummer.

There is a kind of saltpetre, as long as it meets water, it will cool down and eventually become ice.

However, saltpeter itself is harmful.

Si Xingfu does not advocate eating ice in midsummer. He always feels that he should comply with the solar terms all the year round. In midsummer, he should drink more hot water and taste ice in winter.

However, Gu Qingzhou will occasionally look like a greedy little girl.

In front of his wife, all the opinions of Si Xingfu will give way without any bottom line, to the unimaginable bottom.

"I'm sick." Gu Qingzhou is helpless.

"You're not the first time I've been disgusted. Haven't you got used to it?"

Gu Qingzhou: "...

what kind of talent can be so shameless? Gu Qingzhou can handle this person and take him as his own in this life. She's really capable of coming here.

She put down the small bowl and drank half a cup of sour plum soup, which made her cool.

She's cool, and she's a little more energetic.

"Hungry, can I have something to eat?" "There's a hotel in front of you," he added

Gu Qingzhou said, "you can eat, and you can't talk nonsense on the table."

"Everything depends on my wife," said the secretary

After they had dinner, it was 9:30 p.m. and the heat in the air finally died down. Walking on the road, they could feel a slight chill.

The adjutant's car is from Peiping. They had dinner first and were waiting at the door.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu get on the bus.

"Still going to the hospital?" Asked the adjutant.

"To the quay." Gu Qingzhou road.

There are many wharves in Tianjin, but there is only one going to Europe overnight.

Gu said the address of the wharf.

The adjutant drove out.

Gu Qingzhou didn't speak. He kept rubbing the jade pendant.

She weighed it in her hand and found that the weight was normal.

"If she hid something in the jade pendant, where is the switch? If she doesn't hide it, I will break it directly. Is it equal to destroying the relics? " I can't make up my mind.

Even on the last day, she did not see whether Mrs. Hirano was kind or malicious to her.

"Western medicine has not been able to treat tuberculosis." Si Xingfu said to Gu Qingzhou, "I don't think I have a chance to see her."

"Well." Gu Qingzhou road.

She sounded a little cold.

However, the fact is that, for incurable diseases, the doctor is not a God.

If Mrs. Hirano cooperates, Gu Qingzhou can do her best to save her.

From the present situation, she is not willing.

The car stops at the seawall, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu get off the car, and they walk along the seawall to the wharf.

Although it was midsummer, the sea breeze was still wet and cold. The clothes of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou were thin. So he turned back and took the shawl that Gu Qingzhou put in the car.

About 50 meters from the dock, Gu stopped.

There is a stone platform nearby. Si Xingfu casually wipes the mud on it and lets Gu Qingzhou sit on it.

He stood by and lit a cigarette in silence.

In the dark, when the fireworks died out, I could see his face vaguely.

The cruise ship is parked at the wharf not far away, bustling.

The people who drove the boat, as well as the people who saw off, made the wharf noisy like a market in the late night.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have been watching.

Until four people came into their sight.

Two men, carrying luggage. The luggage was heavy and varied, as if it were a move; a young woman, with a mask, supported another one.

The woman couldn't see her face clearly, but her waist couldn't stand upright, as if she were old.

"If she is so ill, she will infect a ship of people." All of a sudden, Si Xingfu opened his mouth in the dark. "She has been quite immoral until she died."

Gu Qingzhou heard Mrs. Hirano's words and guessed that she might want to leave far away.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou did not know the truth of her words.

Listen to her meaning. If she is cured, no matter where she goes, she still can't avoid royalists. There will always be people who don't give up.

Even if she wants to give up, no one else will allow it.

Moreover, this matter will also involve taking care of the boat, making it hard for taking care of the boat.

Gu's original plan was to eliminate the royalists, including those who killed Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano knows that she just gets along with each other. Even if she doesn't have feelings, she can't ignore her blood and kinship. The sacrifice of CAI Changting made Gu Qingzhou's hatred of the royalist party disappear.

She wanted to save Mrs. Hirano.

And Mrs. Hirano, if there is anything left in this life, it's probably the blood of Gu Qingzhou.

She didn't want to destroy Gu's boat and her life.

So she had her own ideas.

Gu Qingzhou thought that at that moment, it was his own random guess, but he didn't think it was true.

Si Xingqi stamped out the cigarette end and looked at the wharf in the distance: "if she really got on the boat, then I won't ask about Fangfei."

Fang Fei is a homicide or suicide. Si Xingfu also wants to make sure.

But Fang Fei killed Sima, which is absolutely certain.

His killing or suicide is only the retribution of Fang Fei's sin, and Si Xingfu can turn a blind eye to it.

Gu Qingzhou tells Si Xingfu that Mrs. Hirano may want a way out: let the royalists think that she has gone to Europe, and the real she died of illness.

She can die, but she can't be found dead. Otherwise, Gu Qingzhou is her substitute.

She disappeared without trace. No one could find her. She didn't have to hide. Death was her relief.

Buried in the sea, no bones.

"Should I stop her?" Gu Qingzhou asks the Secretary for advice.

"Can you cure her?" he said

"There's a 30% chance."

"Even if these three are successful, can you treat her as a mother, filial piety and support her in the rest of your life?" The Secretary asked again.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

It turns out that if it is cured, it does not mean that the problem has been solved.

Under the gaze of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, Mrs. Hirano boarded the cruise ship.

She was escorted by two men who got out of the boat soon and didn't go with her. When they got off the ship, one of them carried a small suitcase. Is that the severance payment that Mrs. Hirano gave them?

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