Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1366 the home of Mrs. Hirano

Mrs. Hirano can hardly remember her name.

When she was at her mother's house, what her parents called her seemed to be a long memory, which she could not remember.

She entered the palace at the age of 16, and her name disappeared from her world.

She's the yehenara. She's the queen.

Later, her husband died, and her daughter was not allowed by her mother-in-law, so they escaped. There is no record of children in history books.

Her husband 's younger brother inherited the throne, and soon the evil mother-in-law died, and the younger brother who picked up the cheap ones also abdicated.

There is no monarchy in China.

There is no queen. She is the penultimate queen.

She is a dead person in the history books. She even has a posthumous title.

Later, she went incognito and married Hirano.

Her life seemed to be fleeting, so hurried, and so difficult.

"If I were 30 years old, maybe I could learn a lot about freedom, democracy and new learning." She thought.

If she and Gu had the same education, would her fate be different?

Will she follow the bad habits of those dynasties, and even her name can't be left in the end?

Gu is lucky.

At that time, with her own ability, she was flattered to go to the superintendent's home. The superintendent of military forces asked her to go to church school for several years. She has a good command of medicine.

Now, even if she married, others would not use "Siku" to summarize her.

When it comes to her, at least she will say, "Mrs. Gu, the great doctor of Gu Qingzhou."

She has a name and surname. Even if her husband's surname is crowned, her name has value. Some people will introduce it in detail, rather than simply using the word "Gu".

In this way, we have dignity.

This dignity is of no value to women in the new era. They even take the initiative to take the surname of their husband, and are proud of it.

But for Mrs. Hirano, it's hard to ask for money.

Gu Qingzhou's words in her ward completely recalled the memories of more than 20 years ago.

Mrs. Hirano had appendicitis in the last half of her pregnancy.

The acute pain of appendicitis is hard to bear.

She went to the West hospital. The doctor said the baby was about to be born. It was too dangerous to operate at this time.

Wang Zhi also said that we should give birth to children in advance.

Mrs. Hirano refused.

"In case of birth, what should he do if he is in poor health and hard to support?" She said.

She suffered for half a month until she took care of the light boat.

It's like purgatory.

Later, she was born as a daughter. Mrs. Hirano was so disappointed that she didn't seem to look at her more. Even today, she can't have affection for Gu Qingzhou.

However, she was deeply moved by Gu Qingzhou's words.

She worked so hard, using her own blood to conceive a bean sized embryo into a sound child. For the sake of her suffering like that, did she hope that she would be harassed by the royalists in this life?

Cai Changting died, Mrs. Hirano was killed and contracted tuberculosis. All this told her that the Japanese not only gave up her, but also didn't want her to live.

So, why does she turn over again?

Is she going to use this life to destroy the children who have brought her hard work to the world?

She has been selfish all her life. When can she really understand her mother's responsibility?

She did not care for the boat, did not love her, and did not even look at her more. Why should she get her tolerance and consideration?

Gu Qingzhou's words wedge into Mrs. Hirano's heart like nails.

When the cruise ship left the dock, she followed her "nurse", changed into her clothes and went to the restaurant.

The nurse made an old look and wore a mask on purpose. Others asked, she made a painful color, hoarse voice answer: "mouth inflammation, can't speak."

About three days after the cruise, Mrs. Hirano's phthisis has reached the extreme. She knows that the last moment has arrived.

She can't make it tonight.

At about three in the morning, when everyone fell asleep, she stepped onto the deck.

She climbed the railings with difficulty, and went up with great difficulty.

Black water, rolling waves. She thought she would be afraid and timid.

But looking at the sea, she had a wireless yearning.

It's over.

Her painful life was finally free. In this moment, she is happy, is never relieved in her life.

When she fell into the sea, almost no one knew.

Her "nurse" took her place and became Mrs. Hirano, always wearing a mask.

She always shut herself up in the room and refused to see anyone.

It was not until two months later that the liner arrived in Britain on the other side of the ocean that Mrs. Hirano got off.

She soon lost track.

Since then, I have never seen her again. Her luggage is still on the cruise line. The cruise company is going to deliver it to her three days later. As a result, the landlord of her rental house said that the tenant did not come at all.

In this way, she disappeared in the vast sea of people.

She was tracked down and there was solid evidence that she was on board and that she had gone to England.

But no matter how I look for her, I can't find her in England.

And her luggage, also in the cruise company, is even more corroborating proof that she really reached the other side of the ocean.

So she became a legend.

A man who exists but has no trace.

When Gu Qingzhou saw the cruise ship leaving at the wharf, he knew the result.

She was disappointed.

Although Mrs. Hirano began to suffer from tuberculosis, her life was over.

But when she really went to the cruise ship, Gu was moved.

She knew that Mrs. Hirano had led all the troubles away. The royalist's eyes must have been on her all the time, and she would lock those eyes firmly, so that Gu Qingzhou could pick them completely.

This may be her last motherhood.

"Si Xingfu, she and Cai Changting are gone. Since then, the truth of Fangfei's death can only be guessed. Do you mind?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu put his arm around her shoulder.

He doesn't mind.

Not all the truth is pleasant.

Some truth, or do not appear subtle.

"I hope that Fangfei killed Sima and then killed herself. At least at that time, she had a little humanity and knew that she was paying Sima for her life." "That's enough," said the secretary

Gu took a look at him.

"If she really has an enemy, it may not be good. So, if Mrs. Pino and Cai Changting are gone, no one will break through my ideas, which is very good. " Si Xingfu said again.

Gu Qingzhou is more inclined to believe what Cai Changting said.

At that time, Cai Changting didn't have to lie.

And she, like Si Xingfu, is more willing to commit suicide. Like this, the meaningless death of Si Mu has a little weight.

From the beginning to the end, the most aggrieved is probably simu. The man who is always angry like a puffer fish

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