Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1367 aftermath

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu came back from the wharf. They stayed in Tianjin for a day.

Si Xingfu found several newspapers and sent a telegram to Wang's family. He asked them to use their relationship and help Tianjin's press.

"My mother-in-law is missing from the hospital." Si Xingfu road.

He put a search notice in the newspaper.

Someone's heart will go to find Mrs. pingye, who will sacrifice her prepared "disaster water leading East" to be valuable.

Si Xingfu accepted her kindness quite frankly.

And Gu Qingzhou is still studying the relics left by Mrs. Hirano when she left.

She showed it to the jade craftsman.

Mrs. Hirano's things are probably very delicate. The old jade craftsman looked at them for a while and said, "I'm not sure there is something in them."

Then the old man asked Gu, "is the contents of the boat very important?"

Gu doesn't know what it is.

"Don't break it easily. If the jade pendant is broken, it can't be restored. " The old man said, "besides, who will let the jade pendant hide things? If it's hidden, it's also hidden in hollow bracelets or hairpins. "

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

Mrs. Hirano ran to Tianjin with a few confidants. Isn't she worried about her things being searched?

It's a very important thing. What can she do after being searched?

"So if there's a secret, it's not in yupeili." Gu Qingzhou made a conclusion that he had been running all day and told Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu answered: "it must be meaningful for her to give you this before she leaves. The money she took away by herself, as well as the money given to her by the royalists, was a lot of money.

Since she has decided to leave, it is impossible for her to hide those things in the ground. She will definitely give them to you, which is the compensation she didn't raise you at the beginning. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Just, what's the use of jade plate?

"Will it be in her own house?" The Secretary asked.

"At that time, she let Mrs. King blow up our house. She wanted to blow up the whole area. Her yard was also in the explosion range. What does she do to stay in the place where the bomb is going to blow up? " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu snorted coldly.

Even if Mrs. Hirano's final decision was deeply rooted in the heart of Si Xingfu, he could not forgive her.

Tiger poison doesn't eat children. That woman even wants to kill her when she takes care of the light boat. It can be seen that she is vicious.

The best wakes up and can't cover her inhumanity.

If she had a little humanity, according to Gu Qingzhou's attachment to her family, their mother and daughter would not have come to the present situation.

"Think again." Si Xingfu's cold way.

Gu chuckled and said, "remember that?"

"Who can let go?" "If it wasn't for governor Ye's shrewdness, all of us would have bombed the sky. Speaking of this, it seems that the Jin family is still in Tianjin? "

Gu Qingzhou pulled off his sleeve.

"Forget it." She said.

The Secretary frowned.

Gu Qingzhou said: "there will always be someone to deal with the sins in the world. Let's not get too involved. There are too many lives in our hands to bless our descendants. "

Si Xingfu listened to this sentence.

He nodded his head and was no longer opinionated.

However, he thought, "I'm still going to the Jin family. Even if I don't get revenge, I'm going to scare them. "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

Si Xingfu is not joking, but doing what he says.

In the evening, as expected, he heard about the Jin's house.

The Jin family has a large fortune. There are several houses in the Japanese concession in Tianjin. Their family lives in a small foreign building. At present, their life is relatively stable.

Mrs. king also knew about Mrs. Hirano's "illness". She was a little uneasy, afraid that the Japanese would annoy them.

At this time, they did not know that Mrs. Hirano had left.

"I heard that the reason why the Japanese made Mrs. Hirano so sick is that they have developed a new drug to treat tuberculosis.

If Mrs. Hirano obeys, they will give him the medicine. What do they want? " "The big and young grandmothers of the Kim family said to Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. King sneered: "it's just money. Mrs. Hirano's money is not small enough to arm a huge army.

Besides money, there are her followers. Those people can become the eyes of the Japanese in the future, and even provide money to the Japanese like money provided to Mrs. Ping Ye.

Want money, want list.

Once these two things are given out, Mrs. Hirano's life will come to an end. She will not give them. The only thing that makes her give in is that it threatens her life.

The Japanese did.

They gave her an unsolvable virus to beg them when her life was in danger.

The Japanese even know that Mrs. Hirano only asks them to go this way, and almost no one will follow her or imprison her.

Because, the tuberculosis has been added to her cage.

Mrs. Hirano is so selfish. Will she lose her life for something else?

No idea, but the servant reported: "there are several people at the door. Someone said his surname is Si, and he wants to see his wife."

At the same time, Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Kim were scared like gold paper.

At that time, they were not killed by the explosion. Si Xingfu came to seek revenge.

"What to do, mother?" Now that she has no husband, she takes her mother-in-law as her backbone.

Mrs. king is going crazy.

When they want to blow up Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, they are desperate.

"Come on, call the patrol, let the Japanese patrol help you!" Cried Mrs. king.

At the moment, Kim came out.

On his shy face, his composure rarely appeared: "Mom, let me meet him."

When Si Xingfu went to the Jin's house, it was nothing more than a cat swimming in the mouse's nest, frightening the mice, not wanting to swallow them in one breath.

The second young master of the Jin family saw him and said: "the explosion didn't succeed, but there was a mistake in our family. I apologize to you, sir. "

After that, he stood up and bowed to Si xingchu.

This bow is sincere.

Si Xingfu was originally to scare them. He accepted the kindness of Jin Er Shao.

After he left, the Jin family was so scared that they immediately started to clean up and prepare to flee overseas. Tianjin is really unsafe.

Gu Qingzhou said that Si Xingfu was bored, but he also knew that he was angry for her.

It's no harm to try to be virtuous and not to harm the Jin family. It's no harm to scare them. He tries to show his wife as much as possible and not let her suffer half of the grievances.

Gu Qingzhou hugged his waist.

The third day, when looking for Mrs. Hirano on the newspaper, Japanese people knew that Mrs. Hirano was gone and left on the night liner three days ago.

Later, the Japanese also went to Britain. Unfortunately, like other people, they knew that Mrs. Hirano was in Britain. She was really there, but they couldn't find her.

Hiding so deep, there must be something, so everyone is more crazy to find her. Gu Qingzhou did not touch the core of the royalist party. She had hostages in her hands. Since then, the remaining evildoers either kept away from her, or thought she was worthless, and never appeared in her life again.

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