Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1372 heart ash

Ye Shan did not lose her temper in front of others. She went to the governor Ye's side with a breath.

Governor Ye is in the backyard.

He changed into a new iron gray uniform, with all the medals and ribbons on his chest and his hair cut again.

He is tall and has deep skin, which makes him healthy and compact. Apart from the wrinkles on the corner of his eyes, he has no half the same appearance, no matter from his skin or body.

It has something to do with his years of rigorous training.

Six aunt too bead put on a small white dress, this is the so-called "western wedding dress", and a small head dress.

This set of clothes set off her slender figure and her skin is better than snow.

If it wasn't for the beautiful beads, ye could not accept these new things.

Two people stand in front of the mirror.

Looking at Pearl carefully, and then at himself, governor Ye was pleased to find that there was no big difference. He was about ten years old, like an old brother and a little sister.

Not like father and daughter.

Although I'm old enough.

Governor Ye smiled.

"I'm a little nervous..." bead slightly pursed her lips, her palms were all sweaty.

"Nervous what?" Asked governor ye with a smile.

"They all look at me. I'm not used to it." When I was studying, every time the school wanted to speak, even if I was chosen, I would refuse

"Don't be afraid," said Ye. "They all respect you. Just remember that I'm by your side."

Beads nodded.

She couldn't believe it until this moment.

She said nothing but remembered the honor and respect that governor Ye gave her.

Just then, ye Shan came.

She came in a fit of rage.

"Father, did you let Huayun Fang come? Why did he come when I didn't give him a demerit invitation? " Ye Shan asked immediately as if she were shooting.

"Do you have to be so loud and noisy at your father's wedding?" he frowned

He always speaks softly to his children, but they still have awe in the face of him.

Unexpectedly, ye Shan plans to rebel today.

"When you are happy, don't you think about me?" Ye Shan's face was slightly white. "I know you let Qinghe town repair the railway, specially approved, and let him attend the wedding banquet.

Why, do you think if he sleeps me, I will not be clean, and no one will ask for it in the future? Do you have to sell me to him, even you have to be humble? Do you treat me as a stagnant salesman and compensate money and contacts? "

She asked again and again, shocked the bead bead who didn't know what was going on.

Governor Ye's face sank.

"Ashan." There was a flame between the brows of governor ye, "shall we talk about it today or another day?"

Ye Shan suddenly cried.

Her tears are like the water of a broken bank.

"Father, do you look down on me?" She asked.

Governor Ye's anger was gone, and he couldn't help but hand the handkerchief to his daughter.

"Who looks down on you?" Ye dujun said, "you are young and vigorous, but you still feel unfair, my father knows. My father was worried that you wasted your life in order to gamble.

When did I force you? As long as you don't let go, you'll live in the Ye family for the aged, and be an aunt with good clothes and good food, and your father won't say a word. "

Ye Shan sobs.

Pearl asked, "what's going on?"

There are two hours to auspicious time. Time is right. Besides, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are waiting for guests outside. There will be no trouble.

Ye dujun points to lie inside, let pearl take ye Shan in and comfort her carefully.

Zhu Zhu led Ye Shan to sit on the big Kang next to the window of the master bedroom, and called for tea.

"I don't even know what happened to it." Zhu Zhu asked.

Yeshan sobbed, not wanting to explain.

But this is the stepmother of the future.

If she doesn't say anything, she thinks she looks down on her. In the future, her relationship will be estranged and her family will not be harmonious. Besides, sooner or later, she needs to know about it.

"... I just feel sad. If you are a little late, you can't win. You can't even fight for your life. " Ye Shandao.

She told Zhuzhu about her meeting with Huayun Fang.

At that time, Hua Yunfang saved her life. Otherwise, she would be ruined and thrown away by bandits in that situation. It would be a dead end.

Later, she took Huayun to fight against the world.

Her strategies are all heard from governor Ye's study. What taboos and strategies should be adopted by the strategists? She is so valuable that she can serve the public very well.

Hua Yunfang said that he wanted to visit Liu Tangtang in Nanjing County.

But ye Shan, at that time, she didn't admit it in her heart. In fact, she knew that she was hiding from her father.

She didn't want to go home.

She is consistent with Huayun defense's goal. She went all the way south to Nanjing County.

Nanjing County is relatively rich. They took more than 10000 people, but they were stuck outside the city for half a month.

Later, it was Ye Shan and Hua Yunfang who pretended that the car broke down when the rich lady was traveling. They took two attendants and stopped the car on the road.

Men with cars have high requirements for beauty, but Huayun is invincible.

It was by this means that they got into the city. Hua Yunfang killed the county magistrate. When the city was in chaos, their people were caught off guard.

After occupying the county seat, they set foot directly in the magistrate's residence.

Hua Yunfang said, "I'm going to find Tang Tang."

Until that moment, ye Shan thought: "how can he still think of Tangtang? Did you find it? "

This problem, let Ye Shan anger.

Is this man really going to marry and concubine? I followed him all the way to fight for territory and gather wealth. Did another woman come directly to enjoy her success?


Ye Shan didn't speak at that time.

But Hua Yunfang was very excited. He didn't look at her face at all. He put up a notice and looked for Liu Tangtang everywhere.

During this period, ye Shan's heart gradually became cold and silent.

Hua Yunfang doesn't seem to see her abnormality, just looking for it.

The other side heard that he saw the notification three days later and asked him to see her.

Hua Yunfang changes his new uniform and asks Ye Shan, "is this dress nice?"

Ye Shan's brain is like boiling water.

She wished she could have shot the man. She just snorted and stood up and left.

Hua Yunfang chases him out and asks what's wrong with you. Seeing ye Shan, he still ignores him. He is in a hurry again and says, "wait until I come back.".

Ye Shan thought at that time that she would take away her own people, separate her money from Hua Yunfang's, and walk each one's own way from then on.

Ye Shan, she can't stand other women in her room.

When she was thinking about it, suddenly it was dark and she was hit hard in the back of the neck.

When she woke up, it was only cold.

It was dark and humid all around. She was half hung up. Her eyes were slightly down. She saw that her clothes had been stripped.

No wonder it's so cold.

At that time, it was the end of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese new year was just around the corner.

It was always warm in southern China. It was cold in the new year. She shrank.

The other side walked up to her and grabbed her chin.

Ye Shan recognized: "you... You are the county magistrate's......"

this man is the county magistrate's son.

When ye Shan and Hua Yunfang mixed into Nanjing County, they hooked up with a middle-aged man who knew the county magistrate's son and introduced Ye Shan to him.

At that time, the young master was very interested in Ye Shan, so he took them to the magistrate's residence.

Hua Yunfang was able to kill the county magistrate.

But the county magistrate's son ran away. Unexpectedly, the other side came back and grabbed her and stripped her of her clothes.

Ye Shan's heart shivered.

At the moment, Huayun Fang is probably talking to Liu Tangtang? At that moment of frustration, completely let Ye Shan collapse.

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