Ye Shan is cold and angry.

There was a burning fire in her heart. She wanted to burn the people in front of her, but the cold wave hit her skin and she shivered.

She wanted to kill the man in front of her, because the man's hand was already on her bare skin.

His hands were cold and sweaty, so they were sticky and slippery, like vipers.

Ye Shan wants to kill him.

If she is not distracted by herself, she will never be calculated by him; if she is not Hua Yunfang, the bitch will meet her old lover, she will not be distracted; if she does not run away from home, she will not meet Hua Yunfang.

Whose fault is it?

In this moment, ye Shanna deliberately avoided the memory, and could not stop it, overflowing to her.

She thought of her father.

When the mother abused them, the father found out later that he was shaking with her and his sister. Such a great father collapsed in that moment.

If she were to fall here, would she still be worthy of her father?

The county magistrate's son has a southern accent and can't speak Mandarin. His expression is vicious and fierce. But ye Shan doesn't understand half of his words.

What he said, his men even harder, even began to untie his own belt.

Ye Shan is gradually calmed down by the strong memory.

This straw bag like man can sneak on Yeshan, but he is familiar with the county magistrate's residence and strong, but he is not good at tying ropes.

He doesn't know how to bind people.

For example, ye Shan's feet are on the ground, and only one hand is hung by a rope.

Ye Shan's fingers have touched the edge and found a place to move.

The man took off his clothes and exposed his dirty body. When he approached Ye Shan with the greatest malice, ye Shan suddenly raised his feet when his distance was right.

She hit the other side in the foot.

The man was rolling in pain. He tried several times, but couldn't sit up. His forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Ye Shan in extreme panic, explosive force is amazing, this kick is like a kilogram.

At the same time, she fought her life with both hands, and the rope made both hands bloody, which made her break away.

The man on the ground wants to get up and chase Ye Shan.

Ye Shan picks up the chair beside him and smashes it into his head.

Seeing that he had passed out, she looked around and did not see her own clothes, only the man took them off.

Ye Shan also ignored, put on the man's clothes and trousers, pushed open the door and went out.

There was no one at the door.

The man is all in all.

Ye Shan is not familiar with this place. She sweats as she runs. If the county magistrate had some common sense and tied her feet, what would she do now?

Will it be ruined by him?

She is the second miss of the Ye family. Does her father cultivate her just to let her fall?

Even following Huayun defence is not depravity?

The man was thinking of his childhood sweetheart and was determined to go to the old story.

He also said that when he became an emperor in the future, he would become a queen.

Ye Shan suddenly cried.

No matter how good she is, she's a little late.

She didn't want anything.

As expected before, she did not want to separate the money and people belonging to her. That's not enough for ye Jia. What is she going to do?

Even Hua Yunfang doesn't want it.

He saved her life, she gave him a future, each other do not owe each other.

She went back to the county.

She wandered around the county magistrate's residence, thinking about how the grass bag master got in and dragged her out, so she found a dog hole.

Dog hole to the back yard, behind the high fence wall, there is a good cover.

Ye Shan went back to her house.

There seems to be no one in the yard.

The whole residence seemed to be empty, with almost no footsteps.

She looked at the time.

It's too late. Hua Yunfang hasn't come back yet. It's estimated that he will live in his green plum house tonight.

Ye Shan changed a set of convenient clothes and boots, picked up a small package, brought a lot of silver, and climbed away from the back of the dog hole.

Her dress is low-key but not downcast, so along the way there are cars, boats and boats, but also met two wars, and successfully returned to Taiyuan.

Later, she heard from her father that Hua Yunfang had caught the son of the county magistrate and brought him back with a tie, which was to be handed over to Ye Shan for disposal.

But these are not important to Ye Shan.

Bead bead listens to her finish saying, way: "you still cannot put him. If you can put it down, you can take it easy. Your father invited him just because he knew you couldn't let him go. "

Ye Shan listened.

Obviously she didn't listen to this.

Pearl said again, "why don't you ask, did he bring that Begonia back?"

"Don't ask, I don't care." Ye Shandao.

"Then why don't you talk to him?" Pearl asked again, "have you talked to him peacefully?"

Ye Shan is stunned.

She did not.

Because it's not necessary.

"Talk to him and tell him what you think." Bead bead way, "let him die heart, from now on no longer come and go. He thought you were pissed off for avoiding it. "

Ye Shan is stunned again.

She's really pissed off.

Her father's eyes are poisonous and can be seen, so...

Ye Shan looks at her eyes, only to see that her future stepmother is the same age as her, but her eyes are deep, like her father's wisdom.

"I see." Ye Shandao.

Pearl smiled with relief.

The wedding went well.

All the guests have a big stomach of questions, but who dare to indulge in the governor's office?

The atmosphere was warm and festive.

Ye Shan left the burden completely. When the wedding ceremony was over, she left the banquet. She was only taking care of the boat.

Hua Yunfang's line of sight, constantly shuttling in the crowd, seems to be looking for ye Shan.

An adjutant came forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Hua Tuan, miss two said something. If you want to tell me, please come with me."

Hua Yunfang stands up in a hurry.

He couldn't help but smile and said to the deputy, "thank you."

Led by the adjutant, he went to Yeshan's yard.

Ye Shan let the servants go out. She was the only one sitting on the sofa in the living room, waiting for Hua Yunfang.

When Hua Yunfang came in, she pointed to the sofa on the opposite side and said, "please take a seat."


"sit down and talk." Ye Shandao.

Hua Yunfang had to be patient and sat opposite him. He said to Ye Shan, "ah Shan, I have a lot to tell you."

Ye Shan looks at him.

Familiar eyebrows and eyes are still as good-looking as a fox.

"Well, you said." Ye Shanxin is peaceful.

It's rare for her to be so calm. She seems to look at Huayun Fang quietly with an indifferent attitude.

Hua Yunfang's back ridge suddenly rose to the cold current, which made him full of energy.

He always felt that ye Shan was saying goodbye to him. After today's words, he would never see her again.

He had such a premonition for some reason.

His hands, tightly clenched, his fear almost drowned him, let his voice dry, don't know how to speak for a while. "I.. I want to tell you why I went to Tangtang at that time." He said.

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