Hua Yunfang almost cried.

He probably didn't know that the man had the saying that tears don't play lightly. When he was sad, he wanted to cry at Ye Shan.

Since ye Shan, he always seems to have a dependence and a backbone.

He doesn't need to think about anything, just listen to Ye Shan.

"Ashan, Tang Tang and I went to Peiping and found her relatives. At that time, she wanted to go home, but I was always worried. " Hua Yunfang said with tears in his eyes, "I'm afraid her relatives will sell her."

At that time, he was very young and had no idea.

So far he has not.

He just felt that he couldn't put it down, but he didn't quite understand what the reason was.

"When Tang Tang left, she gave me all her money. She said that she was not afraid of starvation, and let me live well. " He added.

A 14-5-year-old girl, penniless, followed a relative back home thousands of miles away.

In the days to come, Huayun Fang regrets many times and wants to find her.

It's a pity that he has no money and doesn't know the way.

He is always worried.

Thinking of her is like thinking of another self, so pitiful and helpless.

Hua Yunfang doesn't know what emotion is. He wants to marry Liu Tangtang, but he can have delicious food after he has gained power. He wants to share it with her and give her a dependence.

But ye Shan made him understand.

When he was with Ye Shan, he knew that what he had to do with Liu Tangtang was nothing more than his brother's worry about his sister, and he wanted to give her a stable life, rather than to stay with her forever.

When he arrived in Nanjing County, he felt a line in his heart.

If at that time Liu Tangtang fell back to brothels, what should he do?

How to face her, how to return the kindness she had given?

He was very nervous in those days.

He was not a pretty person, so when he was nervous, he forgot Ye Shan.

Because ye Shan is his family, and they are too familiar with him, they will be ignored unconsciously when they are nervous, because they don't worry about leaving him at home.

Even his nervousness and uneasiness seemed to Yeshan to be full of expectation.

When he found Liu Tangtang, he asked him to see him. At that time, Hua Yunfang's mind was buzzing. He wondered why she couldn't leave?

Why didn't she come by herself?

Is she a famous prostitute, not easy to enter, afraid of affecting him?

Liu Tangtang has always been considered as such.

He was at sixes and sevens in his mind and left without looking at Ye Shan's face.

When he arrived at the liutangtang house, the first thing he saw was an apartment building.

It's a bit crowded in the building, but it's definitely a good place.

Hua Yunfang is relieved.

After going upstairs, a man about his age carefully opened the door for him and called for the chief. The man looked dull and loyal.

"I'm Sun Hong. Tang Tang said that she was taken care of when she was in a brothel." The man said, "please come in."

Hua Yunfang didn't expect such a change.

After entering the door, he knew why Liu Tangtang didn't go to him personally, but wanted him to come, because Liu Tangtang had just given birth to a daughter.

The child was born yesterday.

It's winter now. Liu Tangtang's husband takes back the newspaper and she sees it.

It's a little cold outside. She just finished her production and can't go out. She has to send someone to invite Huayun Fang.

"I thought it was a misunderstanding. It's really you!" Liu Tangtang immediately cried, "I'm worried about you. You're still alive. That's great."

The two of them are rattan twining up each other in the mud. In the most difficult days, flesh and blood seem to grow together, hoping for each other's good.

Liu Tangtang is smaller than Hua Yunfang, but she is more like a big sister who has suffered a lot, hoping her brother can live.

When she returned to Nanjing, she worried about him every day.

Hua Yunfang is used to being cold and sinister, and is a little worried.

Liu Tangtang's relative is an honest and good man. She brought back the Begonia, arranged to work in her factory, and introduced her mother-in-law.

Her husband also works in that factory. They are machinery factories. Her husband is an engineer.

After they met each other, Liu Tangtang took the initiative to talk about his past.

The other side has no mother, and his father has already renewed the string. Now he is alone, and no one controls him. He didn't mind Liu Tangtang's past, so he got married.

Liu Tangtang's family is relatively simple, not rich at first sight, but warm everywhere, even she is very happy.

Her daughter was born with seven pounds.

Because big, when children come out, they don't have that kind of wrinkle, instead, they are very watery all their lives.

Hua Yunfang's heart, which has been raised for several years, is completely down.

He was overjoyed.

As soon as I was happy, I had a drink at sun's house and told Liu Tangtang about my experience, which was endless.

By the time he came back, it was late at night.

Ye Shan is not at home.

Hua Yunfang drinks in the dark and asks others where ye Shan has gone. No one knows.

He lay in bed and waited for half an hour. No one replied to him. Yeshan didn't come back.

He sat up and asked what happened. His talent said, "no... I didn't find..."

Hua Yunfang didn't know ye Shan was missing at that time.

It wasn't until two hours later that he fully understood that ye Shan was gone.

His wine woke up in a flash.

Later, they searched for traces and found the county magistrate's son. He was half dead at that time, and ye Shan broke his head.

Under the pressure of Huayun Fang, he confessed that he kidnapped Ye Shan, but was hurt by her again.

At that time, Huayun was like being splashed with cold water from head to toe. He thought later: Ashan left.

There is a man under him who mysteriously shows him an old looking for someone.

"The lady of governor Ye's mansion?" Hua Yunfang seems to have been hit by someone immediately, and there's gold in front of him.

He looked for ye Shan for a few days, which had no effect, so he took his men and horses and came straight to Taiyuan.

Before leaving, he gave up Nanjing County. Afraid that the new forces would hurt the family of Liu Tangtang, he gave them a lot of money to move to Hong Kong.

Liu Tangtang's husband said that the project he studied in Nanjing, a small place, does not really have a place to use. If he goes to Hong Kong, there will be great development.

They didn't leave because they didn't have the money to move.

Hua Yunfang solved their worries, and they left Nanjing.

Hua Yunfang takes a short cut to Taiyuan mansion, looks for many newspapers looking for ye Shan, and confirms that she is the miss of Ye dujun mansion.

Because they took a short way, although they set out a few days late, they also arrived at Taiyuan at the same time with Ye Shan.

I can't imagine, but ye Shan won't see him again.

"... really, I didn't say that until she got married. I always know in my heart that you are different from her. " Hua Yunfang's tears are uncontrollable. "Ashan, I didn't take care of you. I almost let you have an accident. I kowtow to you. Can you forgive me?"

"Don't you cry, like a man?" Ye Shan was soured by him.

"I was not." He said, "if it's not for you, I'm still pretending to be a woman. I've never been taught how to be a man since I was a kid. What they taught me was how to make money by pretending to be a woman.

Only you, you tell me what a man looks like, you taught me, you said we want a son and a daughter into a family, I am the master. Now, you don't want me again. "

He got down on his knees and fell on the ground and cried, as if on that day he was about to knock down the house.

Ye Shan unconsciously shed tears all over her face, reaching out to pull him: "get up! Shut up! "

Hua Yunfang took the opportunity to hug her.

Ye Shan struggled and tried to push him with her raised hand. At last, she turned into a thump and hit him on the shoulder.

She felt overwhelmed. So she cried and beat him: "you bastard!"

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