Gu Shao opened his eyes and saw the thin light coming in from the curtain. It was already dawn.

It's very hot. He's wearing thin clothes and pants, and there's a layer of sweat on his forehead.

Pushing open the balcony door, he first saw another small yard, full of trees with broad leaves, lush.

He also saw the Yellow shield tree in the distance, which was full of flowers. It was bright yellow, and the color was as strong as fire, so he wanted to light the whole midsummer.

"The courtyard looks like Jiangnan, but the trees are totally different." Gu Shao thought.

No more.

Gu Shao also remembered what a friend who worked in the newspaper told him before he left.

There are rumors in the military that Si Xingfu has not appeared for a long time and has been killed by stray bullets.

Gu Shao heard that, not as relaxed as he expected, or even secretly. The moment he heard it, he was very sad.

He thought: how to deal with her children without a father and her husband?

No one can replace their own father, no one can replace their favorite man.

Gu Shao can't either.

But when he saw Gu Qingzhou, he thought the rumor was untrustworthy.

Gu Qingzhou's face is ruddy. She is a little plump, not as thin as before. The smile on her face is gentle and peaceful, not half bitter.

If Si Xingfu is really gone, she will definitely notice.

With her intelligence and cleverness, no one can hide her. However, she is not half sad, which means that she should be ok?

Where on earth did he go?

Why are there rumors in the military?

What's more, Gu Shao looked on coldly. Ye Shanqian, the daughter of Ye dujun, seemed to come to see the canoe. Have they heard about it?

Gu Shao is full of worries. He doesn't know where to start. He goes into the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou has been out for a long time.

This time with Gu Shao and his uncle, there are Ruan's and Xu's. Before the two families set out, they sent a telegram to the superintendent for reception.

Are they going to settle down here, or are they going from Singapore to England? They are not forced to take care of the boat.

First of all, she will take them to see the chief of the Department of the Chinese people's protection.

The highest officer in the Department, whose official position is called "escort Secretary", is not the same as the official position in China, and Gu Qingzhou has long adapted to it.

The current escort department is called Bai Yuanye. He is a man in his forties. He has no wife, only two adopted children and an aunt.

He didn't stay in Singapore for a long time, but because of his high reputation, he took office in the new guard department last year.

"My wife said that she asked Bai Weisi, Ruan's and Xu's parents, and sun's uncle to have morning tea together. If they want to settle down, they have to go through a lot of formalities. It's estimated that their wife will be very busy today. " The maid told Gu shaodao.

The maid, a little old and kind-hearted, was taking care of her two sons with another maid.

She is sister Zhu.

At that time, Gu Shao didn't go to the other Museum of Si Xingfu very much. He didn't see her, but he also realized that she had different identity. He hesitated and asked, "when will the boat come back?"

"In the afternoon. If things go well, there will be a lot to do in the morning. If you can't finish it in a day, you have to invite the white guard to have lunch. " Zhu Saodao.

Then, sister-in-law Zhu said with a smile, "don't look outside, uncle. Come in and have a seat."

Gu Shao went to the cradle of the two children.

Only three months old, but also sleep with eyes closed, Gu Shao can't see who they look like.

He looked at the sleeping faces of the two children, only to see that they had faded the baby's red tide, all of them were white and not skinny.

Twins can be so white and beautiful in three months. It must be very hard to care for them.

"Which is the boss?" Gu Shao asked sister Zhu.

Sister Zhu pointed to the left: "this is Kai Kai."

She told Gu Shao that the child on the left was Kaichang and the child on the right was quefang.

"The eldest brother should be obedient and never cry, even if he is hungry, he just groans; the second brother loves crying. When he wakes up, you can listen to him. His voice is loud." Zhu Saodao.

Her tone and manner were so amiable that she seemed to be looking at her two precious grandchildren.

Gu Shao vaguely remembers that Gu Qingzhou said that there was an old servant beside Si Xingfu.

"You... Are you sister Zhu?" he said

"Don't be polite, uncle," Chusao said with a smile. "I work at home."

Gu Shao's attitude immediately straightened up.

This sister-in-law Zhu has the status of "mother-in-law" who takes care of light boats.

Then, Gu Shao is in the living room at home, waiting for Gu Qingzhou to tease the children by the way.

Ye Shan and her husband came after breakfast, and Gu Ying came in.

"I'll give it a hug." Ye Shan said to the little baby who woke up and opened her big eyes to see people.

That's Kaichang.

"It's easy to distinguish." Ye Shan said, "the one who doesn't cry is the boss."

The eldest doesn't like to cry or make noise, or even expressionless. He looks a bit dull.

The second one is more flexible. Even if he doesn't cry or quarrel, his eyes turn around. He always groans.

"Yes, Mrs. Hua said." Zhu Saodao.

Ye Shan is stunned.

Then she smiled, "you are the first one to call me Mrs. Hua."

After she got married, she was immediately sent to Singapore by her father. On the way, others called her Miss Ye. She thought that she was still miss Ye.

She didn't even get into Mrs. Hua's role.

Gu Qingzhou didn't go back to Si Fu with her uncle sun Heming until dusk.

In the living room, there was a handful of fragrant Ashley. The house was full of fragrance. She couldn't help sneezing.

It was picked by Gu Ying.

Several people are waiting for Gu to come back for dinner.

Gu Qingzhou asked them to wait a moment, then went upstairs to take a bath and change clothes.

"How is it?" Gu Shao asked Gu Qingzhou, "can they all settle down?"

"All three are willing to settle down. The white guard department read their letter of introduction and their family's information, and the matter was settled. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ruan family and Xu family will settle down in Singapore instead of going to Britain.

When they are stable, other branches or relatives will take over slowly.

"That's great. We'll live in Singapore forever," Gu said with a smile

Gu Shao is now a member of Ruan's family. Gu Ying follows him and lives in Ruan's family.

The wife of Ruan's family loves Gu Shao very much. She also takes care of Gu Ying, which makes Gu Ying feel more comfortable than the former Gu mansion.

"I can see sister a and sister Xu." Gu Ying Road.

She is very cheerful, with a kind of heartless innocence.

"Sister, where's brother-in-law? It's been a whole day. Why didn't you see him? " Gu Ying asked again.

Ye Shan and Gu Shao look at her at the same time.

Gu Ying is horrified by them. I don't know why.

"He's still at home." Gu didn't care. "Don't you know that the war is not over, it's just a truce and peace talks."

"But..." Gu Ying seemed to think of something.

Gu Shao stepped on her heavily.

Gu Ying was in pain and understood her brother's meaning, so he stopped.

At this time, qiongzhi came back, breaking this strange atmosphere. "I'm sorry, I went to bed early yesterday. I didn't pick you up when you came. It's morning shift again this morning." Si qiongzhi is kind to all.

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