Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1378 warm family

Soon after siqiongzhi came back, Gu Qingzhou took them to the restaurant.

The superintendent is already here.

Next to him are sun Heming, Gu Qingzhou's uncle, Shaofang, his aunt, and his two sons and two daughters.

Sun Heming's children are not big, the eldest son is 17 years old, a little shy; the youngest daughter is only seven years old, and she is a little girl of ghosts.

They first met the governor and exchanged greetings. Then they took their seats in turn.

At the dinner table, everyone looked at each other. Ye Shan and others were looking at siqiongzhi.

Siqiongzhi is a very beautiful girl. She is quiet and gentle, but she is skillful.

When Gu Qingzhou was pregnant, the family was run by Si qiongzhi. When she encountered any difficulties, she patiently asked to take care of the boat. Now she is out of school.

"Miss Si, are you a doctor in the hospital?" Gu Ying asked.

Gu Ying is a little afraid of siqiongzhi.

She still remembers seeing Sejong Chih when she was a child. Sejong Chih is a lady with eyes higher than the top. She is very beautiful, but also mean.

It was with courage that she made such a remark.

I can't imagine that today's qiongzhi is the most cordial. She said with a smile, "well, I'm from the oncology department, and I'm still interning.

When I was studying in Nanjing, a teacher surnamed Wu moved to Singapore with her husband after her marriage. Now she is the director of the Department. She invited me to come. Otherwise, with my qualifications, I would not have been able to enter such a good hospital. "

Her words are just too modest.

She is the daughter of the commander in chief. If she stays at home, she will probably become the daughter or sister of the president when the war is over.

It's easy for her to go to any hospital.

She made a long speech, but she could see that Gu Ying was a little timid. She was afraid of a simple answer, which made Gu Ying think that she was too cold to get close to, so she said a lot.

I'm considerate and meticulous everywhere. It's really not like the former Miss Qianjin.

Gu Shao understood. He could not help looking at siqiongzhi.

Jack seemed to understand the meaning of his eyes and smiled at him.

Gu Shao smiled back and thought, "she has changed so much."

Looking back, it's a long time since I first came to Yuecheng.

At that time, all the children who didn't understand grew up.

Gu Qingzhou has become a mother.

Yuzao came late, saw the people all over the table, ran to Gu Qingzhou first: "Muma, there are many people here."

Gu Qingzhou touched her head: "not really. Call someone. "

Yuzao hasn't gone to school yet. Gu Qingzhou hired a tutor to teach her piano and English. She taught her traditional Chinese medicine and planned to train her to be her successor.

Yu Zao follows Gu Qingzhou in the morning. When Gu Qingzhou is not at home, she follows the superintendent. In the afternoon, she practices piano and English. Now class is over.

Five year old girl, very obedient and sensible, a little adult like calm.

When she was in Nanjing, she met Gu Shao and Gu Ying, her uncle's family and her little daughter.

Only Ye Shan and Hua Yunfang have not seen her.

"How are you, aunt?" Yu Zao said to Ye Shan.

Ye Shan's eyes were bright, and she was surprised and happy: "how sweet the mouth is!"

She didn't bring a present, and a little bit of guilt came out of her.

Looking at yuzao, she only felt that the girl's facial features and qiongzhi seemed to be carved in a mold.

"They are so alike." Ye Shan goes to Gu Qingzhou.

Before Gu could answer, yuzao said, "I'm like my father."

As we all know, yuzao was not born to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, including yuzao himself.

In order to distinguish between simu and simu, yuzao called simu "father". Speaking of him, he said that he was the one who gave birth to her.

"My father and my aunt are brothers and sisters, so I'm like my aunt." Yu Zao tells Ye Shan little by little that her eyes are round and confident.

At the first sight, the child was greatly cared for, which filled her with enthusiasm and confidence.

She knows that everyone in her family loves her, and the world in her eyes is bright and gorgeous, which is reflected in her eyes and words.

"How clever!" Ye Shan was greatly praised.

Until the servant started to eat, yuzao sat in her place and sat on the high chair side by side with the little daughter of Uncle Gu Qingzhou's, eating quietly.

Gu Shao will visit her from time to time.

After dinner, Gu Shao said he wanted to take a walk. Gu Qingzhou said, "wait a moment, brother. I'll go with you."

She went to see the two children first. When she saw that they were asleep and the nurse was looking after them, she came out.

Gu Shao asked her, "don't you feel tired after running all day today?"

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "not tired. Just at the dinner table, you didn't speak, just look at this, look at that. What's the matter? "

Gu Shao smiled.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know why.

"I'm happy." He said, "the governor, the qiongzhi, you and yuzao, you have the shadow of a family. When you were a child, you must have fantasized about such a family. Now you have got what you wanted, haven't you

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "well, it is."

Gu Shao would like to ask again, why does Si Xingfu not come back.

"... in a few days, when the affairs of Si Xingfu have been settled, he will go home, and then it will be more lively." Gu chuckled.

Gu Shao's heart thumped.

He hesitated again and again, but decided to be frank: "we came together from the boat, including Miss Ye Er. Everyone heard the rumor and said..."

he didn't know how to speak.

Gu Qingzhou helped him connect: "said that Si Xingfu died in the war, wasn't he?"

Gu Shao's heart sank.

He hated Si Xingfu very much. He also imagined that he could die, so that he would not belong to anyone. But when he learned the news of his accident, Gu Shao was very afraid.

What he wanted was a family like this in Zhouzhou, like now.

The elder is kind, the younger is gentle, and the child is obedient. If the husband is at home, loyal and considerate, it will be enough for a happy marriage.


"no, he came back a few days ago." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Shao's eyes brightened: "really?"

"I'm not going to lie to anyone else. You're my brother." Gu Qingzhou said, "he's really OK. There are rumors outside."

She was determined to give Gu Shao a reassuring pill.

Two people walk along the street, the sea breeze has dissipated the heat, into the night cool and pleasant.

"This place should not be cold in winter." Gu Shaodao.

"It's not cold. It's similar to the Spring Festival in Yuecheng." Gu chuckled.

Gu Shao said: "after that, I also settled here. Have their own business, foothold, take root, marry and have children. "

Gu Qingzhou seems to have heard for the first time that he planned so in front of her.

They talked for a long time. At about ten o'clock in the evening, Gu was tired of walking, so he went home with Gu Shao.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Qingzhou saw siqiongzhi.

She looked at her watch. It was half past ten.

"You don't go to work tomorrow morning?" Gu Qingzhou is surprised, "why don't you go to sleep?" "Sister in law, I have something to tell you." His face was not quite right, and he whispered to Gu Qingzhou.

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