Gu Qingzhou closed the newspaper.

She smiled and looked at her sister-in-law: "qiongzhi, do you feel uneasy all day long after I tell you where your eldest brother is going?"

Siqiongzhi nodded in a hurry.

She couldn't help sighing: "sister-in-law, I can't support things in my heart. I'm too childish. I have to fight to know. I won't listen to you.

Now, I'm on edge all day. I'm afraid of big brother's accident and other people's plot. A little wind and grass will scare me. "

She was so forthright that she sighed again. Siqiongzhi felt that he was not promising. He could not leave a little thing in his heart.

She had a hunch that she would not do anything great in her life.

Gu Qingzhou can't laugh or cry: "it's like a child!"

"Children work better than me," said Jack

It's not that she's incompetent, but she's under a lot of pressure. Moreover, Hu qiao'er is killed, and a sense of urgency about the coming of mountain rain makes siqiongzhi almost collapse.

What if she was the last person to see huqiao'er?

In case she is planted, she must find out her elder brother's head. How to cover it up? Big brother appeared in front of him. How many eyes would he have if he wanted to go back?

How many people will be greedy for a little bit of trace leakage, and then they will have to swallow their company's family?

"Go to work. You didn't kill anyone. How could it be that you were so guilty? " Gu Qingzhou road.

At home, he let out his emotions first, just like a bottle full of water. After going out, she was calm.

When she arrived at the office today, she heard her colleagues talking about Hu qiao'er's news.

"It's tragic. I heard it was stabbed four times."

"I died in the early morning. My relatives work in the escort department. They say they died in the early morning."

"In the middle of the night, why is a young grandmother wandering alone in the street? It's a busy street. The coffee shop only closes at 1:00 in the morning. Can't anyone see the murderer? "

After hearing a few words, siqiongzhi's heart sank.

Although she and Hu qiao'er were separated at 8 p.m., she died a few hours later and had nothing to do with siqiongzhi, but there was always some speculation in her mind.

All of a sudden, there was a silence among the talking colleagues.

When lifting his eyes, Pei Cheng came in and asked for several cases recorded by the nurse on duty last night.

He is used to such, oneself come to take, don't let nurse or on duty doctor deliver over, because he doesn't like unimportant person often to his office.

Some people are bold and say to Pei Cheng, "doctor Pei, save your sorrow."

Pei Cheng nodded quietly: "thank you very much."

He has no expression. Peace is always the same.

However, the death of his younger brother-in-law did not turn out to be his brother-in-law.

Pei family is a large family to Singapore, there are many children in each room.

When he left, Pei Cheng suddenly looked at qiongzhi.

Siqiongzhi's heart thumped.

"Doctor Si, take a step." Pei Chengdao.

Colleagues looked at qiongzhi, and at the same time understood what they understood with different expressions.

They have inquired about the birth of Si qiongzhi for a long time, but he is famous in China. When I arrived in Singapore, I was a very rich lady.

That's not the point. The point is that she's beautiful.

Colleagues at the hospital and even patients admitted that doctor Si was a beauty.

She is like her mother, beautiful and exquisite, like the antique China in the exquisite cabinet, which can let people see her value at a glance.

Colleagues dare not pursue her. They all have an idea: they can't match her, they can't stand up to her.

But Pei Cheng is different.

Many people have guessed that the last belonging of doctor Si is probably a man like Pei Cheng.

Therefore, when Dr. Pei, who always spoke little and was strict, asked qiongzhi to take a step to speak, everyone was laughing, as if his guess had been confirmed.

Siqiongzhi also saw it, and her heart thumped again. She was really afraid of such speculation or suggestion.

She hesitated and nodded. She knew that Pei Cheng knew that she had met Hu qiao'er last night.

He asked her in private, as if he had gone to the police station to say it was safe.

She also thought that Pei Cheng would find a corner of the corridor and ask a few questions casually. Unexpectedly, Pei Cheng took her to her office in silence.

He invited her in and closed the door behind him.

At the same time, his face was inexplicable and timid.

What's the matter with her recently?

It seems that a frightened person, whose soul has not yet returned to her place, is frightened by a little wind and a little agitation all day long, and becomes a real frightened bird.

"... were they just discussing my family?" He sat down and asked qiongzhi.

"Everybody saw the headlines in the morning," he said truthfully

Pei Cheng thought a little and said, "didn't you come with her yesterday?"

At this time, his mood was almost stable, and he said: "it is indeed. However, we separated before eight. At that time, I took the rickshaw home and she had a car to pick me up. "

Pei Cheng looks at her.

He wanted to say something, but his brow was wrinkled, as if adults saw the crumbs hanging on the child's mouth, and they had to wipe them off to be comfortable.

Suddenly he stood up and took his handkerchief.

he came down to the top and handed her the handkerchief. It was like this action. He had done it all over, and he wanted to do it all the time: "wipe the lipstick."

He was embarrassed and angry.

She thought that the hospital regulations did not say that doctors were not allowed to make up.

What's more, her lip color is just like this, doesn't she think?

she did not answer, but with his fingers, he pressed two times on his lips, and opened his hand to him. "No lipstick, I told you last time."

Her hands are as white as jade.

Even if she has been in Singapore for such a long time, she doesn't get the Tan of Nanyang girls. Maybe it's because she doesn't like swimming and shopping and hides in the house all day long.

There was no stain on that finger. It was as white as snow.

Look at her lips again. They seem to be a little more red. They don't take off makeup at all.

Pei Cheng realized at this time that she didn't lie. Her beauty is not made up, but born.

Men seldom know the makeup of girls, but he dabbles in it a little.

Because when he was young, he went out shopping with his sister, and the car hit her right arm and cracked it.

His sister is a troublesome spirit that even the virgin can't stand. She can't live without making up as if she's not wearing clothes.

She couldn't move her hand, so she asked the brother who hurt her in the accident to make up for her. Without making up, she wouldn't even see the paramedics.

At that time, he was in agony, and since then, he had a strong hatred for women's daubing. Later, he would never find a girlfriend who loves making up.

He thought he knew very well, but this time he looked away.

"Dr. Pei, it's rude of you to do so." "Is there anything I can do to make you dissatisfied?" said siqiongzhi

When she has a reason, she seldom flinches. She is a confident and introverted girl.

Pei Cheng returns to his senses.

This kind of stupid thing, which seldom happened in his life for more than 20 years, is now in front of him. The other side is still a big lady who once looked down upon his family.

Pei Cheng's expression sank a little, and his mood could be imagined.

How to do it is embarrassing, how to say it is embarrassing, he lost his face all his life.

After clearing his throat, he had to take out his own quality and resist the impulse of hating not being able to turn back the time: "I'm sorry, doctor Si, but I read it wrong. It's disrespectful."

Siqiongzhi glanced at him, picked up the corner of his lips, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "it doesn't matter."

It doesn't matter. It's full of satire. It's more like slapping people in the face. Pei Cheng thought: Oh, the pepper that will be reported.

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