Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1382 requests

Gu Qingzhou sent siqiongzhi away. He picked up the newspaper and looked at it.

She is going to Pei's house.

Hu qiao'er died miserably. Her body is still in the police station, and she didn't enter the country. Today, I went to Pei's house to comfort my family.

Pei family arrived in Singapore earlier than Si family.

When the war was a little bit slight, Pei family gave up all domestic business. They seem to have an inside story. They can't believe that the war will end easily.

When the Secretary's family moved here, Pei's family helped a lot.

For example, the house where Gu Qingzhou now lives, which used to be three old Chinese houses, was bought by Gu Qingzhou. It took several months to renovate and get through.

This old house was bought by Pei family.

Although they couldn't get married, Pei family tried their best to have a good relationship with Si family. The two families had a close relationship.

Gu Qingzhou changed his clothes. When he was going out, the servant said, "madam, Bai changguan is here."

His name is Bai Yuanye. He is the chief executive of the Department of Chinese people's protection.

He was elected by Chinese representatives and recognized by the British colonial governor's office. He is one of the most prestigious people here.

Gu Qingzhou said, "please hurry up."

Bai Yuanye was wearing a white shirt, and his temples were full of sweat. He came in from the outside with a heavy hot wind, as if he was going to melt in the hot sun.

It's not cool in the house either.

Gu Qingzhou has been waiting for tea.

Bai Yuanye was very thirsty, but he kept his temper and took two sips in an orderly manner, so he explained his intention directly: "Mrs. Si, have you heard? The body of Pei's second youngest grandmother is now in the escort department. "

Gu Qingzhou is surprised.

She comforted qiongzhi in the morning and took care of the children. She had just made time to go out and had not called to inquire.

The security department is a well-established Chinese autonomous institution with its own courts and police stations. If the Chinese themselves do not want to make a big scene, they can accept the punishment and control of the escort department. The colonial governor's office agrees with the legal effect of the escort department.

This situation is not caused by the large number of Chinese people, but by the lazy administration of the colonial governor.

Singapore has been a British colony for many years, and the disadvantages of its policy have gradually exposed.

Almost all the officials sent here every year accept bribes from the local people, even a little like the Chinese saying "a strong dragon does not oppress a local snake". Their minds are not about how to govern Singapore, but about deprivation.

If the rich Chinese can pay taxes and bribes automatically, and do not increase the work of the officials and small staff in the governor's office, they are willing to delegate power.

Moreover, the whole colonial governor's office was not only controlled by these Chinese people in Singapore, but also by other ethnic groups, as well as Malacca and Penang.

What happened to Pei's young grandmother? Would the British in the colonial governor's office decide for them?

British talent doesn't care who they are.

The smart and sensitive Pei family reported the case to the Department of the Chinese people's security.

This is their own site. According to the relationship between Pei's family and the security department, they believe that the security department can give them more justice.

"I don't know." Gu Qingzhou also took up the tea cup, looked at Bai Yuanye and asked, "is there anything for Bai changguan to ask?"

Bai Yuanye shakes his head.

"Mrs. secretary, I came to the door today to ask for an assistant." Bai Yuanye.

Gu Qingzhou knew that qiongzhi could not be one of the suspects. If that is the case, the person of the escort department would go to qiongzhi first.

She had many guesses about Bai Yuanye's landing, but she didn't think it was this. For a while, her surprise was real.


"Yes, the security department should have had two deputy security departments for a long time, but there have been no suitable candidates. Now, I formally invite you, Mrs. Si. I don't know if you would appreciate it. " Bai Yuanye.

Bai Yuanye has heard of the reputation of taking care of light boats.

The famous Gu Qingzhou is a legend of China. Even Bai Yuanye has heard of it.

This legend, the most famous is these years.

Wang Ke, who is far away in Taiyuan, started to run to the newspaper office frequently after his Aunt Wang Chen took over his own newspaper office. He intended to write a legend.

The protagonist of his story is Gu Qingzhou.

In such a story, Wang Chen, the only one who does not care about the sales volume and influence of other newspapers in the Wang family, accepts Wang Ke's legend with gratitude to Gu Qingzhou.

Wang Ke, a brilliant young man, admired the past of Gu Qingzhou. He went to Yuecheng and visited all the Yan family. With the help of Ye Wu, he compiled the story of Gu Qingzhou into a book.

At first, those stories were only serialized in Wang Chen's newspaper.

Half a month later, Wang Chen's newspaper sales increased greatly, almost ranking in the top three of Taiyuan government's newspaper sales.

Later, the publishing house took a fancy to it, and the book was published. The sales volume was excellent.

Even if it was blocked by gunfire, the book was sold all over the north of the Yangtze River, including Hong Kong and Singapore.

Gu Qingzhou has become a legend.

Bai Yuanye also paid a visit and talked about it with the Chinese from home. They all said that the story of Gu Qingzhou was true except that the story with the two brothers of Si family had been taken in a dark way.

From that time on, Bai Yuanye knew that Gu Qingzhou was a smart and wise woman.

Many of the Chinese who come from the mainland are big families, and they have their own networks.

As you can see, the Department of the Chinese people's protection is an organization that can only manage civilians. If the big families and rich businessmen don't take it seriously, it will survive.

It's like a lock. It can only prevent gentlemen, not villains.

In the long run, even ordinary people will not obey its control.

Once the chain of control of the Chinese themselves is relaxed and they need to be dealt with by the colonial governor's office, the pressure on them from the governor's office will be even greater and everyone will have no dignity. Many farsighted elders of the big family have contacted Bai Yuanye and encouraged him to find another deputy escort department. First, they should be able to serve the public, preferably from a prominent family background, and keep the flame of those big families under control. Second, they should be smart enough and have a strong moral character. Third, they should have a close relationship with the local snakes in Singapore.

When Gu Qingzhou arrived in Singapore, it was the Yan family that received them unexpectedly.

Yan's family is a famous local arms dealer. They have come to take root long ago.

When Gu Qingzhou's house was not finished, they lived in Yan's house.

Moreover, it was found that when Gu Qingzhou married Si Xingfu, in order not to embarrass Si mu, she used the name of Miss Yan, a wealthy Singaporean businessman.

There is also a legendary figure in Singapore. He is the uncle of Si Xingfu.

With such a relationship, the escort department wants prestige and decency. It's better to get involved with the patronage of light boats.

As soon as the Pei family's murder was committed, Bai Yuanye thought that, like himself, going in and out of Pei's family would be hard to please, while taking care of the light boat would be treated with courtesy.

In addition, Gu Qingzhou was appointed in the face of danger and was not easy to avoid.

It has been two months since Bai Yuanye made this calculation.

Since the birth of Gu Qingzhou, he has been thinking about letting her sign for a place in the escort department before she starts other businesses.

"Mrs. Si, if you are not free, you will not be late to leave until the Pei family's case is over." Bai Yuanye said, "this time, please help me anyway."

Gu Qingzhou said: "I'm sorry, officer Bai, I'm afraid it is..."

"I heard that the last person that Pei's second young grandma saw was Miss qiongzhi. Mrs. Si, if you don't help me, I'll ask someone else to make use of it.

Gu Qingzhou knew that he was afraid that he could not get rid of it.

If Bai Yuanye is not sure, he will not come to the door. He has planned for a long time. Just, why?

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