Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1383 collecting sesame seeds

Gu Qingzhou's eyes converged. When she sat in silence, she had no wave in her eyes and could not see her emotions.

Bai changguan looked at her carefully.

For a long time, Gu Qingzhou asked him, "since qiongzhi and Pei's second youngest grandmother have met, doesn't our family need to avoid suspicion?"

"Grandma Pei Er came out of the western restaurant and the waiters saw her. Then, she and miss Si went home separately, both of them were proved. Miss Si has no suspicion. " Bai Chang's official way.

He smiled and said, "although there is no suspicion, he is afraid of intentional disturbance, isn't it? Mrs. secretary, please think about it again. I'll call tomorrow. "

This is a day for her to think.

When he had said that, he rose sharply and left, for fear of being chased and rejected by Gu Qingzhou.

After seeing him off, Gu Qingzhou did not go to Pei's house, but first went to her company's supervisor.

When he first arrived in Singapore, the governor was indeed suffering from a chronic illness. He was injured when he was young, and his knee hurt so much that he couldn't walk upright. It was true.

However, he really decided to go to Singapore, not for healing, but for Si Xingfu, who can't get away from the battlefield, needs to be a forward for him and open the way for him.

At that time, the governor thought that the governor was acting foolishly.

Because Si Xingfu asked him to pick up a sesame, but he lost the watermelon in China.

It's easy to see which is more important.

"I have no ambition to unify the world," he said. As soon as the war is over, I will take my family to Singapore, which I decided several years ago.

I ask you to go first, not to let you give up power, but to invite your family to get together. If you don't leave today, will there be a good end in the future?

Even if there is a good ending, what will you do when you reach the age of seventy-eight? When a group of young aunts surround you, are you satisfied?

Don't ask me to pick you up if you don't go now, and ten or eight years later. My uncle is in Singapore. There is an adoptive father in the canoe, the arms dealer.

By then, your grandson's grandfather and the father of the canoe will have both. Don't complain when no one takes you seriously. "

This is bullying and inducement.

The governor was so angry that he smashed the expensive commander-in-chief's seal on him: "get out of here."

But he thought about it for three days, and he got it.

People always have to abdicate, can not always occupy a high position. He has reached old age, especially recently, his knees hurt and he can't walk.

What's the point of not letting death take its place?

It's hard to show his kindness to him. If he refuses, the son will not even let his grandson see him in the future, he can expect.

Unfortunately, he has only such a son left.

At that time, Gu was pregnant again.

Son can not, grandson still want.

Again and again, thinking of the various plots and calculations unified after the war, and the significance of life, the governor gave his life.

He lost the watermelon and came to Singapore to pick up sesame seeds, so that in the future, the Secretary's family could stand firm on the land of Nanyang and not be bullied by any forces.

To live a small life is to live the most comfortable one, which is the purpose of the company.

Gu Qingzhou drives to the yard of the commander. An olive tree, covered with golden leaves, shines in the sun, adding to the hot summer.

She walked in a sweat.

She told Bai Yuanye's words to the superintendent: "what do you mean?"

"The security department is a place with limited authority but constant troubles." "Once you get infected, how can you do anything else in the future?" the inspector frowned

The inspector general heard that qiongzhi had said that their aunt wanted to co run a hospital - a comprehensive hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

This is a big deal.

This is not difficult, and the experience of taking care of light boat is mature, qiongzhi is also advancing.

The supervisor can't see the authority of the escort department.

"I'm not for the Secretary, nor for qiongzhi." "I always have a bad feeling," Gu said

"What premonition?"

"Since we arrived in Singapore, many people have followed us. There doesn't seem to be any big deal in it, but I'm always upset. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The superintendent looked at her suspiciously.

Gu Qingzhou smiled bitterly: "Abba, I have been practicing how to deal with persecution since I was a child. I think my brain may be out of order. I need to be on guard all the time. "

The inspector's eyes softened.

He sighed, "don't worry."

"... let's talk about Pei family's second young grandma. She threatened qiongzhi. She wanted to know the whereabouts of sixangqiu. She died a few hours later." Gu Qingzhou said, "do you think it's coincidence or another conspiracy?

That's why I want to get involved. It's not Yuecheng now. No one will report anything to us. If you want to react the fastest, you need to get the latest news. "

The superintendent looked at her again.

"The children have nanny and sister-in-law Zhu, and they are too young to talk about education. They don't need me to guard them all the time. The hospital can't be opened for the time being. We don't know where to live safely in the future until we've finished the work. " Gu said.

"Are you ready?" said the inspector


"Then do it. But you've just had a baby, and you're in good health? "

"Three months off. Don't move. The brain is going to rust. " Gu chuckled.

When Gu was about to leave, the chief inspector suddenly asked her, "ah Kai came back last time. No one saw him, did you?"


"Let him be careful." The inspector said, "he wants to see the children and you. There will be plenty of time in the future. Don't take risks these days. Get things done quickly. "

"He knows," Gu said

"Don't you send him a telegram, either." The superintendent added, "if anyone finds out, they will be suspicious."

Gu Qingzhou road is.

With the approval of the superintendent, Gu got up and made a phone call.

She wants to ask qiongzhi if she wants to go to work this afternoon.

"It's not a big deal this afternoon, I can ask for leave. Sister in law, do you want to go to Pei's house? "

"Yes, go and have a look." Gu Qingzhou said, "although Pei's little grandma is still in the escort department, she has not started the funeral, so she wants to comfort the old man."

"That's good," said Jack. "Come and pick me up at half past one."

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

When siqiongzhi went to ask for leave, he passed Pei Cheng's office. He just came back. His outpatient service in the morning was over and he wanted to rest.

When he saw siqiongzhi, he walked away coldly. He probably wanted to freeze the awkwardness in the morning. He didn't want the politeness of cold nodding before.

Siqiongzhi also lowered his head and walked forward quickly.

It's such a big world that both of them have moved to Singapore. Pei's family has become a shareholder in this hospital. Pei Cheng is in the same department with her.

Siqiongzhi felt that fate was playing a trick on her.

She went to the director's office, handed in her leave slip, and went back to the dressing room to change her clothes.

When she was ready, she went downstairs to wait for her sister-in-law, but saw Pei Cheng's car passing by the gate.

When I saw her, Pei Cheng didn't mean to stop to greet her. The car went away. Then he thought, "he's not going home, is he?"

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