Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1384 cold comfort

Jack stood under the tree and held up an umbrella.

All the women passing by were wheat colored skin. They looked at siqiongzhi curiously, as if they didn't understand the behavior of siqiongzhi.

He put away his umbrella in embarrassment.

She's afraid of the sun.

She is not like her sister-in-law. Her sister-in-law is a sun will desquamate, and then red, for a long time to recover as before, sun is not black.

She is afraid of the dark.

Even after such a long time in Nanyang, qiongzhi still can't understand the standard of beauty for Nanyang women.

They advocate health and have plenty of sunshine all year round, which makes them very energetic. They are young, beautiful and energetic, which is their new fashion.

They love sports, swimming, playing basketball and riding horses, which they love.

"Qiongzhi?" When she was dreaming, Gu's car stopped in front of her.

After getting on the bus, Gu Qingzhou asked her, "I'm sweating in the sun. Why don't you hold an umbrella?"

Si qiongzhi: "...

this is really not easy to explain.

She shifted the subject and asked about today. The morning passed. Is there any other news.

Gu Qingzhou told siqiongzhi what the white guard said.

"Do you want to be an official? Or such a small official who does not enter the Department? "

"He has his own plan." Gu chuckled, "with the frequent wars in the past two years and many people going abroad, there are more and more wealthy Chinese businessmen in Singapore.

These rich people can provide more industries for Singapore. The colonial governor's office is welcome, but there will be more troubles if they are reined in.

Mr. Bai means that our family has a high reputation in China, and your brother's future is uncertain. First, take me to the town house, at least handle the affairs of Pei family properly for the time being. "

Siqiongzhi was a little worried: "did I get in trouble?"

"No." Gu Qingzhou said, "Bai changguan also said that you and Hu qiao'er are separated and go home separately, which is proved by people."

Jack breathed a great deal of relief.

She asked no more.

When the car arrived at Pei's house, they heard the sound of crying as soon as they entered the door.

It's a young man.

"... if I don't go to Malacca, she will be like this when I come back. What can I do?" The man cried.

This is Peijie, Hu qiao'er's husband.

Hu qiao'er and Peijie are young husband and wife. They are both in their mid twenties and mid sixes. They have been married for four years and have no children. Their relationship is very stable.

Husband goes out a trip, come back wife was stabbed dead, how not grieve?

Some people advised him to mourn, others said to care for the old grandmother, don't make the old man also sad.

Gu Qingzhou and Si qiongzhi are led in by the servants. There are other relatives and friends in the nave. They all come here to visit.

"Don't cry, you'll give your daughter-in-law justice." Said the old lady.

He was helped up by someone nearby.

There are always guests coming in.

Gu Qingzhou and Si qiongzhi sat at the top of the table, comforted her a few words, and said to the old lady, "please forgive me.".

The Third Master of Pei's family said: "Mrs. Si, we have left this matter to the Department of the guard. I'm listening to Mr. Bai. They want to invite you to be the Deputy escort department. They just want to explain to our family as soon as possible, don't they? "

Everyone looked at it.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Mr. Bai asked me in the morning. He did, but I haven't promised. I've never held an important position, so I'm afraid I can't do it well... "The Third Master of Pei's family said:" we don't have a deep relationship with the escort department, in fact, we don't trust them very much. You and our family are close friends. Please ask Mrs. Si for more help and give an account as soon as possible to appease the dead. "

The old lady of Pei's family said: "don't force Mrs. Si. Qiao'er's grievances are always clear."

Others looked at Gu.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the third master.

Hu qiao'er is the second room's young grandmother, who has nothing to do with the third room. Moreover, I heard that Pei's family is also making a division, and everyone is not in agreement.

The third master pointed out this in public, as if Gu Qingzhou deliberately didn't help them.


Gu Qingzhou always feels that there is a hand in the dark, stirring among them.

She thought about all the possibilities. She could only think about the politics of Si Xingfu, and the rest did not know.

"Old lady, I'm afraid I can't do it. If Pei family trusts me and Bai changguan trusts me, I will consider it. " Gu Qingzhou showed her attitude.

The old lady of Pei's family, only when she comes to ask about it on purpose: does Pei's family mind if she interferes in?

So, the sophisticated old lady took out her attitude: "the Pei family trusts Mrs. Si. Please go over this matter."

There is a misunderstanding.

The old lady thought that she wanted to be an official. She was afraid that her family thought that she was relying on the misfortune of Pei's family, so she came to report it first. Others thought that Pei's family and Bai's chief asked her to find a story for Hu qiao'er's death.

The third master inserted this foot in the middle, which really played an excellent effect.

Gu Qingzhou looks at him again.

But he did not look at the boat, but sat in silence.

The children of Pei's family are all there, a room full of people.

When Gu Qingzhou and Si qiongzhi get up to leave, Pei's eldest wife suddenly pushes her son Pei Cheng: "A Cheng, you can send the Secretary's wife and miss Si."

Pei Cheng stood up expressionless. "Yes."

He was very restrained. The embarrassment in the morning could not be seen, but his attitude was cold.

He sent Gu Qingzhou and Si qiongzhi to the gate and chatted with Gu Qingzhou all the way: "when is the investigation going to be started over there?"

"I don't know yet."

"I hope it will be earlier." Pei Cheng said, "Mrs. Si, if you plan this, I can talk to you. That day, I saw my second brother and sister. I don't know if some details are useful or useless. "

Siqiongzhi looked at him.

Pei Cheng immediately felt her eyes and said, "don't worry, Miss Si. I'm not talking about you."

Siqiongzhi takes back his sight.

"... but miss Si seems to be very guilty." Pei Cheng said again, "I know Miss Si won't kill people, because the four stabs are very deep. It takes a lot of strength to stab in and then pull out. It's not something that a thin girl like you can do.

The second younger brother and sister have no trace of struggle, which means that the murderer stabbed steadily and accurately, and with great strength and hatred, he should be a man. Miss Si has no personal enmity with her. As long as she is not blind, she will not doubt you. There is no need to be so upset. "

Si qiongzhi: "...

this should be a comforting remark, but it can be said from his mouth. It's still a little ironic, so it's uncomfortable to hear it.

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

She remembered that this morning, Pei Cheng went to her office and closed the door. She had something to ask her, but later she was embarrassed. She got up and left. There was no time to ask.

She was choked by Pei Cheng's words and didn't know how to make a speech. After a while, she said, "thank you very much."

After leaving Pei's house and getting on the bus, Gu Qingzhou asked siqiongzhi, "is he Pei Cheng?"

"It's him."

"That's the one..." Gu Qingzhou pondered the words. "Well, that's the one. Don't talk about it any more, sister-in-law. "

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