Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1385 impetuous mood

All the way, Si qiongzhi was thinking about Pei Cheng's words.

His voice is so cold, maybe he is a strict and rigid person by nature, but his words are harmless.

He trusted her.

Siqiongzhi never considered marriage. He was born in the upper class and was used to the faces of powerful men. He didn't hope for them. He was proud of his pet.

Her father has only such a daughter. She loves her very much. She wants the moon in the sky.

So she rejected the pursuit of all boys in the school, no matter they had ulterior motives or sincere love.

She also rejected Pei's family in such a simple and crude way.

She knew that it hurt people's self-esteem. For example, Pei Chen, the seventh elder brother of Pei family, was her senior brother. She stopped her openly and wanted to ask her for an explanation and why she looked down on Pei family.

The child was overturned by the adjutant, fell to the ground for a long time, and could not get up. He did not look at it.

Although she didn't speak evil words, her behavior and determination really told Pei Chen: just because she is the daughter of the commander-in-chief and because her family has power and power, she just looks down on you. What can I do?

I don't have a good attitude. I know that.

However, the miss in charge of the family seldom has the opportunity to think for others.

It's like looking at a fire in the distance through a glass window. I know it's burning, and I know it's burning, but I just know it.

What it's like to be burned? She hasn't been burned. It's not clear.

He has never been despised.

When she was in Yuecheng, everyone would flatter her; when she arrived in Nanjing, even the people in the presidential palace would treat her three points politely.

She knows that she is hateful, just like some people know that they are lazy, they just know it and can't change it.

As much as he can, Jack will not bother.

The only thing she can do is not treat her contempt as indifferent. She tries to understand the anger of others after they accept her contempt, so she is far away from Pei's family.

Until today, she suddenly thought: Pei Cheng is not so bad. What would have been different if I had tried to make contact instead of refusing so rudely?

When he was in the hospital, he never made fun of beautiful nurses or patients' families, which can be called decent.

Siqiongzhi still remembered that last month, there was a patient in the hospital who seemed to belong to the royal family of Malaysia. The daughter of the patient came to see the doctor. She was as proud as a colorful pheasant, always raising her tail high.

The royal family of Malaysia is supported by the British government. They have high living expenses every month, but they do not have the dignity that the royal family should have.

The princess surrounded Pei Cheng, the doctor in charge, kept showing off on the open screen and was dug back by Pei Cheng without reservation.

That woman is also a bit pretty. Can he be equal, fair and rigorous, and do not quibble and chat? Is that rare?


Siqiongzhi suddenly regained his mind.

Gu Qingzhou: "what do you want? There's a fruit shop over there. What do you want to eat? Let the adjutant buy some. "

Siqiongzhi's face was red for no reason: "I......"

she didn't falter for a long time.

Gu Qingzhou asked the adjutant to buy some at will. Remember to buy three, and send some to Gu Ying and his aunt.

She also pretended not to see the difference of siqiongzhi.

The adjutant bought it soon.

Back home, siqiongzhi immediately ran back to the room, embarrassed. I don't know why I think about Pei Cheng in the car. I'm a little fascinated.

These ideas, are very abrupt into her heart, or has been, she deliberately avoided?

He shivered and was frightened by himself.

Gu Qingzhou washed his face, went to see the child, and then had dinner with everyone.

At the dinner table, my uncle said that he wanted to find a house, and Gu Qingzhou said that they had several properties for my uncle.

Shao Fang, my aunt, said, "I'd better buy it. Singapore is even more prosperous than Nanjing, and it doesn't pay for its investment in real estate. "

Shao Fang was originally an old generation of Chinese in Singapore, but her immediate family members are all in Europe, only a few distant uncles are still here.

She was not close to her uncles, and they didn't get along well with each other. She didn't want to join them, so she wanted to build a house by herself.

"Yes, today I went to Ruan's Inn. They are already watching it." Gu Ying interposed.

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, I'll give you a reference when we have chosen. I heard there seems to be a homicide. Is it Pei's? " Uncle said.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "yes. The white escort Department came to me, hoping that I could go to the escort department to do something. I happened to catch up with Pei's family... "

uncle didn't say anything.

I think it's not a good place to go and let women do things. It's a bit against Chinese customs.

Ye Shan wants to talk with Gu Qingzhou about Si Xingfu again, but Gu Qingzhou deliberately avoids it.

Therefore, ye Shan didn't say to leave. She lived at the Secretary's house. She had to see the posture of the secretary.

Gu Qingzhou chatted with them and checked yuzao's homework in the evening.

She recently asked yuzao to recite "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" as an introduction.

The five-year-old girl couldn't understand it at all, so she had to memorize it mechanically. The child has a good memory. Every day she gives it to her, she can recite it without missing a word.

After all this work, it's ten o'clock in the evening.

Gu Qingzhou got up early the next day. He wanted to find the white guard, but he came first.

"What do you think?" Asked the white guard.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him and thought of Pei Jiasan's help. He asked with a smile, "you are in a hurry. I went to Pei's yesterday. Even Pei San can't wait to ask. "

The white guard department is at a loss: "is it?"

Gu Qingzhou observed him and found that his surprise was true and he didn't lie. He didn't understand why he suddenly talked about master Pei San.

Gu Qingzhou put down the question in his heart and said with a smile, "I've decided. Mr. Bai looks up to me, and I want to work hard for you. However, the term of office can not be limited. I may do other things at any time... "

" well, it's natural. " Bai Yuanye said with a smile, "Mrs. Si, here is the seal and the letter of appointment. Take it."

The seal is the big seal of the escort department, which can be used by any Deputy escort department. The name of the letter of appointment is temporarily added, and it says "Si Gu light boat".

After getting these things, Gu Qingzhou deeply felt that he had been hit by the word "conspiracy".

Who asked Bai Yuanye to look for his own idea to take care of the boat, or was it someone's side attack that made Bai Yuanye mistakenly think it was his own idea?

All the shadows stimulate her sensitive nerves and make her subconsciously doubt many things.

She didn't say no more.

She invited Bai Yuanye to have morning tea. Together, they went back to the guard department.

The Department of the Chinese people's protection is a very dignified place, which is better than the colonial governor's office.

A whole row of four storey tall buildings surrounded by several broad yellow shield trees.

Midsummer is the flower season of scutellum, a tropical tree not found in China. It has a bright yellow flower. Singaporeans call it a bright yellow flame. The whole department of Huamin security is located in such an atmosphere.

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