Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1390 confession

Pei Jie drives, hides and goes out.

He met a woman in an alley.

The woman was wearing a light color dress, her forehead was all wet with sweat, and her eyes were a little dim.

"What are you doing?" Pei Jie was scared, "who asked you to go back to Singapore?"

"I saw a policeman go to Malacca and they will find me soon." The woman's name is sun Hu. She looks calm. She is much more stable than Pei Jie.

Pei Jie doesn't know what to say.

"Don't you tell the police?" Sun Hu asked him.

Pei Jie said, "am I crazy? Why should I tell the police? "


"don't worry, keep your mouth shut, or you will know the end." Pei Jie pointed to her.

Then he turned and left.

Sun Lake stands deep in the alley. The salty smell of sea breeze mixed with the sultry smell of life, making people suffocate.

Out of the alley, instead of going to the station, she went directly to the police station of the security department.

As soon as she entered the door, she said there was a clue about Pei huqiao'er's case, which scared everyone.

Niu huaigu received her in person. Gu Qingzhou and officer Bai attended.

The woman was a little nervous. The police poured her a cup of tea. She pinched the cup and her knuckles turned white.

"I'm a personage. Today, I may ruin my job. But if I don't say it, I have a bad conscience. " Woman way.

Niu huaigu was polite and encouraged her gently: "Mr. Sun, please speak slowly, don't worry."

When the woman looked at him, the embarrassment in her eyes faded and she said: "in fact, I can be a witness, and I am willing to testify. Pei Jie was with me that night in Malacca. "

Niu huaigu is stunned.

He subconsciously looked at the two officers behind him.

Bai changguan was also quite surprised. Unexpectedly, there was such an episode. He cleared his throat, winked at Niu huaigu and asked him to continue.

Sun Hu did not dare to look at others and kept his head down.

"Mr. Sun, you and Pei Jie..." Niu huaigu didn't know how to say it.

"Not a lover. It was in Malacca that I ran into him. He invited me to sit down and drank some wine. We have known each other all the time, and had contacts before. He often gives me some small gifts, which is my very good friend. " Sun Hudao.

"Are you sure he was with you that night?" Niu huaigu asked, "what about two or three o'clock?"

Sun Hu's face turned red all of a sudden.

She faltered, "we've been drinking for a long time. After that, it happened to be three o'clock. When I saw the time, he also sent me downstairs to my room. "

Niu huaigu converged his mind and said, "Miss Sun, this is for evidence. You need to go to court and say it. Are you sure?"

"OK." Sun Hudao.

When she left, Niu huaigu showed a little bad smile.

Mr. Bai gave him a bad look, and he immediately stopped.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "I don't know what happened. What's the matter with Miss Sun? "

"She is a middle school teacher. She came back from studying abroad a few years ago. Her sister married a Malay prince. The royal family of Malaysia is a joke in itself, and the prince is similar to the prince of the indigenous people.

But the gentleman of the sun family often brags about his daughter. After playing the eldest daughter and the second daughter, it seems that it's impossible to marry a talented lady with a high degree. " Bai Chang's official way.

Singapore is only a small place. Sun Hu's father, a manor owner with a little money, shows off his daughter every day. It's disgusting to call her out as a commodity, but only to put the price on the table.

I can't imagine that the lady in the father's mouth has fallen to such a level.

It's just a matter of anonymity. I'm still having an affair with married people.

Gu Qingzhou ponders.

"That Miss Sun's words may not be credible." Gu Qingzhou road.

Officer Bai and Niu huaigu are slightly stunned.

"This..." Niu huaigu considered again, "is it not good for her to lie? This is a lie to be broken. "

"It's good." Gu Qingzhou road.

Niu huaigu and Bai changguan didn't think of this layer at the beginning. After her words, they both went down the road and understood her meaning.

Peijie's wife is dead. As long as he doesn't become a murderer, sun Hu will be kind to Pei's family.

As long as there is grace, the rich Pei family will give her what she wants and let her get what she wants.

"With the testimony of Miss Sun, we don't need to send someone to Malacca. Then the traces left in Malacca will be slowly cleaned up over time, right?" Gu Qingzhou road.

The cow wakes up like a dream.

He looked at the courtyard door in the distance, as if he wanted to take a look at the nonexistent figure, and then said: "it's really a woman's heart sea needle..."

GU chuckled.

Bai changguan also nodded happily: "the chief officer's statement is good, don't neglect the clue of Malacca."

Married women, when others call her, give her the crown of her husband's family.

The chief secretary and Mrs. secretary have the same meaning.

Gu Qingzhou may have been expecting to be a secretary's wife for a long time. Even if he has been married for so many years and is used to similar titles, he will still be pleased.

She came home.

Her father-in-law asked her, "how is it?"

"No clue." Gu Qingzhou said helplessly, "I was too sensitive at the beginning. Now it seems that this matter will not necessarily involve our family."

"The governor said:" the son of the governor will cause trouble

This tone, how to all feel is own daughter to be arched by boar.

In the future, the governor will not be harsh on his son-in-law.

Gu chuckled: "he also wants to make a future for his children and grandchildren."

The governor thought of his two grandchildren, and could forgive him immediately.

Gu Qingzhou took some telegrams she received and showed them to the superintendent.

"The situation is about to be settled, but the peace talks are moving forward so slowly, almost three months ago." The superintendent frowned at the telegram.

He was lamenting.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I can understand. Many of them are deceived or threatened by the company. A small number of them are forced by the situation.

As long as we are not stupid, we all know that the day of bowing to the throne is not the same as that of occupying land. Who is willing to give up that freedom to support reunification? Each has his own thoughts and plans. "

If we want to balance these plans, we can't do without means.

After the disappearance of Si Xingfu, all the people and horses who were coerced into the war by him are now in a state of mind. It would be strange if the peace talks could go on smoothly.

The chief inspector nodded, "at the beginning, ah Kai said that he wanted to be unified, and I said that he was very fanciful. He broke the emperor's Dragon couch and forced them to go on the government train. I can't believe he did it. He didn't spend less time and money in his two years running to the northwest. "

He would like to talk to Gu Qingzhou about the situation.

Compared with the chief executive, the chief inspector gave up the battlefield which disturbed the situation, and gave up very reluctantly.

While talking, the adjutant came in suddenly.

"Madam, there's a phone call. It's from the escort department. It's urgent." The Deputy road. "Go ahead," said the inspecto

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