Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1391 case in action

It's half past seven in the evening.

No matter how busy I am, I'm off duty now.

The adjutant said that all of a sudden, the people of the escort Department came to her, and Gu Qingzhou said that he was worried about something bad.

She didn't care about changing clothes either. She went directly to the security department.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, they saw the brilliant lights of the security department. Most of them had not finished work.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou asked to prepare to meet her nostalgia.

Niuhuai said: "it's Pei family..."

far away, Gu Qingzhou saw Pei family, including Pei Cheng and the three masters of Pei family.

She stepped in quickly.

In addition to Pei Cheng and the three masters of Pei's family, there are also women, mingled with them, crying.

"It can't be an accident. Does the misfortune of the world happen to both of them? " Cried the woman.

The crying woman was pulled away.

The Third Master of Pei's family had a cold expression, as if he didn't want to say anything more.

Mr. Bai consoled him. When he saw Gu Qingzhou, he called out to her loudly, "Chief Secretary, come here."

Gu Qingzhou was crowded into the crowd.

Pei's people are not very pleasant to hear, but dare not rush to take care of the boat.

People who know the past know that this woman is very powerful, and there is absolutely nothing to do against her. Her power is either from the power behind her or from herself alone.

No matter how down she is, she can't be looked down upon.

"Chief officer, Pei Jie had a car accident at more than 5:00. It's not good to be sent to the hospital. He died at 6:20." Pei Cheng tells Gu Qingzhou.

He kept his indifference and accuracy.

Gu Qingzhou was surprised.

Next to the Pei family, other people answered: "murder! At that time, the car directly hit him, which was murder. "

"What about the other car owner who caused the accident?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"He died on the spot and his neck was crooked." Pei Chengdao.

Gu Qingzhou: "...

Pei's family reported the case, hoping that the escort department would give them a statement.

"I killed qiao'er on the front foot and Peijie on the back foot. Is that to kill the door? After that, will Pei's family be killed by them one by one? " Someone shouted.

Gu Qingzhou's heart thumped.

It was more difficult than expected.

The police station just locked Peijie, regarded him as the murderer to investigate, and found Peijie had an accident.

Peijie's car accident, is it murder? If it's murder, who's the killer? Is it related to Hu qiao'er's case or just fishing in troubled waters?

Gu Qingzhou seems to be shrouded in something.

She seemed to fall into the water. It was dark all around. Her eyes and ears were closed by the water. The subtle touch made her feel what was swimming towards her in the distance.

Are the beasts coming here ready to swallow her, Pei's family, or all of them?

This kind of premonition is illogical. We should be cautious in taking care of the light boat. We should go to our heart when we pass anything in front of our eyes.

"Is the enemy too cunning, or am I too sensitive?" She asked herself.

Just like Pei family, they kept shouting that someone had hurt them, but they didn't know what the danger was on their head?

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know.

If she wants to know, she must know what happened to Pei's family.

But the secret is to keep it secret. How could Pei family tell her?

"Everybody, calm down!" Gu raised his voice a little, "we've got this case."

The woman who was crying just now said: "two people died miserably, both of them are young children. Such a tragic event, but they have not been buried. How can they rest assured? When can you find out the eyebrows? "

Niu huaigu looks at the boat and looks at her.

Gu Qingzhou said: "the body of the second young grandmother has been examined by the medical police, and the report has been written. Now we can take it back to the funeral. For the second young master, we also asked the medical police to analyze it overnight and write the report before tomorrow afternoon as much as possible.

When the work of the medical police is finished, if you want to take it back, you can take it back immediately without delay. We will check carefully, but when there is a result, there is no guarantee. "

Pei family people also want to say something, see Pei Cheng said: "OK."

Instead of the Pei family, he replied, "we will come to pick them up tomorrow afternoon and bury them first. Please pay more attention to the case. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

A group of people came and left for a long time.

At this time, the security department stopped a little.

Niu huaigu was so tired that he was thirsty and hurried to find water to drink. Holding the cup, he whispered to Bai Yuanye: "officer Bai, chief secretary, she shouldn't take Pei Jie's case. Pei admonishes that the car accident, at a glance is to find death by oneself. The other party who caused the accident is dead. If Pei Jie is not dead, they still need to be responsible. Now that he's dead, he's not going to let that side take responsibility, is he

Bai Yuanye shakes his head: "no way. If you don't, they will go to the governor's office. "

Niu huaigu shut up immediately.

They all didn't want to make a big fuss. They went over to the governor's office to do their own business in the Huamin district.

"I'm confused about this case." Niuhuai ancient way, "the death of Peijie and huqiao'er is one thing or two?"

Bai Yuanye also pondered.

When Niu huaigu saw that he was speechless, he entered Gu's office and discussed with her.

"Chief officer, at the beginning, we decided that Pei Huqiao's death was a hate killing. So how to define Pei Jie's death? Is it murder or something? " Asked Niu huaigu.

"There is not enough evidence," Gu said

"What's next? Our police force is limited. Do we need to send someone to Malacca? " Asked Niu huaigu.

Gu Qingzhou said: "don't be confused. Continue to check Hu qiao'er's murderer. Dig deep into Hu qiao'er's personal relationship. Send someone to invite all the maids around Hu qiao'er and check again. "

Niu huaigu immediately understood: "you are skeptical, Hu qiao'er has other love feuds?"

"There must be." Gu Qingzhou road.

Niu huaigu is surprised.

"It's not easy." He said very profoundly, "chief officer, do you see that? There is a sense of conspiracy in this matter. "

Gu Qingzhou's heart thumped again.

She sniffed it in the first place.

But she didn't expect that Niu huaigu said the same thing and asked, "what conspiracy?"

"The plot against Pei's family. I dare say that the death of these two PEIs is absolutely the same thing. " Niu huaigu said earnestly.

Gu Qingzhou is a little frustrated.

The conspiracy he said was not the same thing as the conspiracy in his mind.

She had no choice but to smile: "Niu Ju, let's work overtime tonight. You send someone to interrogate Huqiao's maid and give me the answer tomorrow morning. "

Then she got up and went home.

The next morning, Gu Qingzhou and Si qiongzhi got up almost at the same time. They had breakfast together.

After asking about Pei's family again, siqiongzhi knew that Pei Jie was dead, and his expression was a little ugly.

Her thoughts are still on Pei Cheng.

"Sister in law, is Pei Cheng suspicious?" She asked suddenly. Gu chuckled: "at present, Pei Cheng is not suspicious. Sometimes, in order to satisfy his abnormal desire, the murderer will be involved in the case, and generally will do something to interfere with the investigation, rather than like Pei Cheng. "

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