Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1392 sneaking in

Siqiongzhi's face is not very nice.

Even though Gu Qingzhou comforted her so much, she was a little nervous.

"Don't worry," Gu said

Siqiongzhi looks at her and stops talking.

"What do you want to tell me?" Gu asked

He shook his head again. "No."

Gu Qingzhou looks at her back and thinks of Pei Cheng. He doesn't know what to say.

She went to see yuzao and her two sons.

The eldest son Kaichang is awake and is looking at Gu Qingzhou and yuzao with wide eyes.

Yu Zao asked Gu Qingzhou, "when can my second brother learn to speak?"

Gu Qingzhou thought, "it's about one year old."

"Grandma said I would talk in eight months." Yu Zao said, "when the second and third brothers are eight months old, can they talk?"

The grandmother in her mouth refers to Mrs. Yan.

When she left Yuecheng, yuzao cried her heart and lungs. Mrs. Yan advised her to follow her parents, but she didn't want to persuade her. She also cried.

Later, he even coaxed and tricked Yu Zao away.

Jade algae mentioned grandmother, suddenly said: "Mom, when will grandma come to see me?"

Gu Qingzhou didn't know how to answer.

After the governor left, the whole Yuecheng was supported by Yan Xinnong. In the future, whether it's reunification or fighting, Yuecheng's affairs will not be over for a while.

"Let's go to pick up grandma and pick them up in Singapore for the new year, shall we?" Gu Qingzhou touched the hair of yuzao.

Jade algae nodded: "OK. Grandma must miss me very much. "

Gu Qingzhou is very grateful to Mrs. Yan.

She gave yuzao enough care, so that yuzao has enough confidence at any time. She is confident that people around her love her, so that she can be grateful for the whole world.

As a mother, she is far inferior to Mrs. Yan.

"When you were not with us, your father and I missed you very much." Gu Qingzhou road.

Yuzao leaned into her arms: "I know, grandma told me."

Then yuzao said, "Muma, I miss Abba. When will he go home?"

"Almost." Gu Qingzhou road.

Before going to bed with yuzao, Gu Qingzhou missed Si Xingfu very much, and even had a long dream.

The scene in the dream is not good. Gu Qingzhou wakes up with a headache and no spirit all morning.

She's going to the security department.

She was tired. When she got to the office, Niu huaigu came to see her.

Gu Qingzhou poured himself a cup of tea.

She drank slowly to make herself more conscious and listened to Niu huaigu's endless talk.

They were busy all night last night.

The bull is emaciated but energetic. After a busy night, he is not tired. Let Gu Qingzhou know the results of last night's investigation.

"... Hu qiao'er's servant said that grandma Er Shao was learning English recently. Pei Jie loves her very much, but she doesn't care much about Pei Jie and often mocks him.

When I went out to learn English recently, Hu qiao'er always dressed up specially. However, she dresses up every time she goes out, but she is happier before she goes to learn English. " Niuhuai ancient road.

"That is to say, there is something wrong with learning English?" Gu asked

"Her English teacher's surname is Chu ruzhan. We haven't paid attention to him. We can't find him now. " Niuhuai said, "I will send someone to continue to search."

Speaking of this, Niu huaigu sighed: "if the English teacher killed Hu qiao'er, he would have been far away now. The man is in Singapore alone. He has no relatives and friends. The house is rented. "

Gu Qingzhou is still drinking tea.

One by one, she tried to wake up her spirit. She dreamt last night that sikangsu had been hit by a shell. She couldn't even find his remains.

Although dreams are contrary, the roar in Gu's ear cannot be eliminated.

"That is to say, Hu qiao'er's case is in deadlock again?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "cattle, have you found the weapon?"

"There is little chance of finding it. At that time, when we were close to the sea, we killed people and threw the weapon into the sea. Even if we fished it up, there was no blood. We couldn't prove anything. " Niuhuai ancient road.

"There is still no progress," Gu said


Gu Qingzhou rubbed his temples: "what about Pei Jie's car accident? What did the medical police say last night? "

"He had a drink before driving, and everything else was the same. He was really killed. There was no other secret." Niuhuai ancient road.

"What about those who killed Pei Jie?"

"That man is a Malay native who can't even speak Chinese. He stole his car from Huamin district. The car was just stolen. I guess it was nervous and didn't know how to drive it. It hit me in a flash. " Niuhuai ancient road.

At the same time, Niu huaigu said: "I have confirmed with the police station in Malaysia that the man is indeed a recidivist, but it is the first time to steal a car, so there was such a big accident."

"That is to say, Pei Jie's car accident also got stuck?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The corner of Niu huaigu's mouth twitched for a long time.

He smelled of smoke all over his body. Staying up late made his eyes red. With such efforts, he still had to admit that they were in trouble.

He really didn't want to answer Gu Qingzhou. However, Gu Qingzhou was a senior official. Niu huaigu was silent for a long time before he said in a hoarse voice, "Sir, we have tried our best."

Gu Qingzhou's headache has improved a little.

"Don't worry too much," she said. In this way, first put Peijie's car accident down and focus on the murders of huqiao'er. Pei admonished whether the accident was an accident or a murder. It's not clear for the moment. But the death of Hu Qiaoer must be murder. First, I picked up the important things to investigate. "

Gu Qingzhou added, "send someone to watch Sun Jin, the teacher who came to testify the day before yesterday. She must know something."

Niu huaigu nodded, "OK, I'll do it."

He stood up, a little out of spirits, and left.

Siqiongzhi was worried about Pei's case. She also heard from her sister-in-law that the biggest problem in Huqiao's case at present is that no murder weapon has been found.

So she thought: if Pei Cheng killed Hu qiao'er, where would he put the murder weapon?

Pei's family goes to the police every day, and the rooms are cleaned by servants. It's definitely not safe.

If he had lost it at that time, he might have been picked up. Once found, follow the weapon to find the seller, will you find the person who bought it?

What do you think the killer just finished? Would you bring the weapon back subconsciously?

If Pei Cheng is the murderer, will the murder weapon be in his office? It's more dangerous to throw it out. Isn't it better to hide it?

If so, what can he find in his office?

"Does Dr. Pei have an operation this afternoon?" asked the nurse on duty

"Yes, I have just entered the operating room." The guard asked, "Dr. Si, do you want to see Dr. Pei?"

"No, I have nothing to do this afternoon. I want to go to the operating room and see which doctor needs an assistant." Sijongyi road.

She inquired, and decided to sneak into Pei Cheng's office.

Siqiongzhi knew that the nurse on duty had keys, so she stayed in the duty room until the nurse was called away. She stole a large number of keys and tried them one by one. After a while, she succeeded. First, she took down the key of Pei Cheng's office, and then returned the nurse's key.

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