Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1393 murder weapon

After work, qiongzhi didn't go home.

It's not her night shift tonight, but in the afternoon, she chatted with the night shift doctor and said that she had something to change the day after tomorrow. At the same time, the doctor on duty said: "that's too coincidental. My fiancee was angry yesterday. I plan to treat her to dinner and coax her. Doctor Si, I can exchange with you. "

As a result, he got the chance to be on duty at night.

She waited for the whole department to be quiet. In the early morning, she sneaked into Pei Cheng's office.

She took a military flashlight, which came from her father's drawer.

Turn on the flashlight, and search around in qiongzhi.

Pei Cheng's office is very simple, with a wardrobe, an office, a sofa and a coffee table.

Jack turned over his wardrobe.

She carefully looked in his wardrobe for a long time, and suddenly saw a white shirt, which was stacked at the bottom of the wardrobe by Pei Cheng.

Jack pulled out his shirt and saw that it was bloodstained.

She was suddenly unsteady and her feet were weak.

"Kill Hu qiao'er first, then blame Pei Jie, and then kill Pei Jie with a knife..." siqiong Zhi shivered and thought, "what kind of devil is Pei Cheng?"

She rolled up her bloody clothes, stumbled back to her office and called home.

There is an adjutant on duty at home. After receiving the call, he immediately comes to pick up siqiongzhi.

Siqiongzhi's hands were shaking all the time, and he looked at the corridor from time to time for fear that some evil spirits might haunt her.

She was in a daze, but her forehead was in a cold sweat.

Why does she doubt Pei Cheng?

Since the death of huqiao'er, her guess has been lingering.

Even if Pei Cheng speaks for her and believes her very much, why does she have to doubt him? Is her distrust of this man so deep in her heart?

What's the use of getting a shirt with blood?

It's not certain that he killed Hu qiao'er.

"If only medicine could develop for a few more years and determine who it belongs to through blood." Thought siqiongzhi.

She was trembling, waiting for her two adjutants.

The adjutant accompanied her on duty until five o'clock in the morning, when she was going to work, she went home with the adjutants.

She gave the blood coat to her sister-in-law.

When Gu Qingzhou saw the bloodstain, he said cautiously: "Pei Cheng is a doctor, and the hospital may be exposed to blood everywhere. Moreover, there is not much blood on the clothes, nor is it like being splashed after killing people. "

Siqiongzhi also extended his head to see.

The bloodstain on the shirt is almost on the back, not the front.

She paused and said, "I..."

just then, the phone rang from Gu Qingzhou's room. It was Niu huaigu from the police station who called her: "chief officer, we found the murder weapon and the murderer."

"Huqiao case?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes, come and have a look." Niuhuai ancient road.

Si qiongzhi's eyes shone. He wanted to know who the murderer was. Gu Qingzhou asked, "who has the weapon?"

"Sun Jin." Niuhuai said, "you let us pay close attention to Sun Jin, and finally there is progress."

He's very happy over there.

Gu Qingzhou was afraid that he would close the case at random, so he said, "wait for me to have a look first, and then make a report."

After hanging up, qiongzhi asked, "what's the matter?"

"They caught Sun Jin, and the weapon was there." Gu Qingzhou road.

If a lightning strike strikes saiqiongzhi.

She sat down in a daze, with mixed feelings for a while.

"Isn't Pei Cheng the killer?" She murmured, "if it's not him, what am I doing?"

She couldn't get up for a while.

Gu Qingzhou patted her on the shoulder and turned to the escort department.

Sun Jin in the interrogation room, haggard and disordered, no longer has the self-discipline of a lady, and keeps shouting: "it's not me, how can I kill people?"

Gu Qingzhou asked Niu huaigu, who was waiting for her: "what's the matter?"

Niu huaigu said: "we have always sent people to stare at her, and found that she went out stealthily with her suitcase in the middle of the night, and went directly to the wharf.

When she dropped the suitcase into the sea, we thought it was inappropriate. We immediately held her down and fished it up. There are some clothes and a bloody dagger in this suitcase. "

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

"The medical police said that the murderer hated Hu qiao'er so much that he put on such a heavy hand. And higher than Huqiao. " Gu Qingzhou said, "these two are not in line with Sun Jin, are they?"

"There was no witness at that time. Who knows if she beat Hu qiao'er to her knees before stabbing her to death? Besides, women are also powerful when they are in a hurry. " Niuhuai ancient road.

Niu huaigu finally said: "she has an affair with Pei Jie, which she admits. She took a fancy to Pei Jie, wanted to kill his wife instead, but helped Pei Jie when he was identified as the murderer.

At that time, Pei's family and Pei Jie will thank her. In the past year or two, can't she marry Peijie? The sun family is famous for their love of drilling. I think all this makes sense. "

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Niu huaigu said: "chief, do you think the case can be closed?"

Gu Qingzhou looked at him in surprise: "how to close the case?"

"Sun Jin killed Hu qiao'er and found the murder weapon. There is no doubt about this case." Niuhuai ancient road.

"What about Peijie?"

"That's the accident." Niu huaigu said, "when the thief stole the car, he was nervous. He couldn't tell the brake from the accelerator. It had nothing to do with the case."

I frown at the light boat.

"I want to talk to Sun Jin," she said

Niu huaigu was a little afraid of the unexpected. He wanted to close the case quickly and give an account to other people and Pei's family to show them the speed of the police station.

"Do you disagree with my judgment, chief secretary?" Asked Niu huaigu.

"No," Gu said

The cow is nostalgic.

"I want to talk to Sun Jin." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll tell you the result when I've finished talking."

Niu huaigu has no choice but to let Gu in.

Sun Jin's eyes have been crying and swollen, and her face is gray, and she is anxious and afraid: "Sir, you want to avenge me! I'm wronged. I'm really wronged. I didn't kill anyone. "

Gu Qingzhou picks up the copy on the desk.

She looked at her eyes, and then asked Sun Jin, "the police went to investigate. You bought this box yourself. The murder weapon is in your box. What can you say?"

"No, no, listen to me!" Sun Jin hurriedly said, "this box is not mine, but Peijie's."

She was afraid that Gu Qingzhou wouldn't believe it. Before Gu could speak, her voice grew louder: "on the morning of Peijie's death, he said that he would go out to disperse his misfortune and ask me to go with him.

I know he has a lot of money, so I plan to use the same box, and then change him. Every time I go out with others, I will bring something back. It's my habit. "

She is also a regular thief.

But she stole the men.

"We made an appointment at the wharf first, but he forgot to take his passport and drove back temporarily. I waited for a long time. Seeing that he didn't come, I took his box and left it on the boat.

If he had to look for it, the box he found would be thought to have been dropped by the people on board. I was going to change when I went back. Unexpectedly, when I took it home, I found a bloody dagger in the box. I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can't make it clear. Pei Jie also has a car accident. I just want to throw it away. "

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