Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1394 siqiongzhi at the scene

Sun Jin cried out of breath.

It's her habit to steal. She likes to take something easily since she was a child. Because she was born beautiful, even if the man knew, he pretended not to know and gave her face.

Pei warned that the suitcase used to go out last time was brand new. Sun Jin expected that he would use it this time, so he bought the same one.

As she expected.

"Since he is going out to play, how can he not bring his passport?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Sun Jin suddenly settled down.

She put Gu Qingzhou's words in her mind, filtered them through layers, and then shivered: "you mean..."

Pei Jie asked her out this time, just to frame her?

"No, maybe he..." Sun Jin tried to find a suitable word, "I don't know, maybe he really forgot. He's been in a flurry recently and has been living in a muddle. "

Gu Qingzhou interrupts her.

"Miss Sun, the murder weapon is in your suitcase, and the police see you throw it away. Now that Pei Jie is dead, your words are not credible. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Sun Jin looked into her eyes and suddenly stood up, trying to hold Gu's hand.

But she was caught, tortured all the time, just got up and fell back.

"Believe me, you are also a woman. You make up your mind for me! I didn't kill anybody. " Sun Jin cried, "I really don't have one."

Gu Qingzhou comes out of the interrogation room.

As soon as she came out, Niu huaigu and several police officers surrounded her.

"The chief officer, the security department said you are responsible for this, do you have an idea?" Niu huaigu's face was never dignified before. "The newspaper office has been squatting for several days, but Sun Jin has leaked the details when she was arrested. If we don't close the case, our guard department will lose its reputation.

When the British are lazy for a long time, they will not listen to the explanation. If something happens, they will only be covered with one quilt, and everything will be put down. The police branch of the escort department may be cancelled. "

He put more pressure on Gu.

The Department of the Chinese people's protection protects the interests of the majority of the Chinese people.

If Gu's decision-making mistakes lead to the collapse of this institution, and the affairs of the Huamin district will be more complicated in the future, they will blame him, and he will not be able to get along in Singapore.

Besides, Pei's family is waiting for the result.

Gu said, "I don't agree to close the case. Miss sun is not a murderer. If the murderer comes to the surface in the future, the prestige of the escort department will be swept. "

"How do you know? Because of the medical police's conclusion? " Niu huaigu is very reluctant.

Gu Qingzhou said, "that's right. In China, the medical police are also called Zhuo. They know bodies better than we do. Hu Qiaoer's body tells us that it's a powerful man who killed her.

Four knives in a row, each of which is extremely deep, which requires the killer to have a lot of power, rather than an outbreak of excitement. One eruption, I believe, is too grudging for four.

In addition, Sun Jin and Hu qiao'er haven't seen each other very much. Even her collusion with Peijie is recent. She's got so many people to hook up with that she won't hate Pei Jie's wife so much.

The body told us the truth clearly. We can't find it ourselves. We found someone to replace it? Taurus, if you do this, I can't respect your decision. "

Then she turned and left.

Niu huaigu's face is ugly.

Other police asked him, "boss, what can I do now?"

"What can I do?" "Listen to the officer, take Sun Jin and continue to check," Niu huaigu said

The police were disappointed.

It's not easy to find this clue, and then it's broken.

Gu Qingzhou went back and said to Niu Huai, "you come to my office, Niu Ju. I have a few words to say to you."

Niu huaigu waves to his men and asks them to do their own work. This is why he follows Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou pondered and asked him, "does the police station have an anonymous report box?"

Niu huaigu is shocked: "yes, there is one."

"Do you usually receive more letters?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Niuhuai said: "not a lot."

"Who has the key?" Gu asked again.

"Just myself." Niuhuai ancient road.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "give me the key, and don't move the mailbox yourself. When this case is over, I will return the key to you. "

The cow is puzzled.

Gu Qingzhou said, "don't worry. I promise you, the murderer will be found in five days. Up to now, almost all the evidence has appeared on the scene. The truth will soon come to light. "

Niu huaigu didn't know, so he gave her the key.

When Gu came home that day, he sent two aides to guard the report box of the police station all night.

Now, she feels that the clues are gradually clear, and the family members will be involved. Otherwise, why do you try to get Gu Qingzhou into the escort department?

When Gu Qingzhou returned home, he ran to ask.

"I met Dr. Pei in the corridor today. He gave me a look. I think he found it." Sijongyi road.

Gu chuckled, "isn't it normal for him to see you?"

"No, he doesn't usually pay attention to anyone." If it was him, would he kill me

"Is he full?" Gu chuckled, "isn't adding another murder case exposing himself?"

Jack sighed.

Gu Qingzhou said, "qiongzhi, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Jack was stunned.

"What's the point?"

"What you understand is that on the night of Hu qiao'er's death, are you sure you have nothing to say?" Gu asked again.

His face suddenly changed.

"What do you mean, sister-in-law?" "Do you doubt me?" said sjonjee

"I know it's not you." Gu said, "I don't doubt you either. But you're so guilty from the beginning to the end, and you can't wait to find the murderer. There must be something you didn't tell me. "

Jack stuttered.

She looked at Gu Qingzhou and said, "I..." I...

"your adjutants are used to picking you up in Nanjing. They are loyal to you. You are also good to the adjutants. Those who were with you in the past will be arranged to go to the army for training in a few years' time. The youngest is also a commander.

This may be what Abba taught you, or what you have learned. But people who do things around you know that as long as you are attentive and loyal, you will give them a future. I didn't go to interrogate your adjutant, and I couldn't ask. " Gu Qingzhou continued.

Siqiongzhi bit his lip slightly.

Gu Qingzhou added: "you have grown up very fast and learned a lot in these years. Since you can't say it, I won't ask. However, you probably need to give a reasonable explanation soon. Not for me, but for the public, for Pei's family. "

Jack took hold of Gu's boat.

She said: "sister-in-law, I don't distrust you. I promised and never told anyone else. If I can't keep the secret, even you won't look up at me. "

Gu Qingzhou gently stroked the back of her hand: "I understand." Si qiongzhi seemed to work hard: "on the night of Hu qiao'er's accident, it was more than two o'clock in the morning. I was at the wharf over there, only ten minutes away from the street where Hu qiao'er was killed."

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