Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1395 Pei Cheng's suspicion

Bai Yuanye invited Gu Qingzhou to enter the Department of Chinese people's protection, which was not normal from the very beginning.

It's always like someone's behind the scenes.

The most important thing at present is Pei's case. At that time, Gu Qingzhou thought that no matter how big the circle, he would eventually return to the head of the company.

She also thought that qiongzhi had nothing to say to her.

However, everyone has their own difficulties. She trusts qiongzhi, so she doesn't have to go deep.

To this day.

Sun Jin was arrested, the murder weapon appeared, and all the details came to an end. It would be too late for the intention of the people behind her to appear again. Therefore, it must involve siqiongzhi.

She's just guessing.

Just like Gu Qingzhou's assertion to herself, she also felt that she was too sensitive.

I can't imagine. The guess is right.

"... Miss Wu, my teacher's sister, you have seen it." "She's pregnant with her brother's baby," said sjonjee

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

His teacher's surname is Wu. He is thirty-two years old this year. This marriage, is her second marriage, she also married a person before.

Miss Wu's mother died early, leaving her and a sister six years younger than her. Later, their father remarried, and it was not long before he wanted to remarry that his father died.

At that time, Mr. Wu was old and went to England to study medicine. Her stepmother was very kind to her sister. She always looked after her and raised her. Even when she remarried again, she took her sister with her.

If her stepmother remarried, she would have a son of her own.

Miss Wu's sister is one year older than that boy. They have been close since childhood.

Later, bad words came out, the stepmother was very angry, and the boy's family thought it was absurd.

I can't believe they made a scene.

"The old man at home cares about reputation. Wu Yun is making a big deal. If the man knows about it, he will definitely force her to have a abortion." Sijongyi road.

"But they are not consanguineous. Wu Yun is not her stepmother. The child is innocent and can survive.

Her story was known by Miss Wu, who said she was not worth it. She would ruin her future and want her to beat her child. She has been dependent on her sister and mother since she was a child. Now they all force her. She is desperate to commit suicide.

I advised her to leave Singapore and go to Hong Kong for a while to avoid the limelight, and wait for Miss Wu to take care of her slowly. That night, she left by boat. She called me in the afternoon and asked me to see her off. "

This matter is not only about the reputation of the teacher, but also about the life of his sister. Si qiongzhi promised Wu Yun not to tell anyone.

Wu Yun is her teacher's sister's name.

Siqiongzhi knows the weight of the promise. If it is disclosed easily, her words will have no prestige in the future. This is what her father told her.

"So that night, you will pass the road where Hu qiao'er was killed and go to the wharf?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Siqiongzhi nodded.

Gu Qingzhou said, "OK, I see."

Late that night, the adjutant caught a man.

The man was a local tramp, a bit slick and not afraid to be caught.

"I just took the money and put a report letter for others. It's not a bad thing. Why, don't you report it now? Are you the police? " The tramp said happily.

Gu Qingzhou took the report letter: "who let you let it go?"

"I didn't see my face." The tramp said.

Gu opened the boat and a stack of photos came out. After watching the boat, Gu handed it to Si qiongzhi.

When he picked it up, his legs began to soften.

"How... How?" She mumbled to herself.

This photo shows her car passing by the bell tower intersection. The time is four past two in the evening. The date is July 5.

That bell tower, to the street where Hu Qiaoer was killed, it's only five minutes to walk.

In the middle of the night, siqiongzhi takes people to pass by. If there is no hard evidence, she is also one of the suspects.

Compared with Pei Jie, who said he was in Malacca, Si qiongzhi was even more suspicious when he appeared at the scene. Besides, she has an adjutant in her car.

The adjutants are all well-known.

Siqiongzhi wants to kill huqiao'er and let the adjutant do it. When huqiao'er talks about her elder brother's whereabouts, she has the motive to kill her.

Hu qiao'er asked Qi Xingfu that she must have been inspired by her mother's family. Now she's dead. Her parents come here. They know that Hu qiao'er threatened siqiongzhi.

Jack had a motive.

And Gu Qingzhou works in the guard department. Although she didn't plant Sun Jin, can she speak clearly?

"Sister in law!" In shock, he handed another photo to Gu Qingzhou.

In the report letter, in addition to Si qiongzhi, there is Pei Cheng.

Pei Cheng's car also appeared in the same position in June, three minutes later.

"Sister-in-law, will you..." Si qiongzhi's face turned white. "These things are all stuck together. How can I make them clear?"

"Who took the picture, that's the point." Gu Qingzhou road.

At the beginning, Gu Qingzhou felt that there was a hand behind her, pushing everyone to take their place and play a good play.

Pei Cheng's office hides his bloody clothes. He appears in the same place again. He is suspected of killing Hu qiao'er. Si qiongzhi is motivated and has an adjutant. Besides, she tries to lead the disaster to Pei Cheng. She is also suspected.

Compared with the two of them, the suspects of other people seem to be able to lean back.

"Sister in law, I am willing to cooperate with the investigation." "I didn't kill anyone," said siqiongzhi. "I just want to tell Miss Wu first, so that her family can have a preparation in mind."

"You still have an advantage. The weapon is not on you." Gu Qingzhou said, "you and Sun Jin are not familiar with each other. The weapon was found by the police from her box, and I can't help you get in.

So, the Pei family is more suspicious. Don't panic. If the other party has a letter of complaint, there will be follow-up actions. It is wise for you to cooperate with the investigation. "

Jack is making a noise.

She asked Gu Qingzhou, "sister-in-law, did I make trouble for you?"


"Would it have been better if I had told you earlier?" She added, "but I promised Wu Yun, i...

" it's a good quality, I'm very glad to keep my promise. " Gu Qingzhou said, "if you've said that, you can't tell the story clearly, I may need to avoid it.

Now, the murder weapon appears. Just like this, it's enough for you to escape. Now if I avoid it again, it will not affect the overall situation. Things will soon come to an end. "

June branch sighed heavily.

Gu Qingzhou patted her on the shoulder.

The next day, Gu gave the letter to Niu huaigu.

Niu huaigu was shocked.

He just locked Sun Jin, and then came out two suspects. Is it OK?

Niu huaigu is one head and two big.

"Then Pei Cheng and Si qiongzhi should be listed as suspects and investigated." Niuhuai said, "two murders, none of them are clear."

Then, he was helpless to Gu Qingzhou and said, "chief officer, who do you think is the murderer?"

"If this is my home, I can guess at will. But this is the police station. After you finish, you should write a reasonable report to the governor's office. Can I help you? " Gu chuckled.

"You know who is the murderer?" Niu huaigu said

"I have no evidence." Gu also told him truthfully, "if you find evidence, I will tell you."

It's her. She could have known. Niu huaigu is a little confused.

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