Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1397 trust of Gu Qingzhou

The next day, both siqiongzhi and Gu Qingzhou went to work normally.

"Sister in law, the shirt with blood. Will you give it to the police station?" asked siqiongzhi

"Look again." Gu Qingzhou road.

When she got to the guard department, she sat down and heard Miss Lin, the Secretary, say that Pei's case was about to end.

"Pei's family is here. I didn't make trouble this time. I don't want to make things bigger." Miss Lin said, "I didn't expect Dr. Pei, such a gentle man, could do such evil things."

Gu chuckled.

How to explain the murder weapon?

How to explain the motivation?

In both cases, it's enough to have a headache. He now counts on Pei Cheng's head. He just suppresses Pei's family and makes Pei's family dare not make trouble.

If Pei family avenges Pei Cheng, how about the death of Hu qiao'er and Peijie?

So Pei's family didn't dare to talk, so they waited for the police station to give a reply.

Gu Qingzhou said, "go ahead and do something."

As soon as Miss secretary left, Niu huaigu walked briskly by the door of the office where she took care of the boat.

Gu called out to him through the window.

Niu huaigu pushed the door in and said, "good morning, chief officer."

"The board is so happy?"

"Of course. What do you think? I examined the nurses on duty on July 5. One of them said that Dr. Pei always ignored them. That night, he asked her to go to sleep for a while first. He could hold on to something.

The nurse was so sleepy that she went. But she only slept for ten minutes, and then she woke up not very steadfastly, and found that Dr. Pei had left the office lightly, which was exactly 1:50. " Niuhuai ancient road.

After that, he smiled smugly.

Pei Cheng left secretly that night, probably to kill people.

Gu Qingzhou said, "what's the motive?"

"The servants of Pei family said that there was someone outside the second young grandma, which they all guessed, but the second young master didn't know. The second young grandma's attitude towards the second young master is very bad. It's just that the second young master is one-sided Niuhuaigu said.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "so you guess that the lover of the second young grandma is Pei Cheng, the eldest young master?"

"Or what?"

"Why did Pei Cheng kill her? If possible, shouldn't her husband, Pei Jie, have killed her? " Gu asked again.

Niu huaigu said with a smile, "who knows? The other two have passed away. Now we can only guess by ourselves. But you can rest assured that if you detain him for a few more days, he will show his flaws. "

Gu Qingzhou asked, "did anyone who was sent to Malacca find anything?"

Niu huaigu is stunned: "only one person has gone, but he has not come back."

He's almost forgotten about it.

"By the way, has Hu qiao'er's English teacher been found?" Gu asked again.

Niu huaigu is stunned again.

Then he thought that he had made a decision, and Bai changguan agreed. There was no need to be cross examined by the temporary Deputy escort department. So he smiled: "this is still under investigation. I don't think it's necessary. It's all smoke bombs. "

Gu took a meaningful look at him and said, "you are so easy to make a decision. In case you are wrong, won't the outside world question your ability? "

Niu huaigu tightened his face and didn't want to be influenced by the light boat: "I will bear it all. Thank you for worrying for me. I'll be busy first. "

Then he stood up and left.

Gu Qingzhou looks at his back and shakes his head.

She has sent people to Malacca to help the police who were sent by Niu huaigu to investigate the case to find Pei Jie's whereabouts on July 5. She has also sent people to find Hu qiao'er's English teacher and even sent people to investigate and kill Pei Jie's thief.

Her guess, she thought, might soon be confirmed.

So she got up and went to the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Niu huaigu went to battle in person and was pressing several key clues: Why did he kill people and how did he lose the weapon.

"Sir, you have neither the motive nor the weapon to kill me, so you will be convicted?" After being forced to ask for so long, Pei Cheng's face is a little haggard, but his face is always calm.

Niu huaigu choked to death.

If the other side is not Pei Cheng, he almost wants to use some means.

He just got up and saw Gu Qingzhou.

"Chief Secretary, would you like to ask?" Niuhuai ancient road.

"Good," Gu chuckled

She sat in the position of nostalgia and looked at Pei Cheng.

Pei Cheng also looked at her, but not provocatively, but a helpless look. Then he said: "Mrs. Si, I have read your biography. According to your wisdom, you will not doubt me, will you? "

"I have not doubted you from beginning to end." Gu chuckled, "I've believed in your innocence since you first participated in it."

Pei Cheng is surprised.

He wore gold rimmed glasses and focused his eyes. Even the cold lenses seemed to have some temperature.

"Thank you very much," he said with a smile

Whether it is true or false, the other side said that he trusted him, and he should thank him, which is his self-discipline.

"So I sent someone in private to check Peijie's whereabouts, as well as Hu Qiaoer's English teacher and the person who ran into Peijie. If you insist, maybe I can prove your innocence. " Gu chuckled.

Niu huaigu looks at her in shock.

Pei Cheng smiled lightly: "OK, I'll wait. Thank you very much, Mrs. secretary. I'm serious. "

Gu Qingzhou stands up.

Niu huaigu's determination before, in this moment all collapsed.

First, he was not confident enough. Second, after Pei Cheng's warning, he thought of the legendary biography of Gu Qingzhou.

That biography portrays Gu Qingzhou as wise and shrewd as a God. If it is true...

then is there any mystery in this case?

Niu huaigu catches up with Gu Qingzhou: "Sir, sir!"

Gu Qingzhou stops and says, "boss, what's the matter?"

"Do you send someone to check in private?"

"The police station is understaffed. Besides, when my adjutant gets the evidence, he will walk with the police again. He won't be able to talk without proof. Don't worry, the evidence I gave you will be in line with the police's rules. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"No, No." Niu huaigu said, "Sir, do you really believe Pei Cheng or are you cheating him?"

"I believe in him." Gu Qingzhou said, "but he knows a little secret. He hasn't told the truth. Therefore, I trust him and cheat his secret. "

Niu huaigu looks at the woman in astonishment, thinking that it's terrible. What kind of human is this woman?

"That is to say, he knows the details of the case, but he is not the murderer?" Niuhuaigu asked, "who is the murderer?"

Gu Qingzhou laughs without answering.

That afternoon, a man who was beaten black and blue went to the police station and reported that he knew the inside story of killing Peijie.

This man is also a Malay. He speaks a dialect that he can't understand.

The police immediately found an interpreter.

"Someone paid me to work for him and killed him." He took an English description and photo.

In the picture, it's Pei Jie. "I sent my younger brother to do it. But he drove too many times. He didn't dodge. His life was bad and he paid for it. " The man continued, "by convention, he should have killed Pei Jie, drove away by himself, and then abandoned his car to escape."

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