Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1398 English teacher

Gu Qingzhou and Bai Yuanye stand outside the interrogation room and watch Niu huaigu's head grow bigger.

Nostalgia is crazy.

This is a Malay, obviously a gangster.

I was beaten like this and turned myself in. It must have been the help of the gang.

Gu said she investigated in private. Niu huaigu thought again that when she first arrived in Singapore, she lived in Yan's house, an arms dealer, and her family recognized her as a daughter.

If you look at the person who turned himself in, you will know what happened.

Niu huaigu felt his face hard, almost wrinkling it. He could hardly bear it when he was young: "who bought it?"

"I don't know his name, but if I see him, I can recognize him." That's humane.

The man was beaten black and blue, but the injury avoided his eyes and mouth. It needed him to speak and see clearly.

Niu huaigu sent for Si qiongzhi to cooperate with the investigation and took the man to see Pei Cheng.

After seeing Pei Cheng, the man shook his head: "it's not him. The person who came to invite me is thinner, not particularly tall, and whiter than this one. "

"Isn't it a woman disguised as a man?" Asked Niu huaigu.

The man said no.

Soon, the man saw him again and shook his head again: "no, it's higher than this one. There are bones on his face, not as beautiful as this lady."

Niu huaigu grabs a mess of hair.

He wished he could pull all his scalp off.

Let this person sign, put him in prison, waiting for the subsequent sentence, Niu huaigu's legs can't walk out.

He smokes by the corridor.

Just as Gu Qingzhou and Bai Yuanye pass by.

Bai Yuanye asked him, "how is it?"

Niu huaigu pressed the cigarette on the wall and said: "it is determined that Peijie's death is not a car accident, but a murder. But the buyer is not sure. "

He looked at the boat again and said: "but I'm not sure Pei Cheng is not the murderer. Perhaps he entrusted others to buy murderers? "

Gu chuckled and did not retort.

Her smile almost made Niu huaigu cry.

Every time she smiles like this, although she doesn't say anything, Niu huaiguleng sees the meaning of "you are mentally retarded" from her smile.

He shivered, "Sir, do you have any evidence?"

"Still looking."

After Gu Qingzhou intervened, things became more smooth. Soon the police in Malacca came back and said that Sun Jin didn't go to Malacca at all that night.

Sun Jin didn't tell the truth.

"Sun Jin again." Niu huaigu speaks loudly.

After repeated questioning and intimidation, Sun Jin cried bitterly and begged for mercy, saying that she had not killed anyone.

"I didn't ask you about the murder weapon. On the night of July 5, were you in Malacca?" Cried Niu huaigu.

Sun Jin is crying again.

At this point, she has no way to go.

"I was in Singapore that day. I was perjury for Pei Jie. I hope he can give me some benefits and get the gratitude of Pei family.

When you find the murder weapon in your suitcase, I'm even more afraid to say it. I was in Singapore that day. I pretended to be in Malacca. I had a murder weapon. Can I make it clear? " Cried Sun Jin.

She was too scared.

Cattle nostalgia almost want to beat people: "so important clues, you dare to lie?"

In other words, no one can prove where Pei Jie was that night.

However, there was a guest in Malacca Hotel, whose turnover was found. He said that he saw Peijie driving out at about 10 o'clock that night.

As for when he will come back, I don't know.

"I didn't go to bed until more than two in the morning, because I asked my girlfriend to come over and play. She didn't leave until she finished." At that time, Mr. Pei's car hasn't come back

This experience is the same as Sun Jin's random compilation.

"Are you sure?"

"OK. I haven't seen a luxury car like that in Malacca, so I'm very careful. " That's humane.

The police station broke up again.

As time goes by, more and more witnesses will be found and more and more evidences will be provided.

That night, Pei Jie left the hotel early and returned to Singapore from the long Bank of Johor.

It is not clear what he will do when he comes back.

"Pei Cheng said that he saw Pei Jie at three o'clock. He should not have lied." Niuhuai said, "besides, Pei Cheng was there. What was he going to do?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "there is also a personal card. My people are looking for him."


"Chu ruzhan, Hu qiao'er's English teacher." Gu Qingzhou said, "isn't that what you said? His name is that."

Niu huaigu almost forgot the man.

"Wait a few more days." Gu chuckled to Niu huaigu, "I believe that when this man is found, the case will be almost clear."

Niu huaigu has to be patient.

I waited for a whole week.

It's been a tough week for everyone.

The Pei family has buried Hu qiao'er and Peijie, but Hu qiao'er's brother lives in Pei's family, and he almost has to fight with Pei's family, because Pei Cheng, the suspect who killed Hu qiao'er, is still in the police station.

When Pei's family arrived in Singapore, it was also a big and influential family. They invested a lot of business, but the funeral was wronged.

They didn't dare to make a fuss. They didn't know the final conclusion or whether their brothers would make Pei's family split.

It's just that the old lady secretly asked Gu to meet at a restaurant.

"I'm so old. Who could have thought that I would send my grandson on the road?" The old lady's eyes are red. "Is Pei Cheng really killing her?"

"No." Gu Qingzhou said, "please be assured, old lady. Since I've taken the Deputy escort, I won't let our relatives and friends be bullied.

Pei Cheng's case will be fair. I'm checking. Don't worry. I'll give him justice. "

"Canoe, you tell the truth." The old lady did not look out, and called the name of Gu Qingzhou.

This girl's name has not been called by outsiders for a long time.

"I'll tell you the truth." Gu Qingzhou said, "old lady, I firmly believe it's not Pei Cheng."

The old man's tears suddenly fell down and choked, "well, I'll be relieved. We've already gone two. We can't take in another one. "

Gu Qingzhou comforted her and told her not to cry.

For this matter, Gu Qingzhou even dropped Yu Zao's homework and urged people to find Hu qiao'er's English teacher every day.

A week later, they found an English teacher in Malay.

At the same time, the Gang also pointed out that it was the English teacher who paid for Peijie's death.

"Chu ruzhan, are you Hu Qiaoer's English teacher?" Niu huaigu interrogates him personally.

"Yes." The man's thin cheek is even thinner. It's skin and bones, but his eyes are deep, which makes him a little more handsome.

Chu ruzhan has a strong booklike atmosphere, but he is not as tall and decent as Pei Jie.

Niu huaigu doesn't believe Hu qiao'er will take a fancy to him.

"Why do you want to buy Peijie?" Asked Niu huaigu.

Chu ruzhan was surprised: "Sir, what do you say? I didn't buy it. "

Then the gang came to identify him and said, "this is a frame up. I didn't. "

"Then why are you running away?" Asked Niu huaigu.

"I didn't escape. That was my home. I'm just renting in Singapore. " Chu ruzhan said, "I am poor, so can you frame me at will?" He was full of sophistry and didn't admit it.

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