Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1399 solving cases

After finding Chu ruzhan, the police officer was relieved.

"He's the one who bought Pei Jie. There's no doubt about it." Niu huaigu is sitting in the office, his bones are soft.

Half a month has passed since the murder.

Such a big case can be sorted out in half a month, and the progress is very rare.

At the beginning of the crime, the family members will be upset and angry, and the police station will be nervous.

But looking at the past cases, the tension period is only half a month. Half a month later, most of the family members waited patiently, and the police station had a lot less sense of responsibility and was no longer in a rush.

Check slowly, sometimes it's over.

Half a month can produce so much progress, Niu huaigu thought, can't do without taking care of the light boat to investigate in private.

So he went to the office where he took care of the boat.

"Chief officer, we can almost find the murderer this time?" He asked Gu about the boat.

Gu Qingzhou didn't smile this time.

If she doesn't smile, Niu huaigu feels that she's not mentally retarded and relieved.

"This time, almost," Gu said

Niuhuai said: "Chu ruzhan has to be reviewed. He is very cunning. Chief secretary, why didn't he find someone to buy murders instead of himself, and he had to appear in person? "

Gu Qingzhou said: "how many people can be trusted? Chu ruzhan was poor and made money by tutoring others. He didn't even have reliable relatives or friends.

Don't you worry that the man can't bear to surrender? At that time, is it not a failure? It's better to go out in person. "

"Yes, it's important to be careful. Some people only dare to believe in themselves." Niuhuai ancient road.

In the next three days, the police took turns to interrogate Chu ruzhan.

The man was poor and had no courage to fight with the police. On the fourth day, when the police were interrogating and abusing him, he finally collapsed.

"I am the one qiao'er loves. We are not in love. We are in love!" He said in a loud voice.

This sentence has settled the case.

All the concealment of Chu ruzhan's works went through a thousand miles.

During the later interrogation, he almost said something.

Gu canoe did not go home and stayed up all night.

"... I didn't get to know her as an English teacher. We got to know each other first. We got to know each other at the book store. When I told her poetry and articles, I knew each other very well. " Chu ruzhan said.

The marriage between Hu qiao'er and Peijie has been unhappy.

Peijie is a typical playboy. He has been playing around since he was in Nanjing. Hu qiao'er has already given up on him.

At the beginning, she married Peijie, but also a family alliance. Her brother was from the Nanjing Military Department, and Pei's family was a family match.

Peijie said he loved her very much, which made Hu qiao'er puzzled.

At the same time, he imprisoned her, forbidding her to contact with any man, and at the same time, he himself went around.

He can hook up with any singer, dancer or even famous lady, but he is deeply in love with Hu qiao'er.

His affection is not false. He often buys things to please Hu qiao'er, which is also very attentive.

At the beginning, Hu qiao'er had fantasies. Later, I understood that even if he was not good enough for a single love, she would not want it.

Peijie is more aggressive and boastful to huqiao'er.

Hu Qiaoer's beauty is famous in his circle of friends. Peijie likes to brag about his wife most. She is beautiful, intelligent, sensible and obedient.

Hu qiao'er knew that he loved her like a famous watch of his own.

This watch is very precious. He takes care of it carefully. Wearing it can show off his face. But he would never just buy this watch.

Hu qiao'er is human. She doesn't want to make a watch.

She was very depressed until she came to Singapore and met Chu ruzhan.

This person is poor, can't hook up everywhere, and has no money to hook up, but it's very good and romantic for her.

Such romance, in line with Hu qiao'er's aesthetic, she fell into the river of love, a hair out of control.

She also became colder and colder to Pei Jie.

Peijie, meanwhile, was hooking up with Sun Jin at that time. He also relaxed his care for Hu Qiaoer. Hu Qiaoer borrowed English to help students and met his lover twice a week.

Until one day, Hu Qiaoer had enough.

Her brother asked her to inquire about the whereabouts of Si Xingfu. When she was threatened by Si qiongzhi, she felt that she was just a tool, whether she was in her mother's house or in her mother's house.

So she asked Chu ruzhan to elope.

That day, she had just been threatened by siqiongzhi, and her mood was the most broken. She was also the most irrational, and invited Chu ruzhan.

"When I arrived, I saw Pei Jie's car. Pei Jie even came before me. He quarreled with her. She was crying. I dare not enter for fear of causing trouble to her.

Unexpectedly, Peijie suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed her four times in a row. I was terrified. I didn't have any weapons in my hand. I had to hide nearby and didn't dare to go out. " Chu ruzhan said.

Chu ruzhan said that there was deep pain on his thin face.

His tears run on and on.

He was just a moment of cowardice. Pei Jie killed Hu qiao'er.

Pei Jie killed people, hurriedly got in the car and left the street.

When he went far away, Chu Ru Zhan went to see Hu qiao'er. She was out of breath.

Chu ruzhan thought of many things in that moment.

"I'm afraid to call the police. Once the police call, Pei family will cover up and deal with the matter secretly. Qiao'er's father and brother are not in Singapore. She can't even get justice. " Chu ruzhan said.

His tears could not stop.

So he left.

He let Hu qiao'er lie there. When passers-by saw her, he just called the newspaper secretly.

Hu qiao'er's body was seen in the newspaper. Pei's family can no longer bear it. Other relatives of Hu qiao'er should give her justice.

But Chu is not willing to show.

He sold two pieces of jade that his mother had left him, which were his heirloom.

With a large amount of money, he will have no worries for the rest of his life, waiting for Hu qiao'er's father and brother to get justice for her, but he is afraid.

I'm afraid Pei Jie won't get the punishment he deserves.

He should give Hu qiao'er a Justice: let Peijie pay for her life.

So Chu Ru Zhan put on a shabby dress and followed Pei Jie all the time.

He used to be thin. He blacked his face and put on the clothes of a beggar. He was just like a beggar.

He followed Pei Jie for several days and finally got his whereabouts.

"I know his way home. Before he got on the boat, he stole his wallet and his passport was in it. Then he went back the same way, right on the killer's way. " Chu ruzhan said.

After that, he told the police where he hid Pei Jie's passport and wallet.

When the police went to search, they found the evidence of his jade selling, Pei Jie's passport and wallet, and Chu ruzhan's various routes to follow him.

"Besides, I had qiao'er's handkerchief that night, all stained with blood. She put it on her chest and it was punctured. " Chu ruzhan said.

The police also got handkerchiefs.

The hole was punctured by the murder weapon and covered with blood, which proved that Chu ruzhan was at the scene that night.

At this point, the case is clear.

Hu qiao'er elopes with his lover and is blocked by Pei Jie's coming back in the middle of the night. When Pei Jie quarreled with her, she must have admitted without hesitation, so Pei Jie killed her in a rage.

And her lover, who was nearby, saw all this and decided to let Pei Jie pay for his blood debt. After the case was closed, Si qiongzhi was a little confused. She asked Gu Qingzhou, "wait a minute, sister-in-law! Who took the picture of Pei Cheng and I passing by? How did Pei Cheng get blood on his shirt? What about Sun Jin? "

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