Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1401 her refusal

Jack's tears were running.

In this moment, there is a lot of mud in her heart, blocking her up.

"When your elder brother said that he loved me very much and wanted to marry me, I was quite at a loss." Gu Qingzhou said, "sometimes, two people can't walk on the same road at the same time, which is normal."

Siqiongzhi broke into tears.

"Why are you so worried?" Gu asked her again.

"My mother... She just doesn't know how to be grateful and how to feel... My second sister... She... Killed my brother in order to get him... He... He's not a good person... I'm afraid to be like them." As he cried, he said.

Gu Qingzhou was amused by her.

She took her shoulder and wiped her tears. "You have a lot in mind."

Jack is still crying.

"It's not one thing." Gu Qingzhou said, "you didn't notice that maybe that person's feelings were too reserved and the way of expression was too reserved, so you didn't know."

Jack stopped crying and sobbed at Gu.

"Do you love yuzao?"

Siqiongzhi nodded.

"What about Abba?"

She nodded again.

"Where are you and I?"

After thinking about it, siqiongzhi said seriously, "it's not as good as Abba and yuzao."

After all, Si Xingfu was not good at her before. Even now, Si Xingfu is quite a jerk.

And her reconciliation with Gu Qingzhou is just a matter of these years.

Gu Qingzhou wants to laugh and spray: "it's OK, but it can also be graded. It's so clear, how can you be a man without feelings? "

After recalling his feelings for his family, he gave himself a shot and temporarily suppressed the monster in his heart.

"I want to talk to him." Sijongyi road.

"Yes," Gu said

Pei Cheng's grievances have been purged. In order to give him a proper name, Pei family has published a long time article in the newspaper to ensure that everyone in Singapore knows that Pei family is wronged.

At the same time, they didn't mention Pei Jie's murder.

The cause of Hu qiao'er's death is also simply summarized. Her family knew that it was her fault, and naturally did not dare to make trouble.

Pei Cheng's reputation has not been harmed. Instead, he has become a well-known "aggriever" in Singapore. The newspaper guides the public opinion, which pities the young doctor for being affected and wronged.

He was locked up for several days. Before he came out, he took a bath in chief Bai's private bathroom and changed his clean clothes prepared by the police department.

Before he went home, he was invited out by Gu Qingzhou. He said that he would be invited to dinner, and he would make amends to him on behalf of the Department of security.

Gu took the shirt with blood to him.

Pei Cheng told Gu Qingzhou what he didn't say to his mouth.

He is a man of few words.

A lot of times, the feelings are secret and do not send, deceive oneself, also deceive others.

He is always concerned about every move of qiongzhi.

Even when Hu qiao'er asked her out, he was afraid of her losses. He specially asked his friends to go to the restaurant to see what they did.

He does these things subconsciously, and will not go into the reasons.

Until this time.

His heart seems to be cut open, so that others can see the person in his heart.

The man's eyes and eyebrows were so clear and fell on his heart. He cared for her on the tip of his heart all the time, but he never confessed.

His happiness and anger are invisible in color, and he will not open his heart to control every day. He is duplicative and will not confront himself every day.

He thought that if the other party had explicitly refused the marriage of his family, it would be tantamount to refusing him.

What would it be like if you just kept fighting?

His self-esteem did not allow it, so his heart automatically covered everything, so that he could not see and hear, even if secretly miss a change of tune.

He also thought that maybe he could tell her something and let her make a statement again.

Not to Pei's family, but to himself.

But there is no such courage.

He was also afraid of rejection.

I can't imagine that this murder has pushed everything out of the water. He doesn't need to ask, he already knows.

If she had any idea of him, she would not have doubted him.

People in my heart, always subconsciously maintain, explain for him.

Since he can turn over his office and doubt his head, it means that he has no shadow in her heart.

"How to face her tomorrow?"

This became Pei Cheng's problem.

Would she ask? Or pretend to be nothing at all and don't care?

If she asked, what would he say?

Thoughts sailed, no boat carried his answer.

Confused, he had a dream.

It's not so much a dream as a memory. He thought of meeting her at the party when he just returned to Nanjing.

That day, she was dressed in a pink dress, surrounded by a group of girls, and then was coaxed to ask her cousin to dance.

She refused at the time.

Looking back, she saw him by accident. Because of strangeness, she looked at her eyes more. Pei Cheng still remembers her eyes.

Pei Chen, his seventh cousin, is her senior brother. He often says she is charming and arrogant behind her back, but he pays attention to her every move. He even mistakenly thinks that Pei's marriage will be between him and her.

Seven cousins are so excited that they walk with wind.

Later, he was rejected. Seven cousins went to her and asked her why. At that time, he was really angry and sad. He almost wanted to cry.

Such a big man, in front of his elders, has red eyes. Others don't understand what's going on with him.

After returning home, seven cousins were scolded by three uncles because they were not married to him at all, but with the eldest brother.

So, from the very beginning, he was very impressed with sejonggi. She was so aloof and ruthless, but he didn't feel hurt.

In his opinion, she is a neat girl, never disdaining the ambiguity.

Moreover, he has always regarded the refusal of seqiongzhi to Pei's family as her refusal.

I don't think it will end up on him.

Pei Cheng even thought, "shall I go to the UK to study for a while?"

Then he thought: "Pei Cheng, you are almost thirty, don't be so cowardly."

He gave up the urge to run away.

It's nothing more than a feeling to feed the dog. How many people will be like this? He is not alone.

The next day, he went back to the hospital to work. The whole hospital drew a banner to meet him.

He is a director. The hospital has done everything to welcome him. There will even be a dance in the evening.

He also saw Jack.

Standing in the crowd, she saw his eyes coming, and she smiled.

Then she looked away from him.

Pei Cheng didn't follow her.

Until the break of noon, someone knocked at the door.

Pei Cheng said, "please come in."

Then he saw that he opened the door and entered his office.

"I..." she hesitated and began slowly, "Dr. Pei, I'm here to apologize."

Pei Cheng's heart sank heavily. His refusal, which has come, has nowhere to hide.

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