Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1402 ruthlessness

Pei Cheng's office is very clean. There are tall tropical trees outside the window. The broad leaves fall in the thick shade. The whole office is somewhat cool.

The pure white wall, a milky white desk and a complete set of leather sofa make the room bright.

Standing in front of him, he hesitated for a long time.

Pei Cheng is wearing a pair of gold rimmed glasses. His eyes are blocked behind the glasses, which is not true.

He was also stunned for half a minute before he said, "please sit down."

Siqiongzhi took the opportunity to sit in the chair opposite him.

She looks at Pei Cheng again.

Pei Cheng's eyes fell behind the lenses. She used to feel cold. Now she saw his nervousness.

I'm sorry that I suspected you and secretly turned over your office.

She also wanted to say: I'm sorry, I can't respond to your feelings, please forgive me for my ignorance for so long. Now that I know it, I will try my best to avoid it in the future.

These two are her plans.

She is not ready to muddle through, let Pei Cheng wait for no result.

But when it came to her mouth, she couldn't say it, especially the one at the back.

She has lived for more than 20 years, and it is rare that she is put on the top of her heart.

Her mother's favorite person is her brother. After his brother died, her mother lost her sustenance, and because of the quarrel with her father, she lost her marriage and died early.

It doesn't seem to be a reason for her to live.

If a mother loves her as her brother does, how can she not care about her? How can we lose the motivation to live?

And her father, the most beloved daughter is Fangfei. In addition to Fangfei, there are big brother, second brother and even sister-in-law. She is the last one.

Apart from parents, brothers need not say more. Two brothers have their own thoughts. Qiongzhi has never ranked first.

She has little self pity. Compared with the vast majority of people, she already has too much, which most people can't gain in their lifetime.

But people's bad nature, often let oneself stare at what they don't have.

Never a person, like Pei Cheng, put her on the top of his heart. He couldn't bear to give up. He didn't dare to show his love and took care of her carefully.

She had no feelings for him, but was grateful that he cared for her so much.

This is a rare treasure, which makes Jack lose his voice.

Her reason tells her, don't be greedy for other people's feelings, you can't pay the same back, do you love him? You haven't seen him well.

But she didn't want to leave very much. She didn't want to push him away like this. She didn't want to end in such a hurry.

She stood in front of him, tongue tied, for a long time did not know what to say, but pale said: "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Pei Chengdao.

The atmosphere is very dull. The heat wave will break through the window.

Pei Cheng feels that his back is sweating. He doesn't know whether it's hot or cold.

Sorry for what?

I'm sorry for refusing his feelings, or because I turned over his office, or both?

He raised his eyes and looked at June branch.

He is an introverted person, so it's hard to see the deep affection in his eyes, only to reveal one or two points occasionally when it's hard to control.

Just like at the moment, his eyes are so cold and sharp because of his nervousness. He seems to be impatient and wants to shoot people across.

There is a spirit in siqiongzhi.

All the covetousness of ghosts and gods disappeared.

No one is entitled to waste other people's feelings and time. She is enjoying his treasure, but can't return the same, which is too much.

"Dr. Pei, am I causing you trouble?" At last, he opened his mouth.

Every word is like stepping on the tip of a knife. I don't know what love is, but I understand the pain.

Pain, not to him, but their own point in self pity.

Pei Cheng's heart, completely fell into the icehouse, as if all the nightmares, all turned into reality, spread out in front of him.

He pressed the lip line slightly.

At the moment, he has a kind of coldness: "no trouble."

"That's good." "I cherish the job opportunities now," said sijongzi. If I have any trouble with you, I can leave. "

"No need." Pei Cheng's tone is more blunt, "doctor Si, you should not be amorous. Through this experience, we know each other better. I'm not a man who has got into a dead end and is in trouble with others. "

Since you don't want it, I don't ask you.

He pulled a quilt cleanly and hid all his feelings.

His lips were a little white.

Her lips are ruddy. Now they are 30 or 40% off. They look like normal people. Outsiders can't see the clue.

But his face was very hot.

She thought: Yes, no matter how deep the feelings, after this test, it should be cold. What are you imagining, what are you passionate about?

Since then, no one has put her on the top of her heart and the most important position in her heart.

"Then I won't disturb your work." "See you later, Dr. Pei," said szech

Pei Cheng nodded.

He left his office quickly and went back to the public office of the tumor department, where he sat for a long time.

My heart is like a pile of thick clouds. I'm willing to have a rain.

Siqiongzhi muddled through the day. When I came home in the evening, I was alone in my room, and finally I cried.

A melancholy, after crying and sleep, wake up the next day only a light sadness.

Si qiongzhi orders the servant to find ice, and plans to apply his own eyes, and then go to the hospital for work.

When she got to the hospital, she didn't see Pei Cheng.

In the morning, there was a meeting in the tumor department. Her teacher Wu asked her to go over and make minutes for her.

At the meeting, she didn't see Pei Cheng either.

Although Pei Cheng is a director of the hospital, he is never arrogant and is a doctor in charge of due diligence.

At the end of the meeting, siqiongzhi was still wondering how to ask the teacher, but he heard the teacher say, "Dr. Pei asked for half a month's leave. Who will take over his three patients?"

Siqiongzhi's ear was buzzing.

Did he ask for leave?

Embarrassed, or simply trying to avoid her?

After a long time of relaxation, his heart sank again: maybe he was not as calm as in words, or as indifferent as that, right?

She thought, wait for him to come back, if he says something more, she will tell him: if he is willing to wait, she will try to love him.

However, it backfired.

Pei Cheng will be back in five days.

He didn't come back alone.

All the original plans of siqiongzhi were interrupted. She can't wait to take back the extended tentacle and don't want to see it again.

The plan once seemed to be a joke.

Si Qiongzhi had a soft heart, which was as hard as iron stone for a moment. She thought, "I'm not a normal person. Forget it. Don't mistake others or yourself."

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