Huo Yue comes to pick him up from work, still dressed in plain clothes and a very ordinary car.

Colleagues saw it, not too surprised. It's common for young and beautiful girls like He Wei to pursue.

If the other side is a rich man, it's a bit of a chew. An ordinary person is really not worth saying, even a joke seems insipid.

"What would you like to eat at night?" Huo Yue asked He Wei.

He Wei said: "I'm tired of the food outside. Why don't I have some home food in Yuecheng? I'll cook. '

"What can you cook?" Huo Yue asked.


Huo Yue laughed and thought that the girl was boasting. He deliberately said, "will the whole fish be bored by wine?"

"Yes. This dish needs light fire, so it needs to use the flower silver carp which is easy to be cooked. Other fish can't do it. The wine uses the superior flower carvings. " He Wei Dao.

As soon as Huo Yue heard this, seeing that she really knew her way, he said, "well, then try to make the whole fish with wine. Are you too tired? "

She worked all day.

"If I go home to do laundry and sweeping, I will be very tired because I don't like to do it. But I like to cook and enjoy the dishes together, so my mood will be very good. Of course, it's also an accident. I can't bear to do it every day. " He smiled.

People can find satisfaction by doing what they are good at.

Such satisfaction can increase happiness and confidence.

Sometimes work is about to kill people's pleasure. Making some dishes that you like and are good at can ease your spirit.

These, He Wei did not tell Huo Yue, afraid he asked about her work.

Mr. Ghent and Zhang Zhu are already desperate. He Wei is under great pressure.

If you really want to lose your job and ask Mr. Huo for help, you can stay, but how much humiliation?

Mr. Huo always said that she is a woman of the new era, and she has a kind of toughness and courage. A person's charm comes from her ability to control her life.

What about charm when you ask your boyfriend to help you stay at work?

He Wei doesn't want Huo ye to look down on her.

They went to the vegetable market. He Wei not only bought silver carp, but also four Jin of streaky pork and some vegetables.

"Can we eat so much meat?" Huo Yue asked.

He Wei said: "I'm going to make braised lion's head. When it comes time to send some to the neighbors, there won't be much."

Huo Yue will not interrupt.

He Wei bought fish, meat and all kinds of vegetables and went home to open them.

At first, she was in a bad mood, but when the fish was in the pot, she put a lot of minced meat on the chopping board, which seemed to vent all her frustrations.

At the end of the day, while she was waiting for the whole fish to collect the soup, she hummed a small tune and made a lion's head.

Huo Yue sat on the sofa in the living room, and could see her when he raised his eyes. Her figure is as thin as that, but she is very flexible and has powerful opening and closing.

He felt that life had never been so quiet that he could feel the sweetness in his heart.

He Wei was very quick in cooking. In a short time, he made the whole fish with wine sauce, the fish steak with sweet and sour sauce, the braised lion's head, and two stir fried vegetables.

She said to Huo Yue, "I haven't bought the best flower carvings. The whole fish is a bit of a makeshift. I'll make them for you next time. Please try it first. "

She took the bowl herself and gave each neighbor four big lion heads.

She also put half a plate of fish chops and two big lion heads into bowls and gave them to the old gentleman in the neighborhood.

The old man's legs are 70-80% better.

During his leg injury, He Wei and his neighbors took care of him all the time, so he recovered quickly. He changed his work and even stopped drinking.

When He Wei comes back from work, with her help, he will have a chat with the family in Xiangdi to understand their life. He will also talk to the Jewish family about their opinions on the situation in Asia.

These are very interesting.

Once he lost his wife and dog, and felt that his life was gloomy. Now his sky is finally dark.

"Try my fish chop." He Wei said, "my classmates used to say it was delicious."

Thank you, old man.

"Is there anything interesting about going to work today?" he asked casually

He sighed: "not yet."

"Then why sigh?" The old man noticed and asked.

He Wei just shook his head.

When she returned from delivering the dishes, she saw that Huo Yue was still waiting for her.

She thought of the old man's words and felt that her unhappiness could not be hidden. Huo Yue must have known for a long time, but didn't ask if she didn't want to be upset.

He Wei said to him truthfully, "I'm in a bad mood today."

Huo Yue said: "the people in the branch are in trouble with you?"

He Wei told Huo Yue about Zhang Zhu's words and Mr. Ghent's proposal. By the way, he also said that he retaliated against Zhang Zhu that day.

She concealed Mr. Ghent's harassment of her.

"... I'll scare them first. If I can't, you can help me." He Wei said.

Huo Yue's expression is particularly gentle.

He Wei will not rely on him, but will not have to refuse his help. She is confident in her life.

As soon as Huo Yue thought that she was so excellent, and that he was just a man walking in the dark, he felt lonely.

"Bravado is very good. It's also used in the art of war. Isn't empty city plan right?" Huo Yue Road.

He smiled and said: "it's true. I'm singing the empty city plan now. "

"But your city is not empty. You have me." Huo Yue Road.

Then he reached out and took He Wei's hand.

He Wei was wrapped in his warm hands, and the warmth surged from his heart to his limbs.

She brought vegetables to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue said that the wine she made was stuffy and the whole fish was better than those made by the great masters. Moreover, she used ordinary yellow rice wine, which was better than the best flower carvings.

He Wei knows that he flatters her and makes her happy.

It worked. He Wei was very happy.

Huo Yue didn't stay here too long. He went back after eating.

He went back to his lonely big garden house, and his heart was empty, even the lights, there was no warmth of any small room.

"There's no hostess here." He thought.

Xijiu came in from the outside, took a big box to him, and said to him, "master, your customized jewelry is ready."

Huo Yue came and opened the box.

There are seven or eight small boxes in the box. He just picked up the smallest one.

Open a look, but only a pair of diamond earrings.

He frowned slightly, and Xijiu took out another small box of flannelette from his pocket: "don't worry, master, the diamond ring is on me. It's too expensive. I'll keep it close. "

Huo Yue: "....

Xijiu swished his own faucet and couldn't help laughing.

Huo Yue said: "you speak lightly. How can you understand the old bachelor's eagerness?"

Xijiu himself is a bachelor. He is different from Huo Yue. He really didn't want to get married and didn't care much. "In such a hurry, get married earlier." Xijiu said with a smile.

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