Zhang Zhu and her sister discussed one night and came up with a plan.

Luo Ailin went to Jinding palace and asked to see Huo Yue with her father's famous post: "I want to apologize to Huo Ye. I'm also Pei Cheng's friend. I have something to do with the Secretary's family. "

The waiter took the famous post.

Huo Yue just came here today. He and Xijiu discussed whether to arrange the wedding in Jinding palace. The venue here is luxurious and the location is excellent.

Xijiu said, "the whole top layer can be vacated. However, it should be arranged at least half a month in advance. Have you proposed? "

Huo Yue: "fast."

While they were talking, the waiter took the famous post and gave it to the follower of Huo Yue.

The entourage handed Xijiu.

Xi Jiuyi saw that it was Rowe's house, and knew it was Rowling. No one knows Huo Yue's temper better than Xi Jiu. Huo Yue never wants to see Luo Ailin.

"Tell that lady not to come to the palace of Jinding again, or we will not be rude." Xijiu said coldly.

He has no intention of turning around.

The entourage took the famous post, dumped it to the waiter, and conveyed the true meaning of Jiu Ye: let this woman go, and then report her visit, and interrupt your dog legs.

The waiter went downstairs trembling, and then called for a ferocious bodyguard to drive away Rowling.

Rowling didn't expect that Huo Yue wouldn't give her such a face. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't find a hole to drill in.

She hated to look at Jinding palace and turned away.

Zhang Su asked Mr. Ghent out alone the night before yesterday.

She did not have her cousin's status. She refused Mr. Ghent's action and said only their plan.

"I don't know her identity at the moment, only that her new boyfriend is very powerful. But if she can fall in love with George Swick, the family is certainly not rich. " Zhang Zhudao.

She added the last sentence.

She didn't dare to talk to Rowling because she suddenly seemed to be infatuated with George.

Irene's character is very strange. She is only fascinated by men who don't love her very much. She has to get them. George is in a blue mood recently, and He Wei is still reading in his mind. Instead, Rowling wants to please him and flatter him.

If he kneels and licks her like a pug, she won't treasure it.

"To get rid of her." Mr. gent said.

He has never met such a prick as He Wei. He must cross over this ridge and can't let he Wei really threaten him.

"What do you think of my plan?" Zhang Zhu asked.

Mr. Ghent looked at her, rolled his eyes, and then said, "you don't have to find someone, I'll send someone myself. It has nothing to do with you ever since. "

He is afraid of bad things.

Since it is to be done, Mr. Ghent must make his own steady, and make no mistakes. He does not trust Zhang su. In his eyes, Zhang soo is a man with a watch in his spare time, but he is not very clever.

So, the next day at work, before lunch, Mr. Ghent suddenly arrived at He Wei's station and took a very small thing, saying that He Wei was responsible for it.

Not really.

He deliberately found fault with her. Without waiting for any excuse, he scolded her. He scolded her badly and said to her, "please work hard, or get out of the bank."

All the colleagues held their breath.

He Wei knew that this was Mr. Ghent's revenge on her. Her face was white and blue, and the whole person was rigid.

Half an hour later, it's lunchtime.

A young man who loves to be courteous all the time. He Wei's work station asks her every day, but he wants to eat together. Today, he goes by by the wrong step and doesn't look at her.

And the other two women who have a good relationship with He Wei also slipped away from him Wei.

He Wei went out of the branch office area, not to the bank's restaurant, but to a small restaurant across the street.

She sat at the last table, silent and insensible.

"Shall I go to see Mr. Huo after work?" She asked herself.

This time the problem is so serious that she really can't help it.

No amount of scheming is of no use without strength.

Her empty plan is broken.

It's not the worst. At 4 p.m., Mr. Ghent found something to do and scolded her in public. The words were more harsh than in the morning. He also attacked her personally, saying that she was "vicious" and "frivolous".

At the beginning, colleagues were surprised, and later understood that He Wei had offended Mr. Ghent and was cruel.

"If you don't correct, get out of here tomorrow. I'll fire you!" Mr. gent said.

Everyone is sympathetic to him Wei.

As they all know, Mr. Ghent said so, He Wei is finished.

At five o'clock, Mr. Ghent made an exception and called He Wei to the office. In private, he said to her, "I have a bad temper today. I'm going to have a drink in the evening. If you are willing to go there with me, apologize to me, and I'm willing to take it back.". Don't worry, no one knows about it. "

He Wei has always felt that there is something strange about this matter, and now he finally understands it.

Humiliate her in public, make all colleagues think she will be fired, and then privately go to Rio to drink. It's confidential, but I'll take pictures.

At that time, her photos were pasted in the branch, and colleagues knew that He Wei had saved the job by dedicating himself.

Besides, the photo will definitely be given to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue believes that he doesn't believe the two theories, so it's possible to alienate her. He is a famous man, and his loss is greater when he makes a big noise.

"Is it Ghent who came up with such a mean idea, or Zhang Zhu who helped him with it?" He Weixin thought about it.

She looked at Ghent quietly and thought, "I didn't do anything wrong, I just met a very bad person, and I didn't compromise. It's not my fault to lose my job. It's no big deal to go back to Yuecheng and help my dad with the paperwork. "

Then, she sneered and smiled: "I'm still saying that, if I don't take out the compliance process, I won't leave the branch. You can continue to find things, or you can let my colleagues isolate me. I'm not afraid. We Chinese say that the stone in the Maokeng is smelly and hard.

Mr. gent, unfortunately you kicked the stone. You can't kick me off even if you've kicked your toes in blood. Let's see. "

After saying that, she turned and went away, taking the door heavily.

Colleagues were all listening to her. Seeing her so angry, they pretended to bow down.

He Wei sits on the chair and suddenly finds that his chair is a little unstable. It seems that one foot is broken.

She stood up and looked, only to find that it was not her own chair at all, but another middle-aged lady's.

He Wei asked her, "where is my chair?"

"Miss He, this chair of mine was changed not long ago. She said it would not be renewed until next month, but it has broken down. You've been sitting all afternoon. It's OK anyway. " The female colleague said with a smile.

They all felt that she would be swept out tomorrow.

He Wei pinched his finger, lifted the chair, and went to his colleague's side: "you either sit under your ass, or I'll hit it on your head."

The female colleague screamed to get out of the way.

He Wei moved back to his chair.

All around were voices of discussion, which grew louder and louder. It seemed that they were specially for her.

"Either compromise or get out of here. Who can I show you? When young women come out to do things, how can they pretend to be decent? " A male colleague said.

This man is always lewd. He Wei stayed until she got off work. She was the first to leave the branch. She saw Zhang Zhu's smile when she left.

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