Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1640 the words of Miss Si

Si yuzao successfully entered the student union.

Her two female classmates have complex feelings.

After class, yuzao invited them to have dinner together and talked about it by the way.

"If you can join the Federation, you won't be bullied in the future." Xu Jingran, with short hair, said, "besides, I can take care of several students. This is the privilege of the union students. "

Ma Xuan said: "we don't mean that..."

"of course, we let you in, not to ask for your protection, but if you are willing to take care of us, we are very grateful to you." Xu Jingran is more straightforward.

Yuzao said with a smile, "OK, I'll take care of you. Don't worry. You can say it's my friend if you have anything in the future."

Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan exchanged a look, which was a little excited and uncomfortable.

Si yuzao looks at them.

They went to school one semester more than her and knew more secrets than her.

"What do I need to pay attention to?" Asked Si yuzao.

Xu Jingran looked at Ma Xuan and finally decided: "it's also very complicated to hear in the Federation. In a word, don't offend the members. They are also graded. I don't know. They were told by a senior brother. "

Si yuzao was silent for a long time. She asked Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan, "the teachers of the school are very strong, and they are backed by shengdebao hospital. Everyone has the opportunity to practice. Even if they don't work in shengdebao, they will find jobs better in the future. But the high dropout rate of the school is frightening, higher than all schools. Is it because of the Federation?"

Xu Jingran nods hard.

Yuzao asked again, "why don't you two join in when you are so afraid?"

"We are not qualified." Ma Xuan said, "they did a survey before the new students entered the school. Our parents are very ordinary people, and their family financial resources are very ordinary. They have no qualification to apply for admission from the beginning."

Xu Jingran then said, "besides, it's even more impossible for us to drop out. Once we drop out, it's very difficult to apply for another school, and the tuition fee can't be wasted. We certainly can't understand it at home, and we should be scolded."

Si yuzao and two classmates had dinner and went home respectively.

She was a little heavy hearted.

It turns out that ordinary people in this world, living alone is so difficult, let alone other aspects.

She also felt that the Federation was to add suffering to the students, it should be eliminated.

However, this cancer was not produced on Duxi. It has existed for a long time, and such a perfect system is not formed in a day or two.

What forces are behind it, and what is its purpose.

Si yuzao walked back slowly.

Song you, who followed her, never spoke.

When I got home, I found that the lights were bright. Zhang Xinmei had come and was chatting with the fisherman's song.

The eyes of Fishing Song are bright.

Si yuzao hurriedly stops in front of the Fishing Song: "don't be dazed by this playboy, he is mine!"

"Fish song cheek crimson spat at her:" who lost his head

After all, she went to the kitchen and was busy.

Yuzao sits at the place where Yuge just sat and asks Zhang Xinmei, "uncle, are you so free? Do you miss me so much that if you don't see me in a day, it's like three autumn after another? "

Zhang Xinmei silently rolled her white eyes.

He decided that miss dangsi farted and pointed to a big box beside the door: "I got an electric fan. You can use it when summer comes. I sent it to you specially, but you don't know what to do. "

Yuzao is very happy.

She also has this kind of electric fan at home. It costs a lot of electricity and can't be bought.

She wanted to bring one, but she didn't take a plane. It was very troublesome. She thought that the summer vacation would be back to Singapore anyway. Next semester, she would bring it back no later.

I can't think of it. Zhang Xinmei delivers charcoal in the snow.

Si yuzao will hug him with open arms: "thank you uncle!"

Zhang Xinmei slapped her forehead: "be solemn, what a big girl!"

Siyuzao doesn't care. She happily leaves Zhang Xinmei to eat the night.

"The craft of fishing song is directed by my aunt. It's very good. My aunt has seven or eight restaurants in Singapore, all of which are apprentices taught by her. She has almost monopolized the Chinese restaurants in Singapore. " Siyuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei said, "just in time, I'm hungry, so try the craft of Fishing Song."

The Fishing Song answered in the kitchen: "half an hour."

Song you and another adjutant went back to their houses, but they did not stay behind.

Si yuzao and Zhang Xinmei are sitting in the living room talking.

When it comes to the electric fan, Si yuzao asks where he got it. He says that it was brought back by a friend flying to the United States.

"... so precious, you gave it to me?" Si yuzao's eyes brightened. "Uncle, are you in love with me?"

Zhang Xinmei: "...

" don't quibble, you are so good to me. " "My mother said that when a person is very good to you, you can feel it yourself, and he is not your parents and family, he must be admiring you, isn't he?"

Zhang Xinmei: "...

he looked at Si yuzao and thought that the reason for this girl's virtue was the fault of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

What kind of bullshit parents are they? What kind of bear children they raise!

He was unable to let Si yuzao go, so he took out his wallet and turned out a small photo for him.

The picture shows a young girl with hot hair and fashionable dress. She looks at the camera like a flower with a smile.

Zhang Xinmei said, "see? This is my fiancee."

Si yuzao is shocked.

She didn't know about it.

"Really?" She sat up straight. "Really? How can I not know? "

"Do you need to report your adult's affairs to a kid?" Said Zhang Xinmei.

Si yuzao is not very interesting.

She can flirt with Zhang Xinmei, but now that the other party has a lover, yuzao feels that she should grasp the degree well, otherwise it will be really annoying.

"She's beautiful." Jade algae road.

Zhang Xinmei almost choked to death by her own saliva: "Miss Si, who is narcissistic to this extent, can say that others are beautiful?"

"Even if I am the most beautiful in the world, his fiancee is also the most beautiful in his fiance's heart. I praise her for her beauty. This is respect for you, Uncle Zhang." Siyuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei found for the first time that Miss Si could not speak. When she really wanted to be liked, her mouth was still very sweet and her words were very pleasant.

The reason why she has been mentally disabled and narcissistic is that she doesn't take other people seriously.

"Then I'll thank you for your aunt." Zhang Xinmei said, "when we get married, please have a wedding party."

"Good." Siyuzao said with a smile.

The two of them chatted for a while, and the fishing song made the small soup bag for the night.

Zhang Xinmei was full of praise and said to the fisherman's song, "you have this skill and don't worry about getting married. It's your young lady. The future is uncertain. "

"Uncle Zhang, don't make me hate you." Yuzao has a steamed bun in his mouth, and his words are not clear.

Yuzao didn't care too much about it.

Zhang Xinmei has a fiancee. After all, he is twenty-eight and nine years old. It is reasonable to have one.

As for who the other party is and what he does, Zhang Xinmei didn't say it carefully. Everyone has his own privacy. Yuzao can understand it better.

She also thinks that when Uncle Zhang gets married in the future, she can go to his house to play with children.

Yuzao likes children from one to two years old very much. She doesn't love them when she is too old.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, yuzao suddenly saw an obituary in the newspaper.

The obituary was sent by the family members, who said that their wife died of illness, their relatives and friends, their bodies were brought back to their hometown, they didn't need to attend the funeral, and even said that his house somewhere had retreated.

This obituary is a little strange.

What's more strange is that the obituary has a picture of her fiancee. Si yuzao held the newspaper for a long time.

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