Yuzao has to read newspapers and understand current affairs every day, which is a habit she has developed since childhood with her parents.

She got up a little late today and took the newspaper to school.

When she saw the obituary and the photo, she was in the middle of the second class, and then in the third class, she was dazed and named by the teacher once.

After class, Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan, who were sitting behind her, poked at her: "Why are you distracted? Can't understand? "

"No, I can understand." Yuzao smiled, "it's a little thing."

She had no one to say, so she spread out the newspaper to Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan.

"This woman is the wife of the obituary, isn't she?" She asked.

Two female students came together and read the obituary. They thought it was normal.

It is very common for many foreigners to be buried in Shanghai with coffins after their families die. When I left, I told my relatives and friends about it, and asked them not to go to his home for sympathy, and by the way, I left my house.

"What's the matter, do you know her?" Ma Xuan asked, "I don't see what's wrong with this?"

A few male students came along.

We talked about the obituary with all sorts of tongues. Some people raised questions, but the guesses were not reliable.

In the fourth class, when the teacher came in, they were still together, so the teacher confiscated the newspaper.

The teacher also saw the obituary in the newspaper and suddenly stopped.

He quickly confiscated the newspaper and began the class.

Near the end of the class, the teacher shouted to stop Si yuzao: "Si classmate, you wait a moment."

After all the students left, the old professor, who was nearly 50 years old, returned the newspaper to Si yuzao and said, "why talk about this?"

Si yuzao is embarrassed to smile: "it's a small thing, my friend said he knows this woman..."

the old professor looked at her face carefully, as if to confirm the truth of her words.

For a long time, the old professor said quickly: "there is no problem with people and obituaries, but there are whispers. This is the exchange of information among the revolutionary underground parties. "

The whole person of Si yuzao froze for a moment.

The old professor said: "I heard that you are from Nanyang. Your family is very rich. In this case, go to school well and don't mix too much. You children can't make it clear that Shanghai is a place of treachery. "

Si yuzao didn't move for a long time. She stuck there and couldn't find the north.

She didn't go to the afternoon class. She went directly to the Transportation Bureau to find the infatuated Master Zhang.

But young master Zhang is not here. He has lunch at noon.

Si yuzao and his adjutant song you went to Zhang Xinmei's home. The result suddenly noticed that the brand of Zhang Xinmei's apartment building was exactly the opposite number of the brand on the address mentioned in the newspaper.

The brand is the opposite, the address is irrelevant, but yuzao's suspicious back is cold.

She and song you went to the opposite street and observed Zhang Xinmei's building carefully.

Young master Zhang is used to extravagance. He bought an apartment building and lived in only one. Others think it's incredible, but it's not a rare thing for the extravagant young master Zhang.

If he is simple and thrifty, he will make people suspicious.

Yuzao looks at it and suddenly finds that behind the curtain on the second floor, it seems that a corner has been raised.

When I took her to look carefully, it was silent.

There was a bad feeling in her heart.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xinmei came back. He went back to the branch office after lunch. The Secretary said that Miss Si had come and left a message to wait for her at his home.

Today is a working day, yuzao also needs class. Her sudden appearance makes Zhang Xinmei puzzled.

Back home, I saw Si yuzao.

She is watching his building carefully.

Zhang Xin frowned a little and said, "what's the matter? What kind of Moth have you made?"

Yuzao had swallowed a lot of confrontations.

She said with a smile: "I was scolded by the teacher last time in class, so angry. I am so beautiful, he actually scolds me, I don't want to go, truancy for a day. "

Although Zhang Xinmei tried hard to keep calm, he was in a bad mood.

He said: "yuzao, don't always be so naughty. Adults have to go to work to make money. Not everyone's life is as easy as yours."

"People don't care, but you and I are the same kind of people. Your father left so much money for you, and you have contacts. Why are you not relaxed when you call the wind and rain in Shanghai?" Siyuzao asked.

Zhang Xinmei suddenly stops talking.

However, Si yuzao said, "or do you secretly do anything to betray the government?"

Zhang Xinmei immediately grabbed her arm.

He said, "come in!"

He took yuzao back to his apartment and left the adjutant downstairs.

As soon as he came in, he asked her, "what are you talking about? Did you see the newspaper? "

"Your fiancee's obituary?" Yuzao picked up her eyebrow. "Yes, I saw..."

Zhang Xinmei let her go.

He sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, which seemed a little dispirited: "yuzao, I want to make it clear to you that I did something disgraceful..."

yuzao held his breath.

Then she heard Zhang Xinmei say, "I'm in love with a married woman."

Yuzao's voice stuck in her throat.

She thought, does Zhang Xinmei really think she is a straw bag? Do you think she is ignorant to tell such a bad lie?

She didn't answer. She looked at her quietly.

"... she was murdered." "Zhang Xinmei said," her husband will get even with me. Don't tell anyone about it. "

Yuzao doesn't speak.

Zhang Xinmei said: "I know you look down on me, but sometimes adults are so dirty..."

yuzao sneered.

"Uncle Zhang, is it harder to be an underground party than a traitor?" Jade algae asked.

"What do you say?" Zhang Xinmei said sharply

"I said, your fiancee is the revolutionary party, and your building is the stronghold of the underground party. There are people on the second floor! " Siyuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei stands up abruptly.

He grabbed yuzao's throat, propped her against the wall, and asked, "what do you say? Who told you, how do you know? "

"I lied to you." Yuzao breathed hard. "Uncle Zhang, you'll reveal your secret when you cheat..."

Zhang Xinmei looked into her eyes and was stunned for a long time.

He slowly let go of his hand.

Yuzao breathed slowly. Her throat hurt a little. She coughed hard.

Her back is facing her.

He was silent all the time, as if he was thinking about something.

Yuzao said: "it's my teacher. He said that the underground parties are exchanging information. He probably knows a lot, not the underground party, or he won't tell me. Uncle Zhang, don't be nervous. I don't know anything. I was just shaking my wits. "

She still has her back to her.

Si yuzao continued: "I will not tell anyone. Now the government is holding the local party. You are a senior government official or Mr. Zhang Jiuye. If you say that, you will die. I know that."

Take a deep breath and turn your head.

He approached Si yuzao and held her cheek in his hands.

He lowered his head slightly and looked into her eyes.

"Yuzao, you remember my words, there is no underground party, and you don't know that I told you about my fiancee. As for your professor, you should protect him. You can't talk to anyone about his words. " Said Zhang Xinmei.

"So you are?" Asked Si yuzao.

Zhang Xinmei shook her head: "I'm not. I'm Zhang Jiuye from Shanghai. Just remember that. No matter who asks you, no matter what happens in the future, you must remember. "

Yuzao frowns slightly. She's a little confused.

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