Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1642 Zhang Xinmei's confession

Everyone has a position.

Although the Nanjing government was not set up by the Department, the Department had its credit.

His friends and subordinates are all senior government officials.

Therefore, yuzao feels that the government is just.

She doesn't know the underground party.

Her family didn't mention the underground party, nor did her parents. After she arrived in Shanghai, she was with her classmates and overheard them.

Most of them are furtive.

Yuzao never thought that Zhang Xinmei would be an underground party.

At such a young age, he was able to be a sub director, who was already in a high position; he was the son of the last leader of Hongmen, and the whole Hongmen people were his uncles and brothers.

The whole Shanghai beach, Mr. Zhang Jiuye can walk horizontally.

Why did he choose this road?

And he never imagined that his partner, who was about to pretend to be his fiancee's comrade in arms, would be killed as soon as he arrived in Shanghai. In order to make his fiancee appear reasonably, he told yuzao in advance, but because of this, he also revealed the truth.

"Shall I tell my mother about it?" She thought.

She dare not.

The situation in Shanghai is too complicated. She is so close to Zhang Xinmei that the telegram may not be safe.

Once the telegram is hijacked, she will kill Xin Mei.

She was up all night, tossing and turning.

The next day, Zhang Xinmei came early in the morning.

He proposed to send Si yuzao to school, but there were only a few steps to go.

Before going to school, they had a chat alone.

Zhang Xinmei told her what she said last night: "uncle can't bully little girls. Since you guessed it right, I should admit it."

Yuzao looks at her in surprise.

"Do you have anything to ask?" Zhang Xinmei asked

"I have too much to ask." Yu Zao said, "first of all, why?"

"Yuzao, this is a belief. I believe in communism. I know it and learn it, so I'm willing to dedicate myself to it.

Of course, the reason why I embarked on this road is actually the mission of the family. This is the way my father walked. He joined the party a long time ago.

When I was 12 years old, I got the whereabouts information of Si Xingfu, which made my dad think I was still a little plastic, so he passed on the secret to me. " Said Zhang Xinmei.

Yuzao is stunned.

She couldn't believe looking at Xinmei, which shocked her more than yesterday's news.

"... isn't your father the leader?" She seemed to ask a stupid question.

Zhang Xinmei smiled helplessly.

Yuzao's heart is empty after being shaken. It seems that there is only echo of voice. She has no ability to speak.

For a long time, she looked into the eyes of Xinmei: "it's very dangerous, you know?"

"I know." Said Zhang Xinmei.

"May die."

"I know, too."

"But it's faith, isn't it?" Jade algae road.

Zhang Xinmei said, "yes, and Zhang Jiuye is not afraid to die."

Yuzao finally smiles.

She reached for her hand and held it. "Although I am different from you, I understand you and I will keep it secret."

Xinmei smiled.

Si yuzao immediately came to the spirit and asked him, "this is a secret about yourself and countless people behind you. Did you tell it to me, and was it confused by my beauty?"

Zhang Xinmei: "...

Miss Si's serious words have been seriously missing.

Zhang Xinmei took a smoke from the corner of her mouth, stood up and said, "I'm leaving. You can talk to others about this rubbish!"

"What is rubbish? Am I not beautiful? " Si yuzao is dissatisfied.

Zhang Xinmei is angry: "who have you seen that has money and hangs it around your neck every day?"

"Beauty is different from copper money. Beauty is on the neck, in the most conspicuous place!" Siyuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei: "...

Zhang Jiuye, whose intestines are all remorseful, wishes he could go back to an hour ago.

If you can go back to an hour ago, he must slap the man who made the decision to tell the secret to Si yuzao: are you out of breath!

Maybe when she left last night, her eyes were too sad and worried, which made Zhang Xinmei sleepless all night.

He always recalled that those beautiful eyes should not be dyed with such a painful color.

So, risking his life, he decided to tell her the secret that had been exposed.

But he forgot, Si yuzao is a stick climbing, give her three color she can open dye shop.

Go to his mother's sorrow, she can fight all over the world by her beauty, sad ghost!

In the following days, Zhang Xinmei hides from Si yuzao and never wants to see those two goods again.

Yuzao has looked for him several times, but no one has been found. Zhang Xinmei begins his life of extravagance and drunkenness again, and even mixes with a star again.

Based on his identity, yuzao suspects that the star is also an underground party.

Sometimes she doesn't understand. Some people live very well. Why do they have to take risks?

"Am I a man without faith? In this world, is there anything I have to throw my head and shed blood for? My family is rich and influential. Will I worry about the world and fight for unrelated people? " Jade algae ask themselves.

She was depressed by this question.

She said to song you and the maid, "I don't think I have much energy to live."

The adjutant and the maid were terrified.

They surrounded yuzao and said, "how can you live without energy, miss? Don't you want to learn medical skills and help the wounded and the dead? "

Yu Zao is stunned.

Yes, she was a little crazy recently because of the matter of frowning. She almost forgot her ideal.

She is not ignorant. She wants to be a doctor like her mother and aunt.

"Besides, you are so beautiful! It's a thousand years since God created a top beauty. There's no color in the world without you. " The maid said.

This is yuzao's original words. The fishing song is just a retelling for her.

Yuzao's mood immediately cleared up.

She said: "you almost forget that I'm so beautiful, how can I look for life and death?"

Therefore, Miss Si's self exploration officially ended, and she was restored to be the second product of the world of disaster. She decided to clean up the scuffles of the Federation first.

The maid and the adjutant were also greatly relieved.

Song you doesn't know what happened to yuzao, but it must have something to do with Zhang Xinmei, because she hasn't been right since that day.

He sent a telegram to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, who were far away in Switzerland.

After receiving the telegram, he wanted to go to Shanghai.

Gu Qingzhou stopped him.

Yuzao needs to grow. Her parents can't replace her in this process.

The world is not peaceful. The omens of war are more and more strong these years, and they extend to the whole world. Maybe now they are worse than they were a decade ago.

The children in charge of the family must adapt to this society.

"No matter what happens, yuzao can deal with it. We teach her very well. She is our daughter and our proud student. She can cope with it. " Gu Qingzhou road.

At the same time, she also sent a telegram to Zhang Xinmei and asked him, "how are you?"

Zhang Xinmei received the telegram and smiled bitterly, but she did not return at last. It's not up to him to decide whether he's good or not.

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