Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1653 luck of Si yuzao

Yuzao returned to the classroom and told her classmates about the meeting of the Federation.

She said nothing but Lu Wenli's objections.

Her classmates are very excited.

When the teacher came to class, everyone didn't listen very much. They asked the East and the west around the teacher.

The teacher was also under a lot of pressure. He kept saying to the students, "don't worry, it's just a rumor. He didn't say to unite."

Once united, the career of teachers should also be reshuffled, which is not good news for most teachers.

Everyone is worried, but people are like ants. Sometimes when a decision is pressed down, there is no way but to adapt, and even to think about the benefits, so that they can have the courage to continue to live.

All day long, the students didn't care to listen to the class, the teacher didn't care to give a lecture, and Si yuzao followed, listening to everyone's gossip.

There is everything to say.

She listened to it with two ears full and didn't make sense of it.

The dispute of the Federation ended after Si yuzao and Lu Wenli left.

They didn't continue to vote to dismiss Si yuzao and Lu Wenli, because Du Xi was kicked by Si yuzao. They needed to go to the hospital to have a look. Maybe their ribs were broken.

At half past five in the afternoon, Zhang Xinmei arrived at the school gate of siyuzao on time to pick her up from school.

She told Zhang Xinmei what she had today.

She showed off with three points in her voice.

"I didn't tell you not to make trouble?" It's a headache.

"I didn't cause any trouble. It's just. Support for senior brother Lu." Siyuzao said.

When it comes to senior brother Lu, her eyes shine a little. When it comes to his attack, Si yuzao has to admire him.

"It's very tactful and talented. I'm not good at being insidious. I like him very much!" Siyuzao said with a smile.

Zhang Xinmei suddenly stopped talking.

He took yuzao to dinner. Yuzao still talked about Lu Wenli.

Zhang Xinmei can't bear it. She sniffs at her: "small skills of carving insects."

"You are jealous!" Si yuzao said, "although elder martial brother Lu has two points, he is as smart as a monkey."

"You listen to your own words. Are they contradictory?" Zhang Xinmei glanced at her coldly. "You're smart again. How could you be such a strange person?"

She laughed herself.

Because Lu Wenli is a strange person.

Zhang Xinmei was angry all night. He told Si yuzao to go back to have a rest as soon as possible. Tomorrow, don't make trouble. Just take care of yourself.

"So many people are at ease. You alone can't live without causing trouble?" Zhang Xinmei said, "you're still a student. Do you understand if you're alone?"

Si yuzao is not familiar with the old antique.

"Zhang Xinmei said:" you should be careful, the people of the Federation will retaliate against you, at the latest, tomorrow

Si yuzao said: "I'm not afraid. Last time I tried to hurt me in Duxi, I didn't get out of danger? I've always wanted to kill him. This is a good chance. "

"... bastard, if you are killed, I will not collect your body. Go away!" Said Zhang Xinmei, pushing her out of the car.

Si yuzao thinks that this uncle has a good temper today. He doesn't know what medicine he took wrong.

She went home and took a bath. She was very upset when she thought about what happened today.

Maybe she thought too much before going to sleep, and yuzao fell asleep and began to dream.

She dreamed of a sea of fire, hot and hot everywhere.

Her ear is her mother's words: "don't flutter when you are afraid, count three times calmly..."

this is what her mother told her when she learned to swim.

So she calmed down. Then she saw the door, hidden behind the fire, and the handle could be easily opened.

Yuzao wrapped her hair and rushed across the fire, but suddenly she was held tightly.

"Help me, don't kill me!" The woman cried.

She touched the blood in her hands and woke up.

Before going to bed, the weather was a little stuffy. She used the electric fan that Zhang Xinmei gave her. It was humming and turning, like the sound of a fire in a dream. The lightning flashed and thunder outside the window, the rainstorm at dusk, finally came at night.

Yuzao stands by the window.

Her window can see the school, and even the fifth teaching building. The two-story building is newly built, and the red exterior wall is particularly striking.

In the middle of the night, on the second floor of the fifth teaching building, there was a faint flash of light in the window, like a flashlight or lightning in the distance.

Yuzao stands behind the window lattice, letting the damp breath rush to him.

"Is that the laboratory?" Yuzao calculated the location.

They often use that lab in the first grade. Lu Wenli is one of the assistants.

"Would it be senior brother Lu?" Jade algae puzzled, "so late, what does he do to the laboratory?"

However, it's too far away. In addition to the darkness in the night sky, yuzao carefully recognizes that she hasn't arrived at her school. It's just the residents near the school, or even the street lamps.

Rao thinks so. She wakes up song you and another adjutant.

"You go to school." She said.

Song you and his adjutant always have a person on duty at night. It's song you tonight. He's in a good spirit. He stood up and said: "it's so late. Go to bed, young lady. I'll have a look. Would you like to get the fisherman's song up and make you a snack? "

Yuzao looks at her watch. It's more than three o'clock in the morning.

In the morning, Yuge has to make breakfast, wash clothes, mop the floor and make lunch. In the afternoon, she has to buy vegetables, prepare dinner and have a snack. She can hardly be free all day. She wakes up. Tomorrow, she has no sleep, and she suffers all day.

"I'll have some milk and some biscuits." Yuzao said, "go quickly."

song you often Tucao his own big lady narcissism, but for the instructions of the big lady, he never questioned, even in the middle of the night, there was a heavy rain outside.

Yuzao heats the milk.

She sat at the table, thinking about the dream, and quietly gave a glass of milk to drink.

Half an hour later, song you came back.

He took a small box in his hand: "big lady, you didn't read it wrong. It's your lab, as expected. I saw two people sneaking away at the back door of the school."

Then he put the box on the table and turned to take off his raincoat.

"What is it?" Yu Zao asked

There is a small lock on the small box.

While yuzao was talking, she turned the lock away. When she opened the box, she saw what was in it and was speechless for a long time.

Song you also came to have a look.

He asked Si yuzao, "what do you want to do, miss?"

"Come on, call Uncle Zhang and ask him to help!" Siyuzao said.

Song Youdao is.

But the phone kept busy.

Song you was very experienced. He put down his phone and said to Si yuzao, "Miss, I'm afraid it's raining outside. The phone line is broken and I can't get through."

"Since they have been framed overnight, they must see the regulations tomorrow morning. We only have one night. Song you, go to drive. Let's go to Uncle Zhang. " Siyuzao said.

Song Youdao is. When the car arrived at Zhang Xinmei's apartment, Si yuzao asked song you to stay downstairs and go upstairs.

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