Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1654 yuzao's sincerity

Zhang Xinmei really doesn't know which life she owes to Si yuzao.

When he was sleeping soundly, the knock on the door woke him up, which made him sweat cold on his back. He thought something had happened.

I can't believe it's Miss Si yuzao.

This is not the point.

The point is that after Miss Si enters the door, she covers her eyes first: "are there any gorgeous girls? Hide it, I won't peek! "

She said not to peek, or quietly from the fingers.

What's more annoying is that she confirmed that Zhang Xinmei was sleeping alone at night. Tut said: "my uncle, who is nearly 30 years old, sleeps alone at night. It's so pitiful."

Zhang Xinmei lit a cigarette in silence and took a deep breath. The hot smoke suppressed all his emotions. He thought expressionless: I deserve it. When I was a child, I owe this product to be a child's daughter-in-law. I owe it to God. I deserve it!

He took three breaths in a row, and then slowly said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Can't I see you if I'm ok?" Asked Si yuzao.

Zhang Xinmei doesn't want to remind her that it's 3:30 in the morning. She doesn't want to remind her that she lives alone, because as long as he opens his mouth, Si yuzao will climb the pole.

Her shameless character is completely inherited from Si Xingfu.

Zhang Xinmei was calm and restrained and said, "of course. Miss Si, would you like to sleep with me? "

At the moment, Si yuzao also recognized his meaning and smiled: "no, I'm serious. If I want to frame a person for offering bribes, how can I operate it? The inspector will arrest him? "

"The house patrol is French, regardless of bribery. The police station in the public concession is in charge, and I have a way to arrest people now? " Asked Zhang Xinmei.

Si yuzao nodded.

She told Zhang Xinmei about the people and things she wanted to frame and asked him to help her.

Zhang Xinmei would like to remind her that she can make a phone call for such a small matter. He would also like to ask if it can be done in the daytime tomorrow. Did she come in the middle of the night deliberately disturb him.

But having seen through Miss Si's unreliable Mr. Zhang Jiuye, he decided to save saliva and say nothing to the goods.

"OK, you go back. I'll arrange it now. If you go to bed and get up early, you will have the energy to harm others. " "Good night, Miss Si," she said

"Uncle Zhang, you are a good man!" Si yuzao said, "you've done this for me, and I'm committed to it, right? You see how lonely you sleep alone. "

Zhang Xinmei thought every time that he had mastered the bottom line of Miss Si, and could not imagine that Miss Si always had a new breakthrough, only lower but no minimum.

He stumbled a little, looked back at Si yuzao and smiled politely: "my uncle likes the girl who has material but is petite."

Si yuzao is taller than her mother and aunt. She is slim and slim. At the same time, she doesn't have enough material on her chest.

She covered her chest as if to squeeze.

Zhang Xinmei immediately felt hot eyes and coughed heavily.

Siyuzao returned to his mind and put down his hand: "I am not petite, but I am beautiful. I am so beautiful that I can make up for it, right? "

Zhang Xinmei said coldly, "you celestial beings can't intermarry with ordinary people?"

Si yuzao: "...

when she left, Zhang Jiuye was also very tired.

He thought that Si Xingfu was intentional. He purposely cultivated his daughter's bad virtue to make trouble for his future uncle.

Whoever marries Si yuzao must have killed people and set fire in his last life. He needs to suffer so much in this life to repay.

On the way back, Si yuzao asked song you, "am I very flat?"

Song you looked in the rearview mirror and said, "it's quite flat. You wear military uniform just like a man."

Si yuzao: "...

she paused for a while and asked song you," do you like plump women? "

"I like it." Song You said.


"Because if I say I like ping, you will ask me whether I like you or not. I don't like you either, so I say I like the plump one. " Song you road.

Si yuzao kicked his seat angrily.

Song Youdao: "don't make any noise. I'm driving so late. I have no spirit. If I turn around and hit the car, I'll knock you into someone who lacks arms and legs. No one likes it any more."

Si yuzao immediately sat in the right posture.

She then asked song you, "do you think Uncle Zhang will like me if I work hard?"

"Yes." Song you road.


"I said no, you want to kick me again, I don't want to be kicked." Song You said.

Si yuzao gnashed his teeth and said, "why didn't I throw you on the road and starve to death?"

"Big lady, you have a little conscience!" Song you's face is expressionless. "I drive for you in the middle of the night. I'm loyal. Can't I get a good word from you?"

Si yuzao laughed.

Later, she didn't speak much. She looked at the dark night scene alone, and the street lamps were in rows, retreating one by one.

Song you saw her in the rearview mirror several times.

Seeing that she was really worried, he wanted to point her out.

In Song You's eyes, Si yuzao is his master, his benefactor and his only one. They grow up together. Yuzao is more important than his sister in Song You's heart.

He hopes to help her.

"Big miss, have you ever liked boys because you are so big?" Song you asked.

Si yuzao is ready to talk nonsense.

"... you know what I say." Song you added, interrupting her talk of bullshit.

After thinking about it, siyuzao rarely takes it seriously: "I've been dreaming since I was a child. I want to find a man like my father in the future. None of the friends around me are like my dad's, so... No one I like, they and I are good friends. "

Song you took another look at her, saw her expression was a little confused, and said, "Zhang Jiuye is a bit like a teacher seat."

Si yuzao did not retort.

She thought about it carefully. Zhang Xinmei, no matter in appearance or temperament, was really closer to Si Xingfu.

He is more mature, more handsome than his friends. At the same time, he loves to blow up hair.

"Yes." Si yuzao smiled. "He's more like my dad. If I want to find a boyfriend, it must be like him. "

"Do you want him then?" Song you asked again.

Si yuzao is silent

"why don't you talk?" Song you asked.

"I have a bad temper. I'm ugly and artificial. If I get married, I need to serve me every day. I can't change my temper anyway.

Uncle Zhang's career is enough for him to worry about. He is very tired outside. He will take care of me when he comes home, isn't it more tired? He should find a gentle and considerate woman. " Si yuzao said, "I can't harm the rest of my life just because I want to?"

Song you no longer asked, because he found that the eldest daughter of his family seemed to be crazy, but in fact, her head was clearer and wiser than anyone else.

The reason why she doesn't tune all day long is that she likes to play cheap, that's all. After confirming yuzao's idea, song you didn't try to match her with Zhang Xinmei any more.

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