In fact, Lu Wenli has not entered the state.

When Yang Youzi was filled with righteous indignation, he was thinking: what the hell is this student sister talking about?

What money, what job?

Then, Si yuzao took a piece of paper to him.

Open a look, is a letter of appointment, St. Paul's hospital to him, invited him to fourth grade as an intern.

"Oh, I see." Lu Wenli said with a smile, "if you can get this, it should be the hand of senior brother Duxi. Only his family has this ability.

How could he not pour dirty water on me when he saw the limelight and his family spent a lot of money to get it? Why didn't he come today? "

Lu Wenli is very accurate.

He knows about Duxi. Although he doesn't usually have much contact with him or object to his being the president, brother Lu has done a good job in analyzing Du Xi's character and character, which is in his mind.

That is a vicious and superficial boy. He is born beautiful and has money and power in his family. Otherwise, he will be oily and frivolous and difficult to achieve great things.

"He can't come." Si yuzao blinked mysteriously at Lu Wenli.

Lu Wenli recalled Yang Xuemei's words and asked Si yuzao, "what's in the small box was secretly changed by you?"

"Well. I also bought that snake. It's sold in the vegetable market. It's used to make snake soup. It's not poisonous at all. " Siyuzao said.

Lu Wenli came closer: "Yang Xuemei said, there is still cash."

"A lot."

"And the money?"

"It's mine." Si yuzao said, "am I busy for you?"

"Half for me." Lu Wenli showed a flattering expression. "Xuemei, you are so rich. Help senior brother."

Si yuzao: "...

if someone in the world stinks like her, it's probably senior brother Lu.

"That's stolen money, elder martial brother. You can't tell clearly after you take it." Si yuzao said, "otherwise, I'll call two banquets and invite you to eat meat."

Lu Wenli is a foodie. Wen Yan swallows his saliva: "OK, thank you, Xuemei. Will you go to eat tonight?"

Si yuzao is helpless with him and agrees to take him to his home for meat tonight.

Finally, an experienced schoolmate at the school said that the snake was non-toxic.

The students were bold enough to catch the snake.

As the whole school knows, in order to frame senior brother Lu, the people of the Federation opened their mouth freely and finally made a snake to scare people.

"Frame up!"

Such large characters are pasted all over the entrance of the Federation's office.

The people of the Federation hid far away and refused to go to the office.

Yang Youzi and several other members, including pan Luoying, the director, dare not go out in the conference hall for fear of being beaten by those students.

"Will Du grow?" Yang youyou held his head in agony. "What happened? He didn't show up? If he doesn't make arrangements, he can directly say, why do we even hide it and put a snake to tease us and the students? "

Everyone is silent.

A boy named Jiang Wan whispered, "maybe he didn't get the evidence at all. He just wanted us to bluff, but he didn't come. We got it wrong."

Another boy couldn't bear it: "it's about the offer of employment and cash. Even if you don't get the offer of employment, is it difficult to get some cash?"? The students have believed that it's easy to say with cash.

Even if he has no money, he can get it out of the membership fee. Besides, it's better to put an empty box than a snake. "

All of them began to blame Duxi.

Last time, Du Xi made a random decision to kill Si yuzao, so one of his classmates was expelled.

This time, the Federation was disgraced.

Their union is really a bully group, but they still have some semblance of decency.

Everyone is a gentleman, how to put on a mask, this is the dignity of the superior.

But Du Xi tore up their skin and made the students clearly see their "bully" face, which made them embarrassed.

"Shut up, all of you!" Pan Luoying, who has been silent, has a dignified voice. "It's clear that something happened. Someone changed that box! Can't you see that! "

Everyone was speechless for a while.

It seems that there are still students shouting and smashing the door outside. It's very fierce. They want the student union to give a statement. Why frame senior brother Lu?

It was all dark.

The school can't manage it. The dean and the teachers are at a loss. Of course, they also secretly hope that the students will make a big noise, so that the government can cancel the plan of the five school alliance.

We all have our own ghosts.

With Lu Wenli, Si yuzao went to her apartment again and asked the maid to buy fish and meat to entertain Lu Wenli.

"Song you, did you buy the evening paper?" Asked Si yuzao.

Song Youdao: "I have already bought it, miss."

He handed in two evening papers.

Lu Wenli is confused: "what's on the evening paper..."

he stops unconsciously before his voice falls.

He looked at the newspaper and then laughed, "is that what you did?"

There is a notice in the newspaper: the president of Shanghai Chamber of Commerce of Western medicine and his son Du Xishang are suspected of bribing the Education Bureau, misleading the government's policies and realizing their illegal purposes.

In addition to the notice, there are also photos of Duxi.

In this picture, Du Xi takes off his glasses, and his eyes are extremely deep, and his eyes are extremely sinister.

"Not me." Si yuzao said with a smile, "I went to see my Uncle Zhang last night. He sent someone to do it. Uncle Zhang is Mr. Zhang Jiuye of Shanghai beach. He said anything! "

"Zhang Jiuye? The last one? " Lu Wenli asked, "I went to check later. He seems to be the young master of Hongmen, but after his father died, he didn't contact Hongmen."

"Yes, he is." Siyuzao said.

"I want to thank him another day," said Lu

But not until another day.

After Yuge bought vegetables, Zhang Xinmei arrived.

He heard that Lu Wenli had come. Thinking of all the things that Si yuzao did last time, he was not sure. He followed them to watch them, so as not to let Si yuzao get confused.

Lu Wen said thanks again and again. He asked yuzao for wine and offered two glasses to Zhang Xinmei.

What Zhang Xinmei didn't want to drink was so entangled by him that she had no choice but to drink.

The next day, the whole school knew the news that Du Xi had been arrested.

"It turned out that his family was behind the five schools, and he was the culprit."

"He also framed senior brother Lu."

"The Federation has been bullying students and teachers for many years. It's not fair."

The students are getting more and more excited.

Lu Wenli took the opportunity to organize the student movement.

The school helped and approved Lu Wenli's application. With the help of Shengde Medical College, the other four schools responded. We are all young people, and we know each other's classmates and friends. Finally, other comprehensive universities also support the medical school. Half a month later, the government officially issued a statement: the five school alliance is a lie, and the Education Bureau has never issued an approval, so it is hereby clarified.

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